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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Was it the Cat's Eye re-entry escort mission? Or the "defend the base until the evacuation timer runs out" mission? And I'm the guy that LIKED Battlecry.
  2. I'm sorry? What about Robotech 2: The Sentinels? Was it a truncated TV movie made from 3 episodes worth of content that ended as the story actually began? Well, yes. Did it actually get made and released? Yeah. I think I still have my taped-off-the-air copy from way back when somewhere... complete with thunderstorm warnings! From what I hear, Shadow Chronicles isn't complete either, so... the first point's not really relevant. And The Sentinels had higher production standards and robot wolves, so it's CLEARLY the better product. Tommy Yune: Failing even to achieve his achievements.
  3. Small Wonder? Oh man... I am SO sorry we exported that. You have my deepest condolences. Seriously, isn't that banned by the Geneva Convention?
  4. For me, Mortal Kombat will always mean one thing above all else: the infinite uppercut juggle. Sadly, I strongly doubt it will be present in the new game.
  5. I was waiting for the widescreen releases. At least I have the clips I downloaded off bittorrent... It's a pretty neat toy, BUT... Two fusion cannons? Am I the only person that sees that and thinks it's overkill even for Megatron? I'm still incredibly disappointed that Animated went out like it did. It deserved better. Heck, they'd only just started opening entire plot threads when they killed it.
  6. Hooray quality control! Actually, the chrome sword surprises me, aside from being incorrect. I thought Hasbro simply didn't DO chromed plastic anymore because it was easy to break and make something sharp and pointy with?
  7. Not something I ever thought I'd hear said about the animation industry. Itano is hardcore.
  8. Because no one bought Powered Up, but EVERYONE bought MM9 and MM10(even some people that don't LIKE Megaman). Though they have to rework the assets in any case, so it's kind of crazy. You could probably get away with a quick hack on many SNES games by setting the playfield layer to the same depth as the sprite layer, and the background layers to further distances. For a known target(say, Megaman X, to keep the theme), it's easy to specify which layers go where and how far they should be from each other. I'd actually like to see an emulator add the option, just for giggles. But for the NES... a quick and dirty hack won't work. Your playfield is the same layer as the background, so you can't do simple per-layer distance adjustments. Setting the depth of individual background elements on the game's collision map would be more complex AND generate some funky effects in the process. First example I can think of where it would fail horribly is the platforms in the Guts Man stage in MM1. The railings they ride on would be in the background, while the platforms themselves would be in the foreground. I suppose you can hand-tune the depths of every object on the map individually, but... sweet merciful Althena, that's a lot of work for a minimal payout. So yeah... long story short, I'm curious to see how they handle it. http://homepage.mac.com/qubedstudios/ Maybe related?
  9. VR controllers keep popping up, mainly in the PC market(in fact, most Power Gloves sold went to computer hobbyists. It was easy to adapt it for PC use, and it was the cheapest VR controller money could buy that actually WORKED). No one so far's been willing to commit to getting them taken seriously, so they all wind up as expensive toys with very little use.
  10. I thought he left on the SDF-3 with the REF, and became one with the Protoculture to save their bacon in End of the Circle? ... WILL YOU PEOPLE STOP MAKING ME REMEMBER END OF THE CIRCLE?!?!?! THE FACT THAT I MAY BE MIS-REMEMBERING IT IS NOT REALLY A MITIGATING FACTOR!
  11. From what I heard, you will ONLY face A blinking red light, because all errors are represented by the red power switch logo. But we shall always remember the Crimson Pacman in our hearts!
  12. Man, a desk that clean... 's not healthy. Product of an unstable individual, I tell ya. I don't have a digital camera handy, but mine has all sorts of junk on it. Random crap like antihistamines and some Transformers parts and shoelaces(your guess is as good as mine). LIKE A DESK IS SUPPOSED TO!
  13. 3DS makes me so glad I couldn't justify a DSi XL(only wanted it because it's bigger than a DSLite and I'm an old fogey, not because there's any DSi software I'm interested in). I'd feel like the kids that got a GameBoy Color right before the Advance came out. As soon as a black+red version hits shelves, I'll be all over that. Virtual Boy, yo! ... But when do we get a 3DS XL? I actually WANT the bigger system!
  14. Didn't they retroactively place ALL Transformers cartoons in the same continuity?
  15. Touche, good sir. I just recently rethemed. I WOULD have different wallpapers on both screens, but... apparently, finding a decent, high-res, widescreen-appropriate picture of the Gunbuster is an exercise in futility. At least, it was that night. I didn't have anything handy, and doing an image search for a Gainax anime generates SURPRISINGLY few awesome robot pictures and an awful lot of boob shots. And yes, my desktop has just a bit of clutter. I should clean up.
