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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Given they were working with foreign code for a foreign computer system, with no documentation or source(much less COMMENTED AND ORGANIZED source)... it's not hard to imagine they overlooked something. I'd wager much of the technology found in the ASS-1 was still a bundle of mysteries and excitement and "hey, is it going to kill us all if I flip this switch? LET'S FIND OUT!" moments. Now, if they DID have a full understanding of the ship's systems, it would be a pretty good idea to rip the original computer out and replace it with something wrought by human hands. But it's not really a good idea to do that when you aren't even sure what the drivers for your hardware LOOK LIKE, much less how to write your own. I think it's safe to say that drivers for the grand cannon are PROBABLY not compatible with the Macross's bow gun. Personally, with something that hot, I wouldn't even START stripping it down until I had it fully reverse-engineered. All other things being equal, I wouldn't want to fly it at all if I could help it. But of course, they felt a pressing need to get SOMETHING into space to make it look to the aliens like we weren't a bunch of backwater yokels puttering around on CHEMICALLY-FUELED ROCKETS to leave our planet and THROWING CHUNKS OF LEAD at each other in a fight. Yup. And when said guy's goal appears to be "I'mma make me a robot girlfriend, program her with brain scans from some random lady I conned into running concerts from behind the scenes like the Wizard of Oz, and then see what that bot does when I plug her into the central servers of the entire terrestrial defense network, you know, for the lulz", the outcome's going to be somewhat unpredictable, to put it mildly. ... Seriously, who approved wiring Sharon Apple directly into the Macross?
  2. Then you have more respect for the man than Harmony Gold does. They're just throwing his name about wildly because he isn't around to stop them anymore
  3. I thought the primary utility of Rowboat-tech threads was the comedy value. It's the best medicine, after all.
  4. Yup. And really, this doesn't even look that good. It's almost like they bought some stickers out of a gumball machine and slapped them on the system.
  5. Yeah, it's WAY better than the first adaptation, which was... pretty godawful terrible. Full disclosure: I've never watched past the second episode of the original, despite multiple attempts. It's POSSIBLE it completely reverses course and becomes tolerable after that, but I doubt it. Episode 2 is just such a MASSIVE hackjob of the story it's adapting that it immediately destroys any faith I could place in the rest of the show. Also, Sinon apparently has a butt. It's good that the animators are calling attention to this, I might not have realized it without their help.
  6. Well, yes. I didn't say it WAS ripping R-Type off, just that it reminds me of it. God knows R-Type Final isn't the first thing to make a fightercraft with a comically large underslung cannon. But if it's canon name isn't the Kibblemaster, I will be sad.
  7. You know what the VF-??? "Kibblemaster" reminds me of? A kibbled-up angular version of R-Type Final's R9-D2 "Morning Star http://www.slateman.net/rtype/rtypefinal/ships/028.jpg Or possibly just the R9-DH3 "Concert Master" with an underslung barrel. http://www.slateman.net/rtype/rtypefinal/ships/031.jpg
  8. You make an excellent series of poijnts, good sir.
  9. I think it's probably a good time to point out that high-profile Kickstarter campaigns have a lot of problems with "backer trolls" that dive on high-value or limited rewards early on, then cancel their pledges in the last few minutes of the campaign. On the other hand, there's also usually a last-minute pledge rush, even in lower-profile campaigns. Lotta people wait until it's almost over to decide if/how much they need to chip in. I saw(backed, actually) one Kickstarter that generated a full half of it's funding in the last four days. It was obvious to everyone it was going to fall far short in the end, dude did his kickstarter concession speech and thanked everyone for being awesome, then overnight a tsunami of dollar bills rolled across his desk and he was back in business. So Rawboot-eck could yet get funded, though I wouldn't place any money on it(no pun intended). I hope they cross the finish line, though. Regardless of whether it ever actually comes out, this crap is gonna be hilarious.
  10. That's Robotech. In Macross, all evidence indicates humanity was at peace(or what passes for it 'round these parts) before the alien spaceship crashed down. And THEN global war broke out because everyone wanted a piece of that ASS(-1). The Unification Wars only happened BECAUSE of those jerk aliens littering the galaxy with their broken war machines.
  11. And that's why I refused to watch it. If they'd called it Cyberofficer or Mechapopo, I might would've watched it as a forgettable near-future sci-fi movie. But as a remake of Robocop? No. The trailer told me all I needed to know. There was no respect for the original at all, it was a shameless cash grab, and I refuse to reward anyone for that kind of production.
  12. I'm Jaybee Zero, and I approve of this message.
  13. In any case, HG needs to lay off poor Carl. ... I'd've SWORN Shadow Chronicles was later than that. Ah well, we all knew I was crazy.
