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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Ooooh, that WOULD be interesting. Notably different numbers for space and atmosphere, right off the bat. Heck, the fundamental concept of a turn in space is a bit different than in atmosphere. I mean, heck, just look at the differences from a real airplane. Can you use the Valk's attitude control thrusters in atmospheric flight? Is it a good idea? I'm imagining possibilities here, and they are as amazing as they are ridiculous.
  2. No, that's totally on-topic given that's the Fox/Star Wars fanfare and not the Fox fanfare. Incidentally, much like them, the Fox Wars fanfare more or less replaced the Fox fanfare in my head. To the extent that I always feel like they cut the fanfare short in every other Fox movie.
  3. Also, the Gunstar still looks awesome, and we need some merch so I can park one on my shelf.
  4. Displeasing, but not unexpected. The original Lucasfilm fanfare was designed to segue in from the Fox fanfare as if they were a single piece of music. I accepted years ago there's just never going to be another release of MY Star Wars films, and the remastered LaserDisk release is the best version forever.
  5. And then you add energy reinforcement on top of that... I don't deny that an alien gunship capable of FTL travel crashing on Earth would cause such a radical shakeup in the state of the art, but it's mind-bogglingly crazy powerful stuff.
  6. It's also got some interesting variations on the classic VF-1 transformation without getting particularly convoluted. ... I dunno about those canards, though. They look like they're there for the sake of being there.
  7. Your soul was about to be sucked into super-dimensional space and replaced with an energy being that was going to try to conquer the galaxy?
  8. That makes sense to me. Good for cooling the graphics adapter too, and that's one of the hardest things to cool in a modern system.
  9. As I recall, they DID hack it up. The movie just did so poorly in pre-screening that they opted not to give it a full release.
  10. Convection isn't actually a meaningful force on the scale and temperature of a computer. A single fan completely destroys any sort of convection flow. But the rear fan being right next to the CPU makes a big difference. It's also maintaining the ATX spec airflow pattern, which was bottom-front to top-back, with the power supply as the exhaust fan. It was also an airflow pattern that assumed all expansion cards are low-power devices. Modern graphics card evolution destroyed that assumption.
  11. I suppose it should be noted that it isn't like SAL delays are because stuff is getting lost or anything. The very nature of SAL means they can't guarantee when a shipment goes out. It leaves whenever there's extra room in a shipment. This is documented up-front. So it's not that incompetence abounds, just that the core premise IS that shipping soeed is a gamble.
  12. That's my recollection as well.
  13. Different era. No one expected these things to have value five years later, much less thirty-five. Like I said, they got greedy. They know they don't have a leg to stand on, but they're willing to shake people down for money anyways.
  14. I think there's a law that says all Macross AMVs have to be done to Danger Zone.
  15. Let me grab a password generator, and there will be! 000000 000020 000000 000020 Fresh game. Timer 0, items 0.
  16. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=42189&page=7&hl=%2Bwarhammer+%2Bspiritia#entry1188420Ther you go. Sanity saved.
  17. There's quite a few actual phrases that make valid and working passwords, actually. Due to the way the password ststem works, there's several ways to represent any given state. Then there's codes like ENGAGE RIDLEY MOTHER FUuuutheboardwillcensorthiscode They're valid codes and the game accepts them, but set a combination of bits for the start location that has no associated area, so the game freezes. And on the 3DS's emulated version, it crashes the 3DS OS too(hence why anyone noticed). Basically, Metroid's password system is awesome is what I'm saying. In a very Rube Goldberg way, but still!
  18. Not a glitch. One of many passwords with the replay mode bit set. Just the most memorable by far. Somehow, the password is better known than the legit unlock method.
  19. No, but if you plug in a USB keyboard and type JUSTIN BAILEY he turns into a girl NOT wearing powered armor.
  20. Sorry 'bout the wall o' text. I'm just... genuinely mad at my games right now. It's a big old insane mess, and there's no good reason for it to be that way other than incompetence.
  21. I must've missed the period where "My Documents" was the right place to put game saves. It wasn't true anywhere from Win95(and the birth of the universal Program Files dir) to XP, and it's not true on 7. If Vista was that jacked up... then it deserves it's reputation. (I HAVE a Vista machine, I've just not had reason to crawl through my account directory yet... maybe I should). And, well, I've got stuff released last year doing it. Hell, I've got stuff released less than a week ago doing it(never mind that DOA5's Windows port has some hilarious issues and was clearly done by the B team with very little support from the company(yes, I just admitted to buying Dead or Alive)) But no, automatically spawning twenty different directories in one that is explicitly for my documents is wrong. Saved Games as a dedicated target directory only exists so that there's one place to get at them for backing up instead of having to dig up a million different locations(and personally, were I MS, I would've put it in username\saved games instead of username\my documents\saved games, though I can see the argument for visibility). Also found: A lot of settings files that should've gone in AppData strewn about My Documents. Oh, and there's a My Games directory inside My Documents. THAT might've been Vista's designated directory for saves. But again, stuff from last year and this year is crapping in it. Regardless, this reeks of programmers calling %mydocuments% instead of %savedgames%, or whatever the actual environment variables are. Of course, MS CAN'T enforce a standard, since the OS is not locked down. It took a lot of trickery to catch all app writes to program files\application and transparently redirect them to %appdata%\application, and it still broke a few things. Other than locking the OS down so that there are only a tiny handful of ways to access system storage, all abstracted out where software has no actual access to the hard drive, and all software has to go through MS licensing before it can be released into the wild, there's nothing they can really do. And no one wants that. Heck, I STILL have a program or two that defaults to c:\ instead of c:\program files. Programs released in the last couple of years, with absolutely no legacy to speak of.
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