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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I've seen it a few times. I believe the most recent incident was an article about an editorial piece from a game developer about how game technology needed to evolve in more ways than just graphical impressiveness. The article writer took it to be saying how game technology was evolving so amazingly fast because of the graphics. The few commenters that called him on it got flamed religiously. It was embarrassing.
  2. Jetfire was licensed before there was a cartoon, when it was JUST a pile of transforming robot toys. Now, OTHER characters, like Shockwave, were rarely used because they weren't Takara toys, and Takara wanted to sell Transformers in Japan too. But Jetfire was different. They didn't HAVE animation rights to him. Not internationally, anyways. So when the export-this-show-back-to-Japan idea started... hey, this dude wasn't usable! The REAL question is... why did they special-case him and make Skyfire, when they ignored Roadbuster and Whirl totally? ... Actually, that doesn't really makes sense. They never used the Deluxe Insecticons in the cartoon, and they had no animation rights to worry about. Maybe it was just that Bandai owned them, and Takara wasn't gonna have it's business partners advertising products from their arch-nemesis? That seems to be the common thread. All the toys that were TOTALLY ignored were owned by Bandai, the ones that were MARGINALIZED were owned by Not-Bandai-But-Also-Not-Takara. Shockwave's base toy was also released as a competing product in the US, by Radio Shack.
  3. You mean.... they'd be making the VF-17?
  4. Most gaming sites will not directly contradict an article they link to while discussing said link. Most of the ones that WILL at least have the decency to not directly contradict a quoted excerpt they include in their own article. But Kotaku? Will happily include a quote, then immediately go on to discuss the quoted portion and not only get it completely wrong, but DIRECTLY CONTRADICT it while explaining how wholeheartedly they agree with it.
  5. It's Kotaku. Their EDITORS are retarded morons. What do you expect of their comments section, which draws the absolute bottom of the barrel out into the light on ANY site? MobyGames has him listed as doing graphic design on 4 games. 2 are Capcom, 1 is Hudson, 1 is SNK/Playmore. I suspect he's freelance. I also suspect that MobyGames is fairly western-oriented and he's done art for more than 4 games in the last decade.
  6. Honestly, I suspect they ONLY wanted the name. "Hey, remember those movies a few years back about a space rock ramming the Earth? Let's do one about TWO space rocks ramming the Earth!" "Sounds good. We can call it ASTEROIDS! Because there's two of them. It's like Aliens." "I think Atari owns that name." "Crap. Can we buy it off them?" Or maybe they're gonna adapt the story from the home port manual... http://www.atariage.com/manual_html_page.h...areLabelID=1007 Linked for your suffering.
  7. Hey, that "& up" is important!
  8. Seriously? Well, Hollywood... at least you can't mess it up too badly, since there's no established story(that anyone cares about) or canon. That's a start.
  9. Especially since in Macross, things are spread wide enough that you can get a decent stereo view of the galaxy. 2 telescopes in the Sol system doesn't give you a lot of depth perception at interestellar distances. But throw them on two separate colonies a few light years apart... or even better, on two separate colony fleets headed in different directions...
  10. Even back then, some toys were better than others Hound had little tiny T-Rex arms. Prime was unable to raise his arms at the shoulder. Shockwave had very human proportions, and "massive" articulation. 2 independent legs with hips AND knees(which was incredibly rare in G1 times), and both arms had elbows and 2-axis shoulders. Sadly, as the line went on, the simpler and less-articulated designs were the ones that became more common. Even to the point of mono-foot designs taking over the whole line. Certainly, this was the same generation that brought us the six-changers, but for the most part it was not a case of engineering moving forward. While I certainly think that the Constructicons are grossly bungled on many levels... it's worth noting that Movie Devastator does something G1 Devastator can't do. It BENDS. And... Legends Devastator has transforming robots that combine... which doesn't exactly hurt your case, since their absolute cheapest and simplest subline can do a transforming combiner but neither the Voyager nor Supreme Constructicons can do both, despite being MUCH more expensive. Actually, it seems appropriate, given retro-nostalgia movies are almost invariably disappointments and shameless cash-ins.
