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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Someone in this film BETTER be named Kyle Katarn! The only plans thief for me. Him and his partner, Manny Bothans.
  2. To the best of my knowledge, the Mad Catz is identical to the Eclipses, as far as the actual 104-key part goes. Less lighting options being the big difference. The Eclipse II was a good membrane keyboard. As far as microswitched goes, you've laid out my selection logic pretty well. I've got a Cooler Master QuickFire Pro, and the lack of an app menu key bothers me a little, but not as much as the f-keys being toggled between f-key and music controls instead of shifted to music controls. I've nearly bought a Corsair a couple times. Only stopped last time because they seem to have killed the original unpainted style option,and I really like brushed aluminum.
  3. Good thing they've got attitude control thrusