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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Why have I never owned any Zoids stuff? I mean, it's friggin' robot dinosaurs, that's enough of a reason right there.
  2. As I recall, he wrote Lost World basically as a favor for Spielberg. It was SUPPOSED to be adapted into a movie. Which makes it a shame the adaptation went so wrong. I take 3 for what it is: An excuse to animate every dinosaur attack that was cut from the first two books when they made it to the big screen. Except the T. Rex waterfall scene, of course. So have we all. So have we all.
  3. See, I just pretend I never saw the prequels. Sith is just another name for dark jedi. The emperor was just a butthole that wanted Luke to go evil so he'd have a powerful minion. It wasn't that he needed to get rid of Vader, it was just a case of turning Luke's efforts at redemption back on themselves, using them as leverage. Heck, Vader was in on it. He was trying to capture Luke FOR the emperor, and actually made the most effective attempt at corrupting Luke by bringing Leia into it. Of course, Vader also attempted to recruit Luke to his own side and usurp the emperor's throne for himself, as the dark jedi are wont to do. It's good to be the king, after all. But when that failed he didn't make himself scarce or try to eliminate the competition. At best, the "there can only be two" story was spread as misinformation, to keep the jedi in the dark and confused.
  4. Ya know, for a system that's been dead for a decade or so, the DC sure does see a lot of software releases.
  5. Was Classics Seaspray not good enough? I mean, they managed to make SEASPRAY look awesome.
  6. Ya know, at first I thought they meant half-size as in 1/2 scale, and was wondering how ANYONE could afford one. Then I remembered the first version.
  7. Yeah! I'm describing it simply as Inferno Cop 2: This Time There's Ninjas
  8. I'm just going to say that as far as communication goes... An animal trainer who's been working with his critters for years is a lot more plausible than a paleontologist using a skull casting as a flute after a combined total of maybe a day running from said critters.
  9. -we're getting her instead of Arcee because who ever heard of Arcee anyways?
  10. I do too, actually. I find it flawed, and I would do a lot different if it were my show, but... I don't regret watching it. And regardless of what I would've done differently, I still love it when Gamlin starts singing Planet Dance to the comatose Basara. Moreso that it WORKED. (I still choose to believe Basara came out of his coma just to end the tone-deaf cacophony that Gamlin calls singing) I think it was just for the look-cool factor. Gotta have as much LCF as possible. Also, making the zentradi and meltrandi look different from each other was a beneficial move for the movie's plot. And obviously the chicks have to look human because Max marries one, so the men had to be reworked. Of course in the original TV series, the women all had a consistent skintone, while the men were all over the color space, so there was likely always intended to be a visual distinction. And the movie implies they had a spy infiltration operation there like in the TV series, which necessitates a more human-looking skin tone and complexion. Alsoalso: while he's only half-zentradi, Guld doesn't look particularly non-human. Just an unusual skin tone and hair color.
  11. Yeah, that's fair. Though IMO, even if you skip 7, you should watch the OVA sequel. It's fun, and lacks the pacing and quality issues that plague the TV series. And Basara is much more enjoyable as an OVA star than a long series.
  12. Dunno where they originated, but they sure are cool.
  13. All y'all be hatin'. Independence Day is faultless. Completely without flaw.
  14. Getting us right back where we were before the sequels, when we'd simply assumed there was a years-long hunt to ferret out and eliminate the jedi, because how could you possibly get an elite club of mind readers with telekinesis all pinned down long enough for a mass assassination attempt to go through? That's why Yoda was hiding in a swamp untouched by civilization and Obi-Wan was hiding in a cave (with a box of scrap!) in the middle of the desert, just barely visible to what passed for civilization on Tatooine. Because while a jedi COULD kick back in the nicest clubs known to Coruscant, it wouldn't be long before Lord Vader came to have a few words with you.
  15. Cherry MX is the switch name. Cherry's the manufacturer, their keyboard microswitches are their MX line. Reds are lightly-tensioned, and provide an even force all the way through their key travel. They are considered "gaming switches" because of their light touch. They can be hard on your fingers for typing, because they bottom out easily due to the light tension. Browns are a little stiffer, and have a bump on the side so you can feel when the switch makes before it bottoms out. They're considered a jack-of-all-trade switch. Light enough for gaming, firm enough for typing. Blues are designed to emulate the classic IBM keyboard feel. They're stiff, and let loose a nice big CLACK when they make(due to an additional component). NOT for a shared room. Blacks are an odd duck. They're even stiffer, were designed for limited use cases where very high resistance was desirable(like space bars). Some people wanted an entire keyboard of blacks, so those are a thing now.
  16. As far as I know, it was uncensored from the start. There was no two-page contentless sex scene to cut. If it WAS censored, it was self-censored, and there's no actual inked pages to restore. As I recall, there WAS a footnote in one of the pages where Shirow goes "technically, everyone should be naked here, but this was getting excessive even for me." (Paraphrasing, I haven't flipped through it in a while)
  17. I got a higher-end membrane keyboard, and had difficulty enjoying the cheapies after that. Then I got a microswitched keyboard, and have difficulty enjoying any membrane keyboard. Basically, they feel better. And it's not necessarily something you will appreciate until after you've used one. The biggest thing is since you don't have to push ALL the way down, and the microswitch continues to resist once it starts moving(whereas once a silicone membrane gives, it gives way all at once), you aren't smacking your fingertips on a hard surface at full speed with every keystroke. It makes extended use far more comfortable.
  18. Someone in this film BETTER be named Kyle Katarn! The only plans thief for me. Him and his partner, Manny Bothans.
  19. To the best of my knowledge, the Mad Catz is identical to the Eclipses, as far as the actual 104-key part goes. Less lighting options being the big difference. The Eclipse II was a good membrane keyboard. As far as microswitched goes, you've laid out my selection logic pretty well. I've got a Cooler Master QuickFire Pro, and the lack of an app menu key bothers me a little, but not as much as the f-keys being toggled between f-key and music controls instead of shifted to music controls. I've nearly bought a Corsair a couple times. Only stopped last time because they seem to have killed the original unpainted style option,and I really like brushed aluminum.
  20. Good thing they've got attitude control thrusters, then.
  21. Apparently, it was. But yeah, sums my take on things up nicely. Another author is fine, if they do it right. But... this was not done right.
  22. Why is there not a standard for programming meeses and keyboards now? You know, aside from manufacturers wanting to promote vendor lock-in and branded advertisements over practical simplicity.
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