  11. And Basquash 13 is back to awesome! TEAM SPANKY FOREVER!
  12. Awww, nuts... The robot hanging under it isn't hidden at all. And unlike Classic Silverbolt, it doesn't really blend. But it's a QBerting Blackbird... complete with Skunk Works logo on the tail. I want to not want it... but I want it. *squints at picture* I maybe mistaken, but I think that's actually an A-12 nose, not an SR-71. Definitely not a YF-12. Edit: I am mistaken. It's definitely an SR-71 nose.
  13. They're culturing? No wonder zentradi tend to run screaming from pop shows. "E. Coli culture will reach maturity in 10... 9... 8..." "DIBS ON THE RESTROOM!" "OUT OF MY WAY!" "IT'S COMING UP!"
  14. The legal standing of "look and feel" cases, which is what a Valk VS Legioss case would boil down to, varies greatly with era. In the modern US courts, you'd probably get laughed out. I can't imagine that the modern japanese courts would take such a case any more seriously, given look and feel encourages some of the most frivolous copyright lawsuits imaginable.
  15. Paperback or hardcover? I've got book 1 in hardcover. Didn't even consider the alternative.
  16. I don't think that'd help. I think the problem is that BOTH episodes are just titled Endless Eight. I've been pinning the "2" on when referring to the episode instead of the story arc, but... I'd bet he's only seen Endless Eight 1.
  17. OBJECTION! *Roy Fokker thrusts his finger out* Your honor, this man is guilty. Of murder. He said it himself. While his motives are commendable, that does not affect his innocence.
  18. New 13, which is Endless Eight 2. Not old 13, which was Day of Sagitarrius. And DEFINITELY not original broadcast 13, which was Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi V. I suppose you COULD also call it season 2, episode 3. ... This franchise has the most unnecessarily convoluted episode numbering ever.
  19. Episode 13, time 13:57. Koizumi: "We've entered an endless recursion of time. 14: 28. "We are experiencing the same timeframe over and over again." One two-week period, repeating endlessly.
  20. I suspect she ran out of books to read a few years ago, too. ... Maybe she was reading something that ended on a cliffhanger and she was realizing she might never see how it ended?
  21. Endless Eight is a story about time loops. Pretty sure the latest episode DID say as much. Endless Eight seems to be getting most of the book content in. I wasn't aware the manga had progressed past the first season of anime, but then... I haven't been paying it much attention.
  22. Several of the characters ARE older in DYRL. Not just Hikaru and Minmay. Misa, Max, Claudia, Kakizaki, the Bridge Bunnies... They are not CONSISTENTLY older, though. 1 year Max and Hikaru got one year older, but Kakizaki gained 6, for example. Though it should be noted Minmay is 17 in DYRL, not 18. This post brought to you by free time and Macross Compendium.
  23. Endless Eight is interesting in that it's the first time they've added more to the print stories instead of truncating them. I think that's really the only reason(aside from a truly massive loyal fanbase) they can get away with the three-peat. That and messing with the people that are saying "I know how this is gonna go, I read the book ages ago." Pretty sure the ending to Endless Eight 2 sideswiped every last one of them, myself included. Though, barring an entire season of Endless Eight(and I don't think the show can sustain THAT kind of gimmickry), we know how the NEXT episode ends. Speaking of the resolution... I'd read the book before I make any broad generalizations. Though I do recall the Trek episode in question being somewhat less than the franchise's finest moment.
  24. And in Macross' case, it gets some authenticity. English is, as I understand it, the official language of flight.
  25. I liked it. They're focusing on the changes, and the new perception. Which was one of the things I was worried about not coming across. And twisting around at the end and NOT escaping the time loop lets us see how things have gone some of the other iterations. As well as surprising the viewers, who at this point they probably assume have read everything available. Honestly, I think they might've done Endless Eight better than the print version. Let's see how the next episode comes out.
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