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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Were "please ignore the Frenzy-head telephone"and "these aren't the droids you're looking for" not big enough signs of sarcasm? Reminder: this head transformed into a Razr, which has less volume than the average Snickers bar. It was pretty blatant evidence that Micheal Bay is a dirty liar, even if nothing else was. That post was 110% not to be taken seriously.
  2. Alien VS Starship Troopers VS Terminator? I smell a new major comic book franchise in the works.
  3. What are you talking about? There's no CG magic in the Bayformers. He SAID so. Every part on the vehicles is on the robot and vice-versa. There is no size-changing going on. Please ignore the Frenzy-head telephone. These aren't the droids you're looking for.
  4. Well, if they actually reached an understanding, there wouldn't be a franchise to milk, would there? They must make sacrifices for the good of the company.
  5. Microsoft's problem isn't DVD. If it was, you would be seeing more multi-disk 360 games. It's that the hard drive is OPTIONAL. They can't guarantee it's there, so software cannot assume it will be able to cache data to it like it could on the XBox, or like it currently can on the PS3. And while current DVD drives may read faster than current BluRay drives(hence why so many PS3 games have mandatory data installs), that doesn't mean they're even remotely as fast as a hard drive.
  6. Wait, when did the first movie become good, guys? Are we talking about the same movie? The one where any robot not named Optimus Prime had one line? The one where the action scenes were assembled entirely from jump-cuts? The one where Bumblebee pisses all over a secret agent and is scolded for it? The one with a painfully drawn-out ten-minute dialog with Sam's mom accusing him of masturbating with several repeatedly outlandish euphemisms? The one that was a bad movie about people that just happened to have some robots in it? Did I walk through a rift and wander into Bizarro World today? Because seriously, I want to see the Transformers you guys saw. I mean, Revenge of the Fallen and Dark of the Moon aren't great movies by any stretch of the imagination, but they are at least Transformers movies. By which I mean they have a race of alien robots as characters instead of an alien robot as a character and several others as window dressing.
  7. I dunno about consensus, but I'll go on record as saying it's the best of the three, by far. Which STILL makes it average at best. Any director that can make a chase through a collapsing skyscraper BORING should be fired. Out of a cannon.
  8. I like that theory. This is canon now. No one can convince me otherwise.
  9. I thought he was fixed, but it was a patch job instead of a proper repair, so he continued to use the radio because it hurts to talk.
  10. To be fair... people were treating the Autobots like crap in Revenge of the Fallen AND Dark of the Moon. They've been treated as slave labor since the end of the first movie. The US controls where they go, who they speak to, what they do. They LIE to the Autobots about matters of extreme importance to both parties. They APPARENTLY won't even give Ratchet the resources to fix Bumblebee's voice box properly. And to top it all off, they keep coming into their little robo-labor camp and have the audacity to chew them out over how much trouble they cause by merely existing and politely doing what they're told to do in between savings of the world. Prime could be understood to be in a little bit of a bad mood. Besides which, how empathetic IS this Optimus? He had precious few robotears to shed over the deaths of Jazz, Jetfire, and SPOILERS, after all. He never seemed particularly bothered by the fact that he sentenced his entire race to extinction by destroying the Allspark, either. He had a good sulk and a hissy-fit about the Ark, but other than that... he seems pretty cold-hearted. So... I'm not really convinced this Optimus has much empathy to spare for his fellow sentient beings. If a few million humans is what it costs to get some mother-loving respect, then by all means let the Decepticreeps murder some civilians. It's not like there aren't plenty of spares to go around. And unlike SOME sentient races, they can always make more squishies.
  11. I actually like it. I think the black and purple works really well with Hot Rodimus' "space car" design. Not that I'll be buying it(Masterpiece series is too rich for my blood in general), but... I like the look.
  12. Yeah.... I have a Wreck-Gar. Only one I ever saw. I really wanted a second one, since he's explicitly constructed to be able to ride a Junkion motorcycle(two pegs in his pelvis mate to a pair of holes in the saddle).
  13. It's like Asteroids with gravity!
  14. You forgot 3. Hasbro tends to avoid playing ball with Bandai to avoid pissing off Takara. So while Takara CAN'T do a Jetfire reissue(FIRST issue for their market), Hasbro WON'T do a Jetfire reissue. But then.... the classic toy reissues seem to have done much better in Japan than in the US, so it may just not be worth Hasbro's effort to do a reissue that Takara can't do too. Actually... I wonder if Hasbro still has the rights to that mold or if they'd have to re-license it. Re-licensing it would add the obvious complication of "costs more money than something we actually own." Especially for a franchise that has become worth something in the intervening decades.
  15. Actually, at this point in the narrative, Kyon's done more time travel than Mikuru. And through the events of Disappearance, he's arguably ALREADY a slider. So I'm waiting to find out how he becomes an alien and esper, and consequently Haruhi's perfect man.
  16. And now you know the REAL reason she flipped out.
  17. I'd've already ACTUALLY known that was coming if I paid better attention, wouldn't I? Seriously, though... all the possibilities, and they do ANOTHER Optimus Prime?
  18. Man, Tentative Name was my FAVORITE Transformer as a kid. Absolute best, bar none. ... Even odds it's another run of Optimus Prime.
  19. Probably never gonna get closer than the old Lithtech 2 demo trailer. Still warms my heart. Even if YouTube DID kill the audio.
  20. My problem with FEAR is this: Every man-hour Monolith spends on FEAR is a man-hour they AREN'T spending on Shogo Freaking 2! ... What? I can't be the ONLY person that really really liked Shogo...
  21. I'd heard they were planning to hack Bethesda. *sigh* Really, that's just ... ridiculous. What is wrong with people?
  22. Personally, I'm having fun. Duke's ego isn't that bad, because you don't have a lot of it... well, from a gameplay perspective. It's more a safety net if you screw up and less easy mode: It DOES play largely like an older FPS, in spite of the regenerating health and two guns thing. BTW, two guns is actually 5 guns from a 90s perspective. Pipe bombs and trip-wire mines get their own dedicated buttons, as does melee(sadly, melee attacks involve smacking people with your gun, not The Boot). So that's half a Duke 3D arsenal at once. Not that carrying two guns around isn't lame, but... it's not as bad as it sounds at first. Note that this all comes from a single-player story mode perspective. I make no claims regarding multiplayer either way, as it's simply not my thing. And don't get a console version. It's an insult to Duke, and the console ports are objectively terrible things. They run at sub-HD resolutions, have no antialiasing, struggle to maintain a playable framerate, and are just not very good. But it looks damn good for a game developed in 1997. I just assumed the jump animation was for nostalgia purposes, seriously. Personally, using some lower-res textures(or more likely, not spending money to upgrade all of them) in places where you can't get a close view makes SENSE to me. All objects are not created equal, and it keeps the system requirements down. Their recommended system has a GeForce 8800 or Radeon 3850 with 512 MB of RAM. I can't think of any other PC game I've played when it was new that I could run at anything close to max detail... not since the 3D accelerator wars started, anyways.
  23. Hail to the king, baby! Duke Nukem Forever successfully launched, with no apocalyptic events occurring! I'm having plenty of fun with it so far. Though apparently the console versions are terrible terrible ports and to be avoided at all costs. My biggest disappointment is that the packaging(yes, I bought retail) makes no mention of the award-winning development process. Tempted to take some card stock and print up a Vaporware of the Year Edition box.
  24. You misunderstand. I know we will be hitch-hiking for a while, but it was looking like that was ALL we were going to be doing after Constellation got canned. Now there's a plan to return to flying our own spaceships again.
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