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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Absolutely. A PC Engine would've been a nice choice too. Though relatively obscure next to the Genesis. At least they'd be contemporaries. Hey, the Super CD-ROM could even preserve the "trailer" concept for Prime. I like this more the more I think about it.
  2. I didn't realize someone had tried. I fully expected it to fail miserably. My instincts are good, apparently. In any case, it's probably not going to be an issue any time soon.
  3. I got their ages off the Compendium. Which should be age at first appearance, so I'm within a year. I was more impressed by the fact that she made it TO fifteen, honestly. Remember, the zentradi don't have proper childhoods. They're grown in a cloning chamber and by all appearances, they come out fully-grown and ready to fight. It's not that she's already an ace at the young age of fifteen, it's that she's a fifteen-year veteran in the craziest and most dangerous part of the army. And in the zentradi army, so she's probably spent most of that time shooting things, and being shot at by a lot of things that failed to hit her. Down time is for people who weren't born to fight.
  4. We all have our faults. This is mine. I took the temper-tantrum as more "'Bee is a teenager, and these guys just bootlegged him and put the bootleg on display with a video explaining how shitty Bumblebee was." Basically a standard adolescent outburst more than crazy Prime's complete disconnect from everything. Though there's a good argument to be made for the Transformers never really mentally maturing. It explains a lot about much of their behavior across the entire brand if they all have permanently child-like brains. Those are the bootlegs. Seriously. In-universe, they are Transformers knockoffs built by humans. The "real" Transformers still transform properly. More or less. The bootlegs were designed, in-universe, to look cool and high-tech. So they have a transformation that would've looked high-tech a few decades ago when wire-frame graphics were all the rage. Yeah. Someone dropped the ball there. I don't think it actually saved time or money. It looked like a pain in the ass to animate. At first glance, it looks really simple, yes. But there's more than meets the eye to that effect. The wire frame skeleton actually has volume, texture, and lighting, so it's not really a wire-frame and they had to spend an absurd amount of effort on rendering the "wire frame" in addition to the cubes and the car and the robot. And they ARE rendering both the car and robot at the same time in many cases. I'm not gonna go back and freezeframe to check the lighting and shadowing on the swarm of cubes, but... I'd bet on them getting a lot more attention than it seems like they did. It was a very expensive way to make it look like the movie was made with cutting-edge CG effects from 1985, and I don't know if I should laugh or cry.
  5. And Super Mario Brothers is only about twenty minutes long if you omit the constantly dying part. I think it's totally fair to include the time taken to master the game as part of the total play time. Think of the replay value! Rather than memorizing scripted checkpoints and optimal routes, you need to understand how the AI works and the map is set up. Everyone will have a different experience every time they play. It's a beautiful thing. I fully expected the scare factor to wear off after a little while. It's a shame, but whatcha gonna do? BAHAHAHAHA! That's amazing! ... Okay, granted I was pissed as hell when i got murdered at a telephone save point in Parasite Eve. But it's probably my own dang fault for trying to make a phone call in the middle of a chase scene. Isn't that what an Alien game SHOULD be? Honestly, I'm going to stand back and see what happens for a bit. I fully expected mixed reviews, with some punishing it aimplt for following Colonial Marines, some boosting it simply because it's a horror game in the Alien setting, some hating it for not being memorizable or Rambo-able, and some loving it for the same reason. It's a perfect storm of how to generate crazy unstable reviews. But EVENTUALLY some truth of how solid a game it actually is will settle out.
  6. To my understanding, it was also a design goal of the original Diaclone line, that the cars would fit Convoy's trailer. Roller is a filler piece so you have something to do with the catapult even if you don't have a car (yet). You can't very well call it a masterpiece if it doesn't do EVERYTHING the original did, right? In seriousness, I am assuming this feature of the line got more attention in Japan than America, so they care more than we do that the cars fit into Prime's trailer. I fully expect that if they ever do "Scramble City" masterpieces, they will preserve the limb-swapping gimmick, because Japan is very familiar with that feature.
  7. Sorry, I still read Basara as simply not realizing Mylene had a crush on him. He wasn't ignoring her because it was the grown-up thing to do, he was just completely oblivious. Also worth noting that SHE got married at fifteen, to a sixteen-year-old. I'm sure Max tried to explain and just got "She's almost as old as I was when I got married!" And of course, after armageddon happened, things changed pretty rapidly, so it's not like she could just look around and assemble some rational frame of reference for "normal" human life.
  8. I wouldn't go THAT far. I think this is the best live-action Transformers movie yet, though that is damning with faint praise. The humans don't make me want to kill them every time they're onscreen, the cybertronians are treated as PEOPLE and not tools... The action is coherent and engaging, albeit over-the-top... There's no awkward bathroom humor, no random pantyshots... It's THIS CLOSE to actually being a good movie. Dark of the Moon was the first one I didn't regret watching, and Age of Extinction is the first one I might actually rewatch(if it was shorter, I WOULD rewatch it, but I don't think it's got three hours of quality in it). Crazy Prime is a sociopath. A literal, clinical one. He does not empathize with others, and is prone to impulsive and excessive behavior. But at least he's been consistent across all four movies. And, you know, TRIES to do right, even if he's not entirely clear on what right IS all the time. I like how he's gotten angry at the mistreatment of himself and his charges in the last two. Primus knows humanity's given him enough reason to just bulldoze them all(wait, wrong altmode) in the movies.
