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Everything posted by JB0
Since you put a ? on the end, I assume that doesn't make sense and shall attempt to explain. The disabled coprocessor wasn't ADDED to improve yields. It was DISABLED to improve yields. The original PS3 design called for all 8 coprocessors to be enabled. But they had a very high failure rate on Cells. Assuming one would be defective increased their yield dramatically, since they could disable the defect instead of throwing the entire chip out. It didn't do any good if the defect landed on the CPU portion, but they no longer needed all the coprocessors to come out right. Does that extra coprocessor make more sense now? This is actually a common practice in the CPU industry. Back in the ancient prehistor of of 1992, the 486SX wasn't a separate chip from the regular 486. They were regular 486es with defective floating-point coprocessors. So Intel disabled the FPU and sold it as a cheaper component*. More recently, AMD's 3-core Athlon64s are actually quad-core parts where one core failed. And both AMD and Intel offer parts with two different cache sizes. The smaller-cache parts are the same as the larger-cache parts, but one half of the cache failed. So they disable the bad cache and sell the processor as a lower-spec part. *(Once the yield on 486es went up and FPU failures became less common, the 486SX WAS a separate part that didn't have an FPU at all, but that's another story) The MAIN difference is actually that the Cell's extra "processors" aren't really full-fledged processors. They are coprocessors optimized for certain types of complex math, that can ONLY perform those specific complex math functions. Not coincidentally, the forms of math they are good at are the same kinds of math that modern video chipsets process*. It's very useful for graphical effects, but not so useful for general game logic. *(In fact, nVidia offers provision for using their graphics chipsets in supercomputers for precisely that reason. The specialized design of graphics processors means they can run these complex math problems MUCH faster than traditional processors.) The 360's three processor cores are all full-fledged processors, much like a dual-core processor on a modern PC. This gives it more general processing power, but less complex math power. The end result is the 360 is more powerful in some respects, but the PS3 is more powerful in others. Which is superior depends on what you're trying to do. As I understand things, the 360 design offers more of the kind of power which is useful to game logic, while the PS3 offers more of the kind which is useful for graphical effects.
There is not one system in the entire history of the industry that has been pushed to it's limits. Period, end of story. Hell, they're still finding new tricks to squeeze out of the Atari VCS/2600. A system with 128 BYTES of RAM and TWO sprites. THIRTY YEARS LATER. You look at that and THEN try saying anything's been pushed to the limit with a straight face.
It is translating, in a form you don't care for. It's also notable that SCEA typically REQUIRES a dub(ask Konami what happened to Symphony of the Night), so it's not like they had a choice ANYWAYS. As long as they're dubbing the story scenes(which is a requirement for a mass-market video game, whether you like it or not), dubbing the battles is required if you want to look like you expended any degree of care whatsoever. Otherwise you have one character with two voices. Personally, I'm still mildly annoyed off that Tales of Destiny has no translations for the victory quotes. And that Namco decided the appropriate way to handle voice-only cutscenes was to delete them rather than dub them. I grant that they would've done a BAD dub. But hey, I'd know what they were saying, and they wouldn't have had to slice out content because it wasn't in english. More recently... SRW: OG Saga: Endless Frontier has voice-only conversations after battles... in authentic, undubbed, japanese. Not grunts, attack names, and other miscellany. Actual inter-character conversations. Spoilers: most english-speakers don't understand japanese. That's why they buy english games. This is not an english release.
Dark Empire involved Luke's corruption, I believe.
I can see it now... Ulala: "Dodge... dodge... shoot, shoot, shoot." Vanessa: "What is this crap? THUNDERBIRD!" Ulala: "Hey, that's cheat-ARGLLBLARGGHHHH!!!!!!!!!! *twitch*" Seriously, I can't see it working well on the Wii. For a game as focused on precision and timing, the Wiimote just doesn't work well(and I just don't see them releasing a classic controller-only game at retail). Honestly, if there was an endless mode on the 'Cube, I'm not sure I'd be looking for a sequel. Because really, that's all that PN3 is missing.
The great Sega VS Sega war. Infighting between Sega America and Sega Japan after the Genesis decimated their market position so incredibly fast. The 32x fiasco never should've happened. The Saturn should've been sanely designed and properly supported. But it was more important to Sega Japan that Sega America looked bad than that Sega maintain a position of power and relevance in the market. And hey, it worked! When your company is actively sabotaging itself, something is EXTREMELY WRONG.
And if the coin lands on it's edge, we get DANCOUGA!
No, not really. Any way you slice it, after episode 3, it's just wasted air space. Moral of the story: If they don't stick close to the source material, they can't do squat. And continuing my dislike of Someday in the Rain(Hey, we can't JUST talk about "Endless Eight is endless")... I realized why exactly it feels so wrong. It's the only Haruhi story anywhere that isn't first-person. Large chunks of it are across town from Kyon. Aside from just being WRONG, it also strips the sarcastic commetary out of everything. And what fun is a Haruhi story without Kyon being a sarcastic ass?
A PN03 continuation would be nice. PN03.2? PN04?
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! According to both him and KyoAni, he left voluntarily. He even says as much in his apology. That he's apologizing not for doing this travesty, but for leaving when he could've stayed and fought the good fight. Now it may be that KyoAni made life suck until he felt he HAD to leave because he wasn't getting anything done, but...
That's the thing... it DIDN'T happen in the book. Endless Eight 2 was the first, last, and ONLY iteration published in print. Apparently, one of the Haruhi season one staff has apologized for not being there to stop Endless Eight. Apparently he quit while they were planning E8, and was arguing for no more than 2 episodes. After he quit, they plowed ahead with the Summer of Hell. Kyoto Animation has issued a statement saying, in effect, that he don't work here no more, so his opinion don't matter. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...le.php?id=62666
The theme song to M.A.S.K. had a second verse!
JB0 replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Man, I haven't seen Danger Mouse in forever. -
The thing I dislike about such idiots is that if enough of them say it, it becomes "true." To take an example from my other great passion, video games... ET was so hideously awful that it single-handedly killed Atari, nay, the entire video game industry! And they had to bury most of the print run in a landfill because they couldn't give it away! EVERYONE knows this. But... it's a combination of severe exaggeration and outright fabrication. ET was symptomatic of fundamental problems with management at Atari. The huge numbers of unsold carts had less to do with it being a bad game(it's actually a half-decent adventure game) and the fact that Atari made more copies of the game than there were systems in existence. They expected EVERY existing Atari owner to go buy a copy of ET AND for countless more people to go buy an Atari JUST to play ET. Screw-ups like this were quite common in the later days under Time-Warner's management. One game, Quadrun, had a retail release canceled because it didn't play-test well with ten-year-old girls, and thus had no hope of commercial success. PacMan's VCS port was blatantly phoned in. No one gave a damn because the name would sell it. And gamers were outraged. The VCS was simple hardware, but it was capable of so much more(if there were any doubts, Ms. PacMan and PacMan Jr. proved it.) And on and on and on. ET didn't kill Atari. Atari killed Atari. And the industry at large? A lot of things happened to cause the crash. ET wasn't one of them. As for a large number of copies being buried after retailers returned them to Atari... that's 100% true. BUT... it isn't the ONLY game to suffer this fate, nor indicative of the game's crappiness. The game industry at the time was a lot less hostile to retailers*, and this was a fairly common occurrence. Rather than leaving the retailers stuck with unmovable product that would plug clearance bins for years to come, Atari would buy back excess stock, destroy it, and write it off as a loss on their taxes. *And retailers were a lot less hostile to consumers. You could actually return a game just because it sucked. THIS is why I dislike idiots that won't do their research. They BECOME other people's research.
Have YOU ever been banned from an internet Forum??
JB0 replied to taksraven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
At this point, reality can't live up to the legend. But if you REALLY want it... the search button is up there. Search for doorknob, sort results in ascending order instead of descending. -
Ultra Magnus is like that too. Pretty disappointing. I think they mandated that as the gimmick for the size class, then realized it made no sense whatsoever since Starscream and Sentinel Prime weren't destined for Leader-class.
Have YOU ever been banned from an internet Forum??
JB0 replied to taksraven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Trust me... if the Joes had met Agent One, they would've offered radically different advice. Like "install automatic sliding doors on your house so you never have to touch them again. -
Have YOU ever been banned from an internet Forum??
JB0 replied to taksraven's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Only time I've ever been banned was... here, actually. For a few days. I had a gag account. I thought it was all in good fun. Apparently it was offensive, and secondary accounts are suspicious activity. ... Why can't I have any awesome stories? -
It's probably too much to ask, but I hope they include some extra bits. I'd like to see a few options on Samus' styling. Never cared for the Varia's shoulders. And the Prime-style arm cannon makes her look really off-balan... wait, does that open up for missiles? That's hot.
The theme song to M.A.S.K. had a second verse!
JB0 replied to David Hingtgen's topic in Anime or Science Fiction
Ya know, I've long wondered why they create second verses to theme songs. I suppose they intentionally ask the composer to overshoot and trim to length. Better to have too much music than too little, right? But it gets silly sometimes. I assume he means the cartoon version, which IS a unique, if derivative, work. Now if only he had a vocalless version... -
I have a PSP and DON'T have Macross Frontier Ace.
And if by "hottest pilot" you mean "second-hottest pilot after Milia."
No one knows. They've veered away from print at this point, and KyoAni isn't talking, far as I know. 3 episodes of Endless Eight was awesome... 4 was WTF. But five? Kyoto Animation, I applaud you. This is clearly the most epic attempt at trolling a fanbase in recorded history. Especially once the DVDs hit. If 5 doesn't close it out, then there will almost certainly be an entire DVD of Endless Eight that does NOTHING. Think about it. If we assume 4 episodes per disk, and that the DVDs are season 1+2, like the current broadcast... Endless Eight 1 closes out disk 3. 2-5 fill disk 4. And if 5 doesn't close it out... I would pay money to see the reaction to people coming in blind when they hit Endless Eight 3... then 4... then realize they have to buy ANOTHER disk for Endless Eight 5(which we HOPE will be the end) ... Dammit, how are they gonna have time to do Disappearance any justice at this point?
True. Though stripping the lights and sounds and MechAlive/AutoMorph from movie Prime would probably help a lot. Remember, MP Prime uses the inside of the cab to store a lot of extra junk in both modes. And that space isn't available in either movie's leader Prime.
Now, would it be better or WORSE if they'd proceeded to dig Jazz back out of the ocean in the beginning of the second movie. "Yo, 'bot... I'm Sam's dad. My son's driving a nicer car than me. Violates the natural order. You see where I'm going with this, right?" "Yeah, I'm cool. Let's roll. Nice to be not-dead again."