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Everything posted by JB0

  1. And then the Earth will send two prototype Mosquito fighters with adaptive weapons systems in and crush the rebellion! (Go play Mars Matrix.) Seriously, though... we HAVE to leave Earth if we intend to survive. Global extinctions aren't really an uncommon event, and I'd like to think we'd scattered before the next one hit Earth. We don't need the zentradi to wipe things out. We ALREADY live in a cosmic shooting gallery. And the Earth's had some pretty radical climate shifts in it's history even WITHOUT the help of giant space rocks. Heck, homo sapiens came into existence DURING one. And of course, ultra-long term, the sun has a finite lifespan. Assuming that our descendants are still around in 4 billion years. Of course, we will ignore the long-term in favor of the shortest-term we can think of until the day we see a definite doom. At which point, it'll be too late.
  2. I thought it was a pretty fun movie. If it helps, pretend those AREN'T the 80s cartoon Turtles. They're from a DIFFERENT, but closely related universe. And I make no claims as to whether the originals were that goofy or not. I've actively avoided seeing any of the old Turtles cartoons again. Rewatching my childhood favorites always ends in pain. And me wondering how I could ever have been THAT stupid.
  3. Touche. They'd definitely want a way to patch up injured commanders and archivists. And possibly cybernetic upgrades(if nothing else, Bodol's ship-body in DYRL is one. I admit to being curious if Britai's eyeplate was intended as a replacement for an eye injured in a previous campaign or an "upgrade" of some sort.). Of course, if what we've seen is any indication, the troops on the front lines aren't likely to come back in need of medical treatment because their mechs tend to erupt into fireballs around them. But that could easily be due to the camera pointed at the most exciting things at any given moment, similar to the VF-1 and destroid combustibility.
  4. Does it help if the flippers are an extra feature, and not part of the transformation proper?
  5. 4 words: Seaspray has scuba flippers.
  6. I would actually assume the zentradi DON'T have much in the way of medical technology. Why bother, when you can pop the top on a clone chamber and send a fresh troop to the front immediately instead of waiting for the injured guy to heal?
  7. Or since they'd never seen any physical remains or pictures of the former crew, they figured they were fighting a giant version of the Predator, Creature from the Black Lagoon, or something similarly not-quite human. Not that I DOUBT there was misinformation to the troops, but it was implied Roy was "in the loop." Heck, even if they HAD found physical remains, they probably would've assumed they looked more like klingons or romulans than humans.
  8. That's actually an interesting point. You WOULD think that any evidence of mixed-size crew would be noteworthy enough to get mention. The implication DOES seem to be that it was a macro-zentradi-only vessel(and in DYRL, the ASS-1 was a meltrandi vessel in that version of events, making it explicitly macro-only). The question becomes... is this unique to some SA vessels(making the ASS-1 an odd duck), or are all SA ships macro-only or miclone-only? Though they should still be able to extrapolate the general shape of the giants from the giant-sized equipment they used. Size matters not. Look at the zentradi restroom Max does his quick-change in. It's alien and teched up, but more or less recognizable as a restroom(or was intended to be, anyways. Max can tell as soon as he sees the space toilet.) If the zentradi were, say, centaurs instead of human... their restrooms would look a LOT different. And there wouldn't BE chairs, not as we know them anyways. Hallways would probably be a lot wider(need more space to turn around if you have a horse's backside). Airlocks would be deeper. Et cetera. I'd ask why they didn't find anything that would IMMEDIATELY make it clear how human they were(say, images in the crew database or 5-fingered spacesuits), but the ship was sent off as a booby trap. It was probably emptied of any gear that was easily removable, the database purged, the crew evacuated, and the autopilot programmed.
  9. They knew the size. Probably even that the aliens were humanoid. But I think the implication is that NO ONE knew they were 30-foot humans.
  10. And Roy was as surprised as Hikaru when the first zentradi staggered out of that Reguld and it was that human. Even skeletal remains would've told them that.
  11. Yes, because idle comments on a message board are EXACTLY THE SAME as building a real toy. All those internet posters are expert toy designers and taking into consideration molding issues, material stresses, pricing considerations, and all the other little details. NO ONE is making wild guesses based more on what they WANT to see than any real physical evidence. Right. If it doesn't happen, it's because there was a reason it couldn't happen. NOT because they totally dropped the ball and a bunch of guys on a message board could do it better. If it does happen... I still stand by this minirant. The hood is pretty weak evidence. Heck, Masterpiece Prime has an entire second false cab front because the animation chest doesn't match the truck front. There's no reason this can't be true of Hot Rodimus Convoy Prime Directive(with secret NCC-1701 No Bloody A, B, C, or D mode!) as well.
  12. Heck yeah! That game is AWESOME! Shame it didn't do well enough for XSeed to bring over the sequel(But Korg DS-10 DID? What is wrong with this picture?).
  13. So I grabbed Peg and Thrust earlier. Thrust is great, aside from being a Classics Seeker(I still think the base mold is pretty weak). I like the metallic plastic they used for the red. Unfortunately, MY Thrust has no eyes. They didn't paint them. At all. There's just indents above his cheeks. I HOPE this is a quality-control issue and not a case of "colors may vary" from the proto on the back of the box. Peg is an awesome mold. I like how his feet transform. His lower legs are pretty big, but I'm gont gonna complain that he isn't top-heavy. The rubber sword is nowhere near as bad as it could be. It's a little dinky, but not really that bad. ... Then he got some manga. He's been shouting something about Belldandy-sama for the last hour and swings that damn sword at me every time I get near him.
  14. If at all. I don't think Soundblaster/Black Soundwave saw a single episode. But how else you gonna sell the toys? 'S her own fault for not having a toy.
  15. I think it was more directed at the nay-sayers that think that's actually the final toy design and not a character reference. YOU TAKE THAT BACK! YOU TAKE THAT BACK RIGHT NOW! A. They block offsite linking. Gotta copy/paste to a new window to see it. B. IS it blue? I know it LOOKS blue, but that image pretty clearly has something very wrong with the colors. I mean, the background is green instead of white, for Primus' sake. The red data's basically GONE, and blue's not much better. I'd place ZERO stock in any guess about color from that image.
  16. DC got the license, and is giving it the same lavish treatment as their in-house blockbusters like Batman and Superman. Robotech VS Predator VS Robocop: coming soon to a comic store near you. ... I'd buy it... *hangs head in shame*
  17. Of course, Peg can actually cut lasers out of the air with his swords. And if he pulls the big sword out, he can actually use the edge to REFLECT lasers back at the attacker like a robo-Jedi. Which is why he doesn't carry guns.
  18. See, I think part of the problem is that they don't look alien at all. They all looked like robot people. Or robot people that got in a fight with a blender, in some cases. They're like Star Trek aliens: Add some forehead ridges and pointy ears to a human and pretend. Yes, even the Decepticons. Transformers 2 tried to offset this a little bit with Arcee and Demolisher, but they still came off as people on unicycles more than anything else.
  19. The unenlightened masses refer to him as Drift. They have not discovered his true glory yet.
  20. It's like if the Orkin Man was 3 inches tall and ADORABLE!
  21. Speaking of Compile and emulators... I REALLY wish someone had snagged Zanac X Zanac for a US release. It's such a fun game. Even has the original ship in it as an unlockable(and no fewer than three versions of NES/FamiCom Zanac available right from the start alongside the PS1 sequel). Edit: And all 4 ships are given microprocessor names for their model numbers, which warms my silicon heart. 68030, 80586, 3000A, and 6502FC.
  22. Am I the only person that thought the "push to talk" button on the back of the head was the best part of Masterpiece Prime? ... Yes? Okay, never mind then.
  23. Oh. Well, then... ... They seriously reused the buckethead design? Geez...
  24. Fair enough. But.... robot WOLVES! Seriously, I want to see toys of the inorganics(I think that's what they were called). NEVER gonna happen(especially not at any decent quality), but I want to see 'em. Admittedly, it's been many years since I watched it. I don't remember anything as garishly offensive from a purely technical standpoint as I've heard Shadow Chronicles has(I gather the low-budget CG is especially atrocious). Obviously, from an aesthetic perspective, Shadow Chronicles benefits greatly from not having Super Buckethead/Breetai. ... Man, you're gonna make me dig the tape out at this rate.
  25. Was it the Cat's Eye re-entry escort mission? Or the "defend the base until the evacuation timer runs out" mission? And I'm the guy that LIKED Battlecry.
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