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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Ah, thanks for reminding me! It's been a while since I've watched Nanoha. I should sit down with both series and marathon 'em.
  2. Well, we know humanity and zentradi share a LOT of genes, so maybe the blue hair gene is just SUPER recessive! ... Or he grew up in a nuclear waste storage facility.
  3. God, not this again... Aviation rage in 5 seconds.
  4. Franchise is still appropriate as there was a toy line and books and comics and all that other related merch. Certainly, it's not an ANIMATION franchise, but it is still a franchise.
  5. My understanding is little robot combines with the jet to form the big robot Saber, and then Saber combines with the TREAD V-Star to form the bigger robot Big Volfogg Star Saber. As opposed to all three units forming a single robot from the get-go. Which would make more sense. And yeah, then Star Saber puts Victory Leo on to form God Saber EX-Destiny Victory Saber.
  6. You know, looking at the pics of OG Space Brick... If the powerup version gets a Masterpiece, I may bite the bullet. Even in the original clown colors. Because that shiznit is awesome. (Yes, I know it's a second Transformer that turns into a jetpack and high-heels for Space Brick. It still looks awesome.)
  7. Let me rephrase: I'd like to probe her I-field with my beam saber, if you know what I mean. Or maybe I'd like to overload her barrier and destroy Ontario, if you get my drift.
  8. God, I WISH I owned it. I played it in a museum. No, really. Incidentally, a lot of people DIDN'T play for free. There were change machines that gave tokens out, as well as quiz machines that were free to use and gave tokens out if you answered the questions right. MOST people were putting money into change machines, and I was running around slamming the trivia machines like a boss. It's not even that I was a game nerd. I WAS, but that's irrelevant. The quiz machine questions were all pulled from the exhibit writeups and games. You could EASILY make a run through the place, read the displays, and then spend forever hitting quiz machines, answering questions, and getting tokens.
  9. Space Brick needs to be recast as an Autobot Seeker mold. A whole RAINBOW of Space Bricks would be amazing. And we could ALL find a color scheme that Prime's cerebro-circuit-damaged cousin looked good in.
  10. So you're saying wait for the inevitable repaint? Gotcha.
  11. I played it for free, and it was well worth every penny. No, really, I did.
  12. The key words are "acting stupid" Yes, I'm aware I include myself in this classification.
  13. It didn't just spin in circles, it rocked back and forth and tilted side-to-side too. It actually makes for a fairly decent, if not totally realistic, effect and adds a good bit to the fun of the game. But so does the 3D display, so... tradeoffs.
  14. And claiming they "own the rights" and suing anyone that looks at them funny. Even before they filed the trademark.
  15. Well, go play Galaxy Force and Super Hang-On while you wait. Maybe even Space Harrier.
  16. HG CLAIMS they have exclusive worldwide rights to Macross, so that IS their explanation of the issue. They've toed this line ever since Manga's Mac+ release made it clear to them that Macross was a viable property. But never before that. They claim the only reason MacII and Mac+ came out is that no one was minding the store. Never mind that the franchise was pretty much at it's peak when MacII came out, and Palladium MADE a Macross II RPG book under license from US Renditions WHILE DOING BUSINESS WITH HG. There's no way HG could NOT know someone else had licensed MacII. And of course, HG ignores that MULTIPLE companies released DYRL while Robotech was IN IT'S INITIAL TELEVISION RUN. Because that's not mainstream knowledge, so they can pretend it never happened. And that's why HG doesn't make it clear exactly what they own with relation to Macross rights. What WE know, from following the Tatsunoko VS Big West suit(which confirmed what we were already pretty sure about), is that as a sublicensor of Tatsunoko, HG CAN'T have exclusive worldwide rights to Macross, because Tatsunoko only has distribution rights to the original TV series.
  17. I remember when they did that on the NES. Had something like it for my original GameBoy, too. True classics never die. They just become new again for another generation.
  18. I have a US 3DS with Super Hang-On and Galaxy Force on the SD card that says otherwise. The latest batch may not have a release date here YET, but that hardly means we'll never see them. Looks like lag on the US releases tends to be about 6-12 months. So check back in 2015, and we'll probably have Thunder Blade and Outrun. I'm still a little sad that my Galaxy Force download didn't come with a hydraulic gymbal mount, but... they did what they could.
  19. Sweet! Those sprite-scaling arcade games translate REALLY well to a 3D display. Galaxy Force 3D is the best damn thing on the system, and anyone who says otherwise is a liar.
  20. Man, it doesn't take a degree to tell you that they don't understand customer service, and haven't for a long time. I'm utterly astonished they would leave the forums in the hands of unpaid volunteers with no oversight, but if they don't get one red cent for any part of the website that isn't the store, then they have to make do with what they have. Though that policy in and of itself shows a gross misunderstanding of how to build and maintain a fanbase, and exposes a cynical view of the fans as a money spigot you can just open up at-will(which explains a lot of the merchandise). And if their little moderator VS fanbase war WAS under guidance and oversight... well, then that's even worse! Who would approve that?!? Of course, they SERIOUSLY need to accept that Macross fans ARE a part of their fandom and stop pushing the "us vs them" mentality. I THOUGHT the Animeigo DVDs were an acceptance of that reality and a backing off of the war on Macross, but then they turned around and instead of the pre-Animeigo line that english Macross IS Robotech, they started saying Robotech was better and anyone who thought otherwise was in league with the devil. Which... may have endeared them to a fringe element of the Robotech fandom, but it alienated a lot more of them. MOST fans aren't crazy rabid anime extremists and are perfectly willing to accept, and even invite the possibility of, two different franchises with a large scoop of melodrama and your full recommended daily allowance of deadly fighter robot plane destructive-type things. The War on Macross not only alienates purists but ALSO irks the RT fans that just wanna see some cartoons about angsty teenagers flying jetrobots.
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