  9. And Shockwave. Don't forget Shockwave.
  10. Having been given the BetaRay for my birthday, I am actually watching the movie right now. Taking regular breaks to protect my intellect. I like how they just say they're in Texas and show a pan across a cornfield, as if all of Texas looks like Smallville, Kansas(and I'm just left going "that is WAY too green."). In their defense, Paris, Texas IS in one of the few counties that actually grows corn(poser Texans, livin' against a river like they need water to live or somethin'), but it took them an hour to actually say where the movie was happening, so... I think that balances out. The pacing of the CIA raid on the farmhouse and subsequent escape sequence was terrible, and like everything else, it was largely Lucas's fault. Bad enough he nearly gets everyone killed, he has to keep interjecting one-liners through the entire scene until he gets blown up/incinerated/petrified/what do those bombs even DO? I do like Crazy Prime, though. It's a shame he's in such bad movies. Edit: Lord, the Micheal Bay pacing is strong in this one. It's an entire movie focused on human drama followed by an entire movie of robots blowing things up.
  11. You live in a nicer neighborhood than me.
  12. That was apparently the working theory, that the flightsuit and helmet were supposed to be airtight once he wrapped a scarf around his neck(?). That's why the tear from the tuna teeth removes any chance of him holding his breath to go look for help like they'd planned initially, he's apparently not dumb enough to leap into a hard vacuum without protection. I'm just going to assume what I thought was a scarf is actually some form of adhesive tape, because the whole stunt makes a degree of sense that way. Enough sense for me to believe a teenager came up with a plan like that.
  13. Ah. Well, at least I got an excuse to say "homo erectus" out of it. And yeah, there's a LOT of "alien intervention" sci-fi built around that missing link argument. Lot of good sci-fi, even.
  14. Actually, modern understanding of the species lineage says neanderthal is not a predecessor of homo sapiens. They are a homo branch that forked off some time after homo erectus, and evolved independently of, and concurrently with, homo sapiens.
  15. I've honestly never seen anyone else on the pylon. Though I've been known to send my character out to the end of it and have her sit down and just enjoy the view while I do something else. Takes a bit of fidgeting to get her sitting ON the pylon instead of with her butt on the pylon and her arms and legs propped against empty space. ... Look, we already established I do dumb things for the sake of appearances. Just looks like it's the kind of place my crazy huntress would choose to kick back and relax. Like the sci-fi future version of a sturdy tree on the side of a mountain. And so, I wind up resting on a landing pylon for a bit every now and again, then wiggle the camera to get a good view of the city below and mountains beyond.
  16. Masterpiece Pretenders. Callin' it now.
  17. And I just witnessed one perfect moment of Destiny. Human warlock standing by the fence in the Tower, dancing. Exo titan one-upping him by standing ON the fence, dancing. Awoken hunter one-upping THAT guy by leaping over the fence to stand on the landing pylons over the chasm. Dancing. All races and creeds setting aside their differences to unite for one brief, glorious instant in a common goal: gettin' down. And then the server dropped me.
  18. Who the hell do you think I am? I'm Basara, the man who will pierce the heavens with his music! LISTEN TO MY SONG!
  19. Don't worry, you'll get there. My most satisfying melee kill is still my first run in the Sword of Crota mission. I almost had the last swarm prince killed, and decided I wasn't going to kill him with his own sword. I'm a warrior of the light, a blade of horrible infinite blackness is unbecoming. Look, sometimes I do stupid things in-game for the sake of appearances, okay? So I hit the change weapon button, dropped the sword, and smacked melee. Launched a throwing knife and hit him square between the eyes for all the damage. That's how you clear a mission in style. The titanfist is pretty damn fun, though. Not gonna lie.
  20. Two of seven kids. That's more green hair than most families. ... I'd still like to see more on what happened to the Jenius kids. Like an anime version of Brady Bunch, you know? In all seriousness, though... I'm not saying they need a dedicated series, but... a cameo somewhere would be nice.
  21. Gakken, that pic just makes me think one thing every time I see it. "We Grimlock no like Wheeljack!" I mean seriously, they look like they're sneaking up behind him to stab/bite his sorry backside.
  22. That... sure is a thing. *shakes head in wonder* Tru dat. I've taken to sniping with a hand cannon, just because scout rifles don't have enough oomph(something they've promised to fix "soon") and my sniper rifle has a max ammo capacity like a rawket lawnchair. And my revolver is stupidly accurate at absurd distances. ... Yeah, it's pretty ridiculous. Edit: Oh yeah. Got my first purple engram tonight. It decrypted into purple gauntlets. That I actually needed. I mention this mainly to irk everyone that's suffered under the tyranny of the cryptarchs.
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