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Personally, I have no real opinion of Basara. Because I'm not allowed to KNOW Basara. He's a filler character given the spotlight. He has no personality, no backstory, no PURPOSE. WHY is he so passionate about his music? What makes him so unremittingly and extremely pacifist, that he will actively interfere with military operations to DEFEND THE FLEET FROM ATTACK? What, exactly makes him tick? We don't know. We're never allowed to know. He's a force of nature... with a guitar. Not a real person. And THAT, more than anything, is what bothers me about Macross 7. Basara never gets any backstory or character development, despite being passionate enough to imply there's a LOT that could be said. And other characters that have actual lives and personalities get shunted to the side because Basara keeps running in and stealing the spotlight when they try to get some plot going. To be fair, Dancouga didn't make them a band until AFTER the TV show ended. Shinobu retired and started a band. Then everyone else joined it.
Oh, I'm sure they were still deadly and cool as long as they weren't at a concert.
If I recall, the rules for non-indie/community/whatever games are: you can play it on the account you originally activated it with on any XBox(probably have to be online, though I'm not sure), and on the XBox you activated it with/transferred it to on any account. For the Communindie games, the rule is account purchased with, and you have to be online to play. So you should have access to your brother's beta, as long as you both use the 360 he activated the code with. Unless betas behave more like communindie games and less like "normal" games. You may want to test that before you delete your e-mail.
The Optimus Reguld? It looks like this: http://www.macrosswo...attach_id=68515 Edit: In retrospect, I should've found, if not a better pose, at least a better camera angle for Jetfire in there.
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Dammit, this is making me VERY tempted to run out and buy Sentinel. He could be the Glaug to my Animated Optimus Reguld.
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I concede the point, due solely to the eloquence of your argument. Basara is indeed one smooth mofo.
Basara's just a copycat. Max is the one true winner.
And 5 USD for 6-7 planes that are on the disk but aren't available until you pay five bucks is just right out.
"Do not want"?
George Lucas, are you taking notes? If we can't have our original movies, this is what we want.
That's not true! That's impossible!
Word! Best thing to come out of the Star Wars franchise aside from the original three movies and all those DOS games.
I don't think that line was ever there. Especially since it doesn't make sense even if the original movie is standalone. The droids are established as old and beat-up. Heck, Luke's uncle bought them from a rolling salvage yard.
Speaking of what he's done... I think that was the high point of the entire prequel trilogy, when the entire Empire became Jar-Jar's fault.
Wait, am I the only person that heard that "theory" about Palpatine stealing Amidala's life force for Anakin back when Revenge of the Sith was NEW? I thought that was.... well, as obvious as anything could be without it degenerating into a monologue. If I recall(and it's been a while, so correct me if I'm wrong), they even cut back and forth with Amidala getting worse as Anakin stabilizes.
1988. He was one of several filmmakers speaking before Congress for them to do something to preserve our nation's films, in part because they were against the colorization of existing black&white movies and television shows. http://www.slashfilm.com/george-lucas-speaks-altering-films-1988/ Another choice quote is this one: "A copyright is held in trust by its owner until it ultimately reverts to public domain. American works of art belong to the American public; they are part of our cultural history." It's interesting to note that Stephen Spielberg was ALSO one of these folks. Though he's apparently since disavowed the edited ET, says it will never happen again to any of his films, and tells people to watch the original version(which he also says was included with the edited version in the DVD release... which is news to me). This is just another variant of the same argument ever since the first "Han shot first!" was screamed across a theater. It's the same debate as always, and if we've not reached a consensus by now, then we're not going to. I WILL, however, state that I have absolutely no intention of buying ANY edited version of Star Wars. If, as Lucas said, these movies belong to the American people, then it's not about Lucas not giving me the version I want, but his defacing of history and robbing future generations of their cultural heritage. If it's his movie to do with as he pleases, then I STILL have the right to my own opinions and can spend my money how I choose. And my personal opinion is that the edits stink, and I choose to not buy any release without the option of the original version, nor to watch any edited release. I'm skipping the prequels, edited or not, because they're just bad movies. Same reason I don't own Alien: Resurrection.
Baseball Simulator 1.000, probably. Different company, though. Baseball Simulator is from Culture Brain, and Technos did all the Kunio/River City/Crash & the Boys/Miscellaneous Other Branding games* The Kunio gang wouldn't get to bring their special brand of sportsmanship to baseball until the SNES, and Technos didn't have a non-Kunio baseball game. *For those feeling thoroughly lost by the different publishers and brands the series has seen, what you need to know is that Nintendo World Cup Soccer and Super Dodge Ball are part of the same series as River City Ransom, and all three games are sequels to Renegade. Go figure. ProTip: The only one that's adhering even loosely to the japanese version is River City.
Spoken like someone that never played Base Wars on the NES. No umpire, outs are determined via a complex system of... beating the crap out of the other guy. The game was an upgradable-robot fighter masquerading as a baseball game.
MP Ultra Magnus reissue?
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And as an owner of some of Funimation's OTHER license salvage releases, I can confirm they keep the old translation, even when there's some glaring errors like typos in the subtitles and completely missed lines... and the end credits will even credit the original licensor instead of Funimation.
Ah, of course. How could I POSSIBLY complain about legitimate flaws in the product when I know there are less enjoyable products around? And it is just plain CRAZY of me to criticize an edit that exists solely due to the demands of marketing execs while expressing a preference for the less popular version. I've seen 7. And Zero. Just because they're worse doesn't mean that Plus doesn't have flaws. Nor does it mean that 7 and Zero have nothing good in them(which in no way means I'm a great fan of either one). I'll even criticize the original SDF Macross, my personal favorite entry. Not even the holy grail of DYRL? is safe from me having opinions about it being occasionally imperfect. Nothing gets a free ride from me. I'll actually offer more critiques on stuff I enjoy, because I'm willing to think about it instead of trying to purge it from my memory. Suffice it to say, I saw the Plus OVA first. I had issues with certain points, as detailed above. When I saw the movie, it was like a light went on. THIS was how it should have been in the first place! Finding out later that a movie was the original intent(well, after it became a Macross production) was entirely unsurprising. I still think the motorcycle chase exists solely to save Isamu and Lucy's bedroom scene for the movie, and forces Isamu seriously out of character in the next scene. And that the OVA is seriously stretching credibility with the two accidents(though less so now that I've been offered a plausible explanation for how Guld's nefarious scheme was SUPPOSED to work). I stand by that opinion, and hold it despite quite enjoying both incarnations of Plus very much. I also stand by my belief that my criticisms constitute more than minor nitpicks and that there are actually holes big enough to fold a zentradi fleet through in the OVA.
The NES couldn't move more than one sprite at a time? Look at Zelda 2 for a fast example of how it COULD have been done. Still transitions from exploration mode to fighting mode, but there's monsters wandering around on the world map(and dungeons are all in fight mode) The random battles were there because they were simulating pen&paper games like D&D, which at the time used random battles. Oddly, most of the time I want random battles. I think the bigger problem is that combat often isn't any FUN, and when they DO find something fun they throw it away for the next game since there's currently an obsession with new battle systems.
That actually DOES make sense. Thank you! I rescind the complaint. Even if your vehicle survives, YOU aren't as durable as it is, and inertia can be a harsh mistress. Being slammed into the ground and used as a plow is a bad thing even if your plane DOESN'T disintegrate around you(needless to say, if the plane had disintegrated around him, there wouldn't be much of a story afterwards). If nothing else, neck injury and concussion are likely major concerns. Also, damage to the vehicle can actually IMPROVE the injury situation. Energy that goes into damaging the hard crunchy vehicle is energy that isn't available to damage the soft chewy center. It's why cars are explicitly designed to crumple up in a head-on collision. I actually assumed that was intentional. It's an extremely odd aerodynamic situation, so the standard wing configuration is likely less than optimal, and the YF-21 is already shown to have HIGHLY adaptable wings. If it can fold them one way, why not the other way too?
See, in my book the merging of the accidents is one of the movie's best traits. Isamu simply shouldn't just dust himself off and walk away from that crash. And the "live fire incident" is just insane. To this day I can't figure out a coherent explanation for how it was SUPPOSED to work. Let's load ISAMU'S gun with real bullets in the middle of the clip, and then hope it jams instead of firing off those real bullets, so that he'll drop it and I can pick up the "jammed" rifle and shoot him with it! Thereby proving he was trying to murder me, but too incompetent to pull it off or bold enough to follow through when his first plan failed. AND it lets me kill him while at the same time looking innocent! Even though I'm the one that fired the "jammed" gun, and did it like I knew it was not jammed and was actually full of lead! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah... After that... the aftermath of the concert hall fire is a big sticking point for me. There's no way Isamu would've stood down and too the crap Guld was throwing at him after the fire. He did his damnedest to get there, and led the cops on a high-speed chase in the process. He just happened to get there after everyone else. When I first saw the OVA, I was waiting for Isamu to bust Guld's face open, but he just backed down like a sissy. But if he never showed at the fire because he was too busy with his new girlfriend to answer the phone, THAT's something he can't argue(not that I would've answered the phone in his position...). Got no beef with the intro, though. That's pure, unadulterated goodness. I WANT to like the YF-19/21 battle, but the whole live ammo circus strains my suspension of disbelief too far. And given we're talking about two transforming spacejets playing 1:1-scale Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots, that REALLY says something about how bad that subplot IS. I'd love to see an in-between edit that takes the best parts of both versions, and rescripts that one fight to make some freaking sense..
The AI in Stealth redeemed itself in the end. I really hate to give that movie any credit, but it was at least mildly non-cliche in it's use of AI. And to add my two cents to the "favorite version" subthread in here... I prefer the movie version. Some of the OVA scenes are great, but some of it just makes no sense whatsoever.