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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Right. I think I'mma stay out of the Crucible for a while. I was instrumental to the opposing team's victory just now. That's a special kinda incompetent. I'm basically just ruining everyone else's fun, since there's no free-for-all mode available to me at present. I was also terrible there, but I wasn't taking anyone else out with me. Shame I can live with. The knowledge that I am actively ruining someone else's game, though? If you are playing Destiny on PS3 and were randomly teamed up with me just now... I can but apologize.
  2. I use my mind cannon all the time.
  3. Indeed. Fortunately, I've never said the Takatoku Valk was perfect, or even that the VF-1 was.It IS worth noting that the VF-1 turrethead is most annoying in the 1S variant, where it looks most like a head.
  4. Kirishima is best bear boat.Not criticizing, per se. Just saying her and Hyuuga's silly parts are what I EXPECTED of the whole show, and I was pleasantly surprised it had more to offer.
  5. The two are not mutually exclusive. In fact, in robot design, they are often synonymous.
  6. Sure isn't me. I've not even ditched all my green gear yet, much less the blues.
  7. That's the general response to that one. It has no business being anything other than a stupid production about girls that are also boats and the men who captain them, but there's a stubborn refusal to give in and take the easy route, Takao's shenanigans notwithstanding. I just rewatched the show recently, and it's surprisingly solid. Even once the anime breaks completely free of the manga and starts making things up as it goes along, it stays classy. In conclusion... CARNIVAL DAYO!
  8. That shot of Hikaru's stunt plane flying alongside the lions has set my mind spinning as I try to figure out how it's going to attach to Voltron to power him up. That thought alone is reason enough to do a sequel.
  9. I just thought I'd note that I REALLY appreciate how the game, on booting, goes straight to the Bungie logo and then the title screen instead of throwing up thirty minutes of copyright notices, legal disclaimers, and license announcements first. It's greatly appreciated, Bungie. And that I find it very easy to get outside of a map in the process of just trying to explore. I'm actually a bit nervous about rummaging around in the corners after falling off the edges a few times. And jumping off to a ledge four feet below and dying in one case. So yeah... fun game, but the map boundaries need some work.
  10. Ugh. The head on top of the spaceship/hoversled. That's one of the most obnoxious things you can do with a Transformer, is just leave the head sticking out. I know, existing design, faithful to the source. That doesn't make it any less egregious, just VINTAGELY egregious.
  11. And here I thought it was just me.
  12. Honestly, this is the first I've seen of it, but it makes me tempted to keep an eye open for the grpahic novel collection(assuming it gets one), because that shizzle looks hilarizzle.
  13. I'm sure there was a good medical reason. Probably sanitation purposes. Comatose people still sweat and stuff. Clothes'll get dirty and need changing anyways. I'm sure it had absolutely nothing to do with any voyeuristic tendencies of the hospital staff whatsoever. Nope. Nothin' at all.
  14. So far, it's been exactly what I expected. The fault here lies with the original book. Pretty much the entirety of the Sword Art Online series after the first book(which consists of the very beginning and very end of the title game) can be summed up in three words: Needs More Klein.
  15. The S-word! You gonna get banned! I really liked that film, in all seriousness. It's not the greatest film of all time, but it's got a flair to it. And for Hollywood to make the killer robot develop a conscience and then try to make amends for what it's done? Hell, that bumps it up two stars by default.
  16. That's an odd way to spell hunter you have there.
  17. I just wanted to say I thought Dynamite 7 was one of the best parts of Macross 7, and a genuinely fun OVA. The love trinagle remains as resolved as it ever was. Gamlin loves Mylene, Mylene loves Basara, Basara loves music, and the whole dang bridge crew loves Max... err, except Exedol. None of these loves are requited.
  18. This is what they call damning with faint praise.
  19. That came up in the very first book. Not so much a plot point as a side scene. The lead scientist proposed making slower, more awkward dinosaurs to make them more "dinosaur-like", and Hammond complained that they WERE real dinosaurs and they couldn't BE more dinosaur-like so people would just have to DEAL. Except, you know, they were engineered to have a lysine deficiency, their DNA was a patchwork of authentic dino DNA and modern-day DNA from various sources, and none of them were raised in their original environment at all, so they were nothing like REAL real dinosaurs. Hammond didn't like that line of argument at all. He was still ranting about it when the compies ate him. Book Hammond was a bit of a jerk, and got what he deserved.
  20. And that's awesome, but grinding is horrible beyond all comprehension if you focus on it. By the time you have the gun, you will hate it's very existence.
  21. I strongly recommend against focusing on that goal. Just play as you like, and it'll unlock naturally at some point. My general rule for "kill x, get y" quests.
  22. You people have no appreciation for the true joys in life.
  23. It's a "parody" because it took the standard cliches and dragged them to comedy through exaggeration or just haphazard implementation. Which is to say it was terribly written, but that kind of terrible that becomes funny. This discussion is all part of L-Elf's plan.
  24. Welp, I've rerolled JaneBob, the mighty huntress. And I'm still annoyed that Destiny doesn't let me ACTUALLY name my character. Not that JaneBob is a GOOD character name, but gosh darn it, it's MY character name.
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