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Everything posted by JB0

  1. At this point, is it actually a knockoff? I mean, it's not someone cloning the original toy, it IS the original toy. It's a "fell off the truck" special more than a knockoff.
  2. Technically, Jupiter is the FUSE for a giant bomb. Buster Machine 3's detonation triggers all the space bombs that are responsible for DESTROYING THE GALAXY. Gunbuster doesn't do things by half measures, that's for sure. Of course, I saw Jupiter-as-energy-source and thought of Gaogaigar and ZA POWAA.
  3. This thread is now officially the Firefox thread.
  4. It's never too late to say "Firefox" though.
  5. I loved it, personally.
  6. Were 1080p TVs even AVAILABLE back in 2001? I seem to recall progressive-scan was the hot feature. But don't feel too bad. It took literally DECADES after HDTV was proposed before it was adopted as a standard. Pretty sure the current status quo is gonna stick around for a while. Provided people with no sense of quality don't completely kill the market for actual disks. Sorry, but a 1080p stream is NOT the same AV quality as a 1080p BluRay. Not even close. I DO still buy CDs... which I then rip to FLAC and put in storage. I won't pay money for lossy compression. Much less friggin' MPEG-2. Basically, online distribution is killing quality, and no one cares.
  7. No, TITANIUM Cog! Actually, that wouldn't have been a bad idea BEFORE Konami sent them the angry letter. But now they're under the microscope. Pity, though. Konami used to be real good about looking the other way on this kind of thing. Maybe it just got so big they couldn't pretend they didn't know anymore.
  8. What about one that trades it for a spring-loaded auto-evolution gimmick that triggers when you set an included magnetic Matrix into his hands? Because that'd be awesome(albeit terrible for accuracy and transformation)
  9. It's not that you're the only person who doesn't like Jazz, just that you're the only person who hasn't realized he likes Jazz yet.
  10. Sorry, man. I just couldn't resist the temptation. If it makes you feel better, I meant that more as "I am in DuelGundam mode here" rather than "DuelGundam said this". I'm not actually sure if that's better or worse, though. I really did like that movie.
  11. As far as I know, it's just T&A without ever getting into anything overt. So it would be classified as "fanservice" rather than hentai.
  12. *looks* Those are map packs and new guns and a new episode. Not patches. None of the bug fixes are contained in those, though one of the bug fixes was specifically FOR those(the "limited edition" version came with Ripley's flamethrower, and it had an annoying tendency to fire even when you weren't pressing fire in the game as shipped). The bug patches are as free as they always have been. And automatic these days, which blows my crotchety old mind. The first patch included better textures and "various visual improvements" too, and I HAVE seen companies charge for that before. As I said, it would be truly outrageous if companies started charging for bug fixes. Even moreso given the state Aliens LAUNCHED in. THIS remains fully in the realm of parody... for now. That said, wait for the next time it goes on sale. I paid five bucks, so can you. In the meantime... just read the patch notes and laugh at the incompetence. Bullets bouncing off open doors, characters walking through closed doors, and even doors that just didn't "open properly". And this is just THE DOORS. Not that the patch notes are themselves free of glitches. "Resolved issue where campaign Motion Tracker could incorrectly in multiplayer loadouts." That's copy/pasted, lest you think I made a mistake in transcription.
  13. It's been patched enough where it's just sub-par now instead of comedically terrible. If they were selling the fixes to make it half the game it should have launched as, I'd be furious.
  14. Having played PART of the game, there's some GREAT ideas in there. But they're rough ideas that never got a chance to shine amidst all the murk. And then the game gets gimpy with aliens moonwalking down halls or running into corners, and it becomes hilarious instead of tense or frightening. And that's really the worst thing about it. Not that it's a bad game, but that at some point during it's development, someone was genuinely trying to make the best damn Aliens game they could before Gearbox utterly and irrevocably destroyed it.
  15. I bought it on sale because I figured I'd had five bucks worth of fun reading the patch notes. How do you convince yourself a game in that state is shippable unless you're guaranteed sales no matter how awful it is? Which... okay, I can't blamne preorders SOLELY for that, because I knew people that bought FF13 knowing how bad it was. They admitted it was bad and they wouldn't like it, "but it's Final Fantasy so I have to play it."
  16. Nope. It's good for developers that get a great game on store shelves, since they're no longer competing with high-budget crap. Preorders exist only to protect bad games from informed customers. Paying for a game you know nothing about is the height of folly.
  17. Absolutely! I'm still waiting for the 1:1 scale kit.
  18. I don't know if it's been said or not, but Signs was a godawful terrible flick. Because neither godawful nor terrible covers the shee atrocity by itself. I caught it end-of-run at a dollar movie, and thought I overpaid. Shyamalama owes me two hours of my life back.
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