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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Yeah, the missing pterodactyl cage was my biggest letdown with the first movie and I was glad to see they rectified it somehow. The third movie was pretty much just a collection of every dinosaur scene from the previous two books that hadn't made it to the screen. Which is not an unenjoyable premise, but... it lacked a soul. The first movie will always be my favorite.
  2. Mmmmm... it's not necessarily a bad idea, but it raises the mass. So you need more reaction mass for the same flight. I'd pr'ly mix it up a bit. Augment those launchers with a thrust-only FAST pack variant. Actually, the launcher/booster combo of the "stock" FAST packs seems to be a pretty sound mix, now that I think about it.
  3. You're probably thinking of The Idolmaster. There's no shame in that. ... Well, okay, there's actually a good deal of shame in that.
  4. Guilty Crown is great right up until the moment it isn't. By the end I was pissed off more than anything else.
  5. Hey, it accurately sums up my understanding of how relativity works.
  6. Because magic. I stand by this statement.
  7. Just plain gold? Not iridium-plated, or gold-pressed latinum? LAME.
  8. Orguss' flight mode honestly almost looks like something out of R-Type. If only the cockpit were longer.
  9. I choose to believe this is not a wrong-thread post, because dinosaurs with armor means Jurassic World is basically DinoRiders: The Movie.
  10. That only applies to knife fights in a park. Without the park it's just a knife fight, with the park it's an ancient zentradi engagement ritual.
  11. "rumour came from someone who wrote a note to takara in broken japanese basically saying stop watching porn and make mp25 megatron." HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Also, I love how everyone just saw "wall of japanese MP-25 MEGATRON more japanese" and went "OMP MP-25 IS MEGATRON!1111 OMFP" OMP, of course, is short for "Oh My Primus!"
  12. Apparently, the Orguss stands 8.7 meters. So roughly 1/48 scale(8700 mm / 180 mm).
  13. Problem is Takara has no interest in GoBots. They're mighty robots and mighty vehicles... and Bandai molds.Which is part of Hasbro's doing precious little with them, because renewed access to Machine Robo toys would require working with Takara's arch-enemy.
  14. Bug Bite had the same dude. Dun recall if Baron von Joy did, but it's likely.
  15. I've heard of those before. I can't rightly fathom the licensing mess that led to them. The Leader-1 model... I would totally have accepted that back in the day. Cy-Kill strikes me as a bit wrong, though, since... you know, the bike is supposed to turn into the robot, not armor for ANOTHER robot.
  16. Edit to add: @CoreyD Exactly! It's as much of a head as Shockwave from that other franchise has! Oddly, I recall molded-in sensor details that do not appear in toy photos, though Baron von Joy DID have green eye decals on the underside of the cockpit-head(flanking that oh-so-smug grin from the cartoon).
  17. And of course, the awesome evil space car was just named "Psycho" Which is not to say the competition's naming did not ALSO fall to the level of "random dictionary words" for a large number of their toys.
  18. Nice, but it's still just a Bug Bite knockoff.
  19. Baron von Joy was friggin' awesome. Haters gonna hate.
  20. If by weird, you mean awesome. Incidentally, there were two kinds of larger toy. The awesome cars with cockpit heads, and upscaled versions of some of the smaller toys. The latter were decidedly less awesome.
  21. The big concern long-term is going to be temperature. Most space probes have heaters to keep the more delicate partd from being damaged by the cold. I assume Philae is no different. With no power, Philae's heater is off. When the sun comes back, it'll be a crapshoot if it comes back up fine or if the the thermal transitions have cracked solder joints left and right. I'm rootin' for it, but I wouldn't get my hopes up.
  22. On the other hand, that thing had 1 axis of movement in one joint. Space car arms can't even swing forward. He can go from held overhead to held straight out like a T. Store shelves today wouldn't put up with that from the bootlegs.
  23. No he didn't. The spaceship landed itself, he just watched fifteen minutes later.
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