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Everything posted by JB0

  1. There's a watermark? I didn't notice.
  2. Also the hair. Sweet Lucia, that hair... But on the other hand, it IS life-size anthrotech.
  3. Or Robotech II, even!
  4. Orguss Valk has different feet too, if I recall. And why it's never appeared in Super Robot Wars is anyone's guess.
  5. Gah! That Muv-Luv figure again! I can't afford to add ANOTHER expensive and space-consuming pursuit right now, but damn if I don't love the aesthetics on that franchise.
  6. Personally, I consider everything that happened until Generation 2 started shipping to be "Generation One" Because that's the only reason we're even HAVING this discussion, Generation 2 provided a nice clean breakpoint. ... Or not so clean, since G2 is, outside of the comics, almost entirely a repackaging of G1 ANYWAYS. I have difficulty reconciling the idea of MODERN productions being "Generation One" products.
  7. Hey everybody! Dancin' on the planet dance!
  8. You already know it won't be enough. I still think Space Brick looks really neat, but not "like a Transformer". And yes, I'm aware how silly this classification is, so don't try to point out the gaping flaws in my logic. I already know they're big enough to drive Optimus Prime, Ultra Magnus, and Motormaster through side-by-side. Especially since I kinda want him IN SPITE of the "not-transformerness".
  9. You know, when I saw this thread, I immediately checked the date to make sure it wasn't April 1st again somehow.
  10. Hell, a part of my heart STILL loves Robotech. One of my oldest memories is asking my mom for a "big blue robotech fighter" for christmas(and being mildly disappointed that I got an Alpha instead of a Cyclone, but what other outcome could I expect with a description like that?). I stomped a Robotech Phalanx... Spartan... the destroid with the missile drums! around the floor and flew a Robotech joke machine(iJ Max, whatwhat!) through the house. Pretty sure the Robotech people and the Voltron people had grand adventures together too. (I ALMOST want to read that comic. Almost.) I genuinely want to see Robotech become something deserving of more than mockery and hatred, and set aside this whole "we own Macross and will sue everyone doing anything even tangentally related" nonsense, admit they done messed up(repeatedly and colossally), and hire a competent creative staff to do something decent with the franchise. And, you know, stop blocking the import of productions and merchandise they don't have rights to, and threatening everyone tangentally involved with anything. Robotech brought me to Macross, but I like Macross independently of Robotech. It pains me to see all these shenanigans going on, really. But Macek wasn't ENTIRELY off-base. How often do people here complain about loose threads and demand Kawamori write a story about the Megaroad-1 so we can see the continuing adventures of Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay? The Sentinels is apparently what WE want as much as the Robotechies. Which is to say none of us actually WANT The Sentinels, but we all want something LIKE it. Oddly, I think a continuation of the original story arc is MORE important to Robotech than Macross. The SDF Macross story is closed out cleanly, but Robotech launches the gang into a new adventure we never see.* We just see New Geneation come in from from the tail end of that new adventure. There IS a big gaping chunk of unanimated plot there, and we know a lot of things happened to Rick, Lisa, and everyone else offscreen(and from the miracle of print, we know a lot of it was dumb). *And yes, I do think there's a big difference between ending on "they left to start a colony on another world" and "they left to visit the Robotech Masters' homeworld and stop them from attacking Earth again." Not that Macross hasn't had two colony fleets sail straight into adventure, but it was the stated GOAL of the SDF-3 mission, and New Generation clearly established on the TV screen that they FOUND an adventure, albeit not the one they wanted.
  11. More like Fiero mode, if you know what I mean.
  12. Probably not the picture I would've chosen to represent everyone's favorite nigh-omnipotent evil space fairy, but... yeah, that guy.
  13. I must've gotten in right under the wire on Gamestop's allocation off their website. I was kind of wondering if they had a bunch of unspoken-for stock or if they were just leaving preorders open so they'd have a backup list if someone's payment failed. I guess they did just have more stock.
  14. Mike Tyson Mystery #1: Who in Zophar's name greenlit this project?
  15. So... We're stealing from Star Trek: Next Generation now?
  16. Not me, but I know someone who's had JoJo's "Stand Proud" stuck in his head for like a month.
  17. Friggin' Card Captor Sakura opening still creeps into my head from time to time.
  18. I've described Basara as more a force of nature than a character before. I still stand by that opinion. I don't think the run time is as bad as all that. It only really staggers after Operation Stargazer to me, aside from Hurricane Basara hogging the spotlight all the time. And yeah, there's a lot of really good stuff in there. I even like Basara sometimes. He's really fun in small doses. He just can't hold the spotlight for a year-long run without overstaying his welcome. Especially when there's so much OTHER drama going on around him. Put the spotlight on Mylene, make the sound energy less blatant, and the show'd be great. And I think that's part of why Mac7 draws so much lightning down, is it's got a lot of potential, and comes SO CLOSE, then it stumbles at some critical moment. And for all that, I'm pretty ambivalent towards 7. I don't regret watching it, but I don't really love it. I DO love Dynamite 7, though. All that said, I would not mind seeing another show LIKE Macross 7. Just not exactly like.
  19. The problem is EVERYTHING is about Macross 7. The sum total of human achievement was all to get us to a place where Macross 7 could be made. The Hokey Pokey is not what it's all about, Planet Dance is.
  20. Wouldn't you be if you had a movie about a sarcastic trigger-happy racoon and some other chumps? Seriously, the popular response to Rocket Racoon has been so strong I think they're just assuming it's a shoe-in on that alone. ... That and what was the last Marvel-produced movie that bombed?
  21. So with it going open beta(and me realizing it's PS360 as well as PS4/XB1), I sat down and played it for a bit. Then played it for a good bit more. Game's the shizzle, and I totally want it. ... Except I want it on PC. It's not so much platform allegiance as I don't have a PS4 or X1, and I don't want to settle for the watered down version that runs on decade-old hardware.
  22. Yeah, my understanding was ADV didn't have the same audio files as Animeigo, but they started from the same video files. Which makes it interesting that there would be quality differences. There IS a space per episode difference, but it's not as huge as it seems at first glance(4 episodes in DVD-5 vs 9 episodes in DVD-9). Hmmm... I suppose the slight increase in episodes per gigabyte COMBINED with the reduced video space due to OMG SIX CHANNEL SOUND* might make an appreciable difference. I'm still more inclined to blame incompetent mastering. *Seriously, it's a friggin' MONAURAL source. Just give it to us as it was originally designed to be given and stop wasting disk space by upsampling one channel into 5 or 6 or twelve.
  23. They don't avoid getting into IP trouble. They avoid getting into IP trouble with an already-annoyed Big West. HUGE difference.
  24. In fairness, the Animeigo set was also single-layer DVD, so it had less space to start with. Of course, it was also a single mono audio track instead of mono japanese and OMG SIX CHANNELS OMG english. I'd wager the lower quality of the ADV release was down to just plain not caring more than it was disk space, though.
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