  16. Physically proprietary, or is it merely a matter of formatting like with the current drives. You can open the enclosure and swap the drive out, but getting it to work without ghosting an existing 360 drive onto it was impossible last I heard(which was admittedly quite a while back, but I doubt the situation's changed since it'd be big news).
  17. Actually, while that was the original intent, it didn't even survive the original TV series without getting the "subspace field" explanation dumped on it. Next Generation even had an entire plot around the boundary between regular space and subspace wearing down from high-warp travel, resulting in a warp "speed limit" put in place across the federation to reduce damage to the boundary.
  18. As I understand it... Shockwave is a Gamestop-exclusive pre-order-exclusive multiplayer-exclusive character. And Jazz is a Best Buy-exclusive pre-order-exclusive multiplayer-exclusive character. HOORAY RETAILER EXCLUSIVES!
  19. You mis-spelled Phantasy Star. Not that Ninja Gaiden isn't a great game, but Phantasy Star did cutscenes first. AWW YEAH!
  20. Maybe. It's also possible fold space has no time dilation effect, and time flows at a constant speed in a fold. Or that the dilation effect is meaningless because there's a constant rate of travel in fold space(ignoring Frontier's fold faults, which I still don't like *grrr*). Lacking any knowledge of how dilation plays into it, I'll just call it a different rate of time passage. Yeah. Subspace is Star Trek's hyperspace, just like fold space is Macross' hyperspace. Different names, slightly different implementations, but the same basic concept: using another universe with a different set of rules to cheat at relativity. That's pretty much a given for any FTL tech that uses an alternate universe. Very rarely you get one where the other universe isn't "put together" the same way as our own(if you go in, travel in a straight line, and come back out, you won't come back out in a straight line from where you went in) , but most of the time the goal is to avoid our universe's 1c "speed limit."
  21. I was sticking to the original TV series(serieses? anthology? mashup?) for that part. Mainly because I recall them a lot better than the novelizations. I thought the novelizations said it was 1 minute per light-year? One minute fold time per year real time would be pretty ridiculous, especially in light of the factory satellite and Vermillion Team capture episodes. ... Not that it would be the most ridiculous thing to come out of the novelizations, or the most ridiculous statement in light of those two episodes. I was merely looking at the Macross and Robotech universes. And being silly at the same time. End of the Circle makes me cry every time I remember it.
  22. That's actually a semi-logical interpolation out from Macross' fold data. Remember, this is before Frontier and fold faults and all that. Time for people IN the fold goes slower than time for people OUTSIDE the fold, and the lag is fairly constant, such that L/Misa could accurately predict how much time had passed back home just by knowing how long they'd been in fold space. And they lost over a week of time without being gone long enough to start getting really hungry. That implies a pretty strong lag. If a week passes for every day in fold space, then after a week in fold space, 49 days have passed in real space. A 30-day month in fold space is 210 days real time. Since we don't know how FAST anyone actually goes in fold space(especially in Robotech, with it's much smaller sample of uselessly incomplete data)... it's hard to guess what sort of fold times are reasonable, though. Robotech just picked numbers that worked for their extended setting. ON THE OTHER HAND... if the Robotech Masters live in our galaxy, then wherever the factory satellite and zentradi main fleet were stationed had to be quite close to Earth or travel times would be ridiculous. Assuming a constant multiplier and single long fold, the roughly 14-real-year trip the Robotech Masters took would've taken 2 years in fold space. It is probably best to assume they made several short hops, with large waits between them. It's also worth noting that the Robotech novels introduced the idea that fold space had it's own "geography" and what parts of it you went through would greatly affect how long it took to get there many years before Frontier did it. ADMITTEDLY this was only done to justify the SDF-3 not showing up with the first assault in New Generation. They got lost in fold space and it took several months for them to catch up to the rest of the fleet. But the point remains... Macross Frontier ripped off Robotech.
  23. Oh, heck yeah! That one's awesome. That was really where the Genesis shone. It's got more and generally better shooters than the SNES. Don't forget MUSHA/Musha Aleste. Another fine Compile product.
  24. Fun times, fun times....
  25. I remember the part of the interview you're talking about. It's a hell of an out-of-context quote if that's where he got the idea from. The way I recall it, he was talking about how badly the originals were showing their age(and by extension, how badly the remastering job Animeigo had done was needed). Basically, the film had deteriorated so much that he didn't recognize his own show on the television. The best american comparison is probably the pre-remaster Star Wars reruns, where the skies of Tatooine are a perfect match for it's desert sands instead of blue like a sky is supposed to be. BIG NEWS! BIG NEWS! SUPER ULTRA BIG NEWS DESU! WB HAS THE RIGHTS TO ROBOTECH LAM MOVIE POSTERS! Sorry, I had to.
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