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Everything posted by JB0

  1. There's a few glaring errors it'd be nice to see fixed, though the traditional animation VS digital production makes that a huge undertaking. One that springs to mind is...there's a head-on shot of Kakizaki in his Valk cockpit, engine exhaust trailing behind him in one of the episodes. And they stacked it wrong for one cut to that shot, so the exhaust is the top layer instead of behind everything but space. The episode isn't one of the bad ones, and the error is ... well, not subtle, but not obvious either. It took me a few viewings to figure out WHAT was wrong, though I could tell something WAS wrong. But yeah... Macross is not Evangelion. Macross is not Gundam. No one will reanimate the series, nor even just the bad episodes.
  2. Bah. Mk2 or nothin'!
  3. The original? I like the Mk2, myself. Possibly because I'm strange. And everyone else just looks at me and goes "The Ray? Why? The original's way better!" when I say that. And then I am sad.
  4. Speaking of.... I snagged a Samurai Prowl the other day. First time I ever saw one. Is it me, or is the armor REALLY fidgety? A nice post hole on the back would've secured it a LOT better than the two tabs in the wings(that physically can't engage on mine, unless I'm doing something very wrong). In general, I like Samurai Prowl's body better than the original. Though he could use a few more paint apps. The remolded thigh vents are VERY nice( I never modded mine, because i couldn't make it look clean).
  5. Possible that they didn't know how or where it ran. What if it was headed back to a major SA base? As I recall, they assumed the SA had formed an alliance with Earth when they initially arrived here. As far as Millia's age goes... she's a front-line soldier that gets high-risk operations. I would assume 15 is OLD for her job, if she's been fighting since the day she came out of the clone chamber. Compendium says Kamjin is 23, and that's the only other Zentradi I see with an age. It's safe to assume Britai, Exedol, and Bodol are a good bit older(both from art style, and Bodol's statements about culture in DYRL). It's quite possible that commanders have durable bodies with extended lifespans(or immortal brains in a jar if they're in DYRL?) but the lower-level troops don't. A fleet commander's experience is a lot more valuable than the guy shooting the gun, after all. I've said this a few times already, but it's really a shame how little we know about the zentradi.
  6. As I understand it, the M&M courtship was SUPPOSED to be more involved than what was animated, and it was one of the things scrapped when their 3-season story was cut to two seasons(before being extended back out to 3 seasons again after they'd edited it down). But yeah, I'm an M&M fan. I WANT to love that episode. It just hurts my retinas.
  7. Mario sports games?
  8. Wing Zero Custom is just silly. I preferred the Deathscythe Hell to the Hell Custom. Heavyarms is... more of the same? Admittedly, the Gundams in Wing are stylized to the point of absurdity ANYWAYS, but... Katoki seems to have a bad habit of taking one aspect of a design and exaggerating it to extreme levels. I think that's why there's not a Katoki Epyon. It's ALREADY too over-the-top.
  9. I think it's called the Getter Valkyrie.
  10. A lot of the stuff still needs porting over from the old site. Should be a relatively simple cut/paste job.
  11. They even mention it in the show. Global is ordering them to dock with the ARMDs and the zentradi fire an attack to prevent them from meeting up.
  12. Micheal Bay presents... A Micheal Bay film... Micheal Bay's Girls With Grenades! Coming to theaters April 2012.
  13. According to the manga, yes.
  14. Sadly, I actually played through 2036 a few times and saw it as an ARMD variant.
  15. What's this about Neo-Mitochondrial Creatures?
  16. True. But the destroids and Alex go beyond simple aesthetics. Especially the destroids, which typically don't even have hands to lift human-style firearms with. Not saying that's how ALL mechs should be, but... Stuff like the VF-17 makes me happy. The chest guns and leg "holster" are nice touches. Seconded!
  17. Watch them now! ... Actually, flip the reversible inserts around in the boxes, THEN watch them. And then walk down the street singing the Pixy Misa song and getting funny looks. It must be noted that Sasami's dad is the single most awesome character ever. Even if we're still not sure what exactly he does.
  18. I thought it was the RX-78. .... Or the Wing, if they're lame.
  19. Reading the comments on that. A. We get to laugh at YouTube for not knowing what a YF-12A is. B. Assuming they're accurate, HAWX has the Blackbird's TOP speed as mach 2? Someone must DIE.
  20. *twitch* I saw ONE episode of Magical Girl Club. That was... more than enough. I have not rewatched Magical Project S enough to cleanse my retinas yet.
  21. I actually rather like the Alex too. The forearm guns really win me over. I'm a sucker for those little de-anthropomorphizing touches like integrated weapons. It's probably why I actually like the destroids better than the VF-1. ... Did I just say that out loud?
  22. http://macross.anime.net/wiki/Reaction_Weapon. The reaction weapons USED to be fusion in SDF Macross, but by the time of Seven they're antimatter. That's how I read it. Just to add another PoV, but one that actually handles ALL of the text instead of ignoring parts to complicate it needlessly. The "By 2045" STRONGLY implies a change in usage as time passed.
  23. And we can cheer for our favorite home team, the Dunk Bombers!
  24. That one's an ad for the SOS Brigade. Hasn't shown up in animation, but she lugged it around in one of the books.
  25. They can't ALL be Starcraft:Ghost and/or Duke Nukem Forever.
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