  14. I'm pretty sure that's "secret powers are sewn into her", actually. In the crop-growing sense, not the seam-work sense.
  15. Yeah, I know they started laying it on about dear old Carl and how this is what he would've wanted before Mister Macek's funeral was over. As soon as he had no voice, they stopped quietly dismantling his work and very vocally praising it(or at least, what they claimed it was). But the Kickstarter pitch just cranks it up that extra notch. Every other sentence is "just like Carl dreamed." I do admit to missing the Love, Live, Alive fiasco, so I don't have a real frame of reference there. I know Shadow Chronicles was just "Macek wrote this, so you KNOW it's legit", shifting to "Macek wrote this, so don't blame us" once it bombed horribly. They didn't play it to the hilt like this is doing. It's still less disgusting than the Robotech ad at his funeral was, though. I suppose credit where credit is due.
  16. Yes. It's a terrible thing, and you should feel terrible for it. ... ... Fighting evil by moonlight... winning love by daylight...
  17. You forgot to bold "protected these rights successfully" too. But hey, they said it on Kickstarter, it must be true! Their claim about HAVING to send Creavision a legal threat is at least accurate, though I suspect it's the only true thing in the entire sales pitch. US trademark law says if you ignore violations of your trademark, you can lose it. Anyways, I can't count the number of ways this can go wrong. I think the best part is the... hey, wait a second? Didn't this Kickstarter campaign used to say that proceeds would go towards animating the pilot AND a feasibility study towards making it a real series? I guess they had to strike that last part once they realized it wasn't part of Carl's Vision("Carl's Vision" is TM of Harmony Gold please don't sue me). It's also REALLY disgusting how much they flog "this is all Carl's dream, make it real so he can rest in peace" on this thing.
  18. Derpan? Really? You could at least arrange things so the fact that it's an anagram of pander isn't QUITE so obvious. I mean, it's POSSIBLE to be less subtle, but... it'd be hard. Or should I just assume that's an unfortunate coincidence and they have the utmost of respect for their audience?
  19. Personally, I think IDW Drift is Peg's self-insert fanfic character. And movie Drift is a fan of Peg's work, so he styled himself after IDW Drift. That's my canon. I don't care if it makes no sense.
  20. You, good sir, have just made my year. I pray only that they keep the cardboard cutout animation. ... Or go all-out and give it the kind of lavish budget that only an 80s OVA gets.
  21. But how will we get our laughs if it fails?!?! This cannot stand!!!!!! Because, seriously, I ALMOST got enough laughs out of the Shadow Chronicles debacle to justify buying myself a copy. Almost. My DVD rack remains untainted, despite seeing a few LIMITED COLLECTOR'S BUY NOW SELL LATER ON EBAY EDITION copies clearanced out for five bucks. Devil's advocate here, but from the perspective of a Hollywood exec checking off bullet-points, nerdy is "in" right now. Superhero movies, giant robots, transforming robots, 80s nostalgia, japanese sci-fi adaptations... Nerdy as hell, and bringing in bank. The bullet-point judgement system that seems to drive Hollywood decision-making processes says Robotech is the perfect next blockbuster. It has giant transforming japanese robots from the 80s. They're just missing superheroes. What I'm saying is if they make a Robotech movie, Rick Hunter's gonna be a jedi. If it bombs, it just proves audiences are sick of sci-fi, and nostalgia is dead. For real this time, not like every other time a bad movie did poorly and the suits ignored the movie's quality and made extrapolations from the bullet list instead. The bigger obstacle here is the, err, "creative team" at HG. More specifically, the raging egos therein. They'll torpedo any attempt to get it on the big screen. Which is a shame, because I would pay to see a Robotech movie produced by even a marginally-competent staff. Because giant transforming japanese robots from the 80s fills out MY bullet list.
  22. Inferno Cop is the best anime of all time. As far as Sailor Moon Crystal goes, I like the premise of the new opening, and it's almost over-aggressive focus on the "girl power" angle. The original theme is entirely focused on the Usagi/Captain Capeman destined romance thing, and... well, that's only a small portion of the show, and not what ANYONE was watching it for. The new opening strikes me as far more appropriate to the content. Also, I laughed when the single wistful romantic scene in the new opening animation was shut down by Luna and the girls. Best scene in the entire episode. All that said, the original opening is a better tune. Maybe they should've used the old english opening. ... Don't hurt me! I'm sorry! I won't say it again!
  23. Roy Focker gets a Big Gulp dumped on his head for hitting on a chick, because he is a smooth ladies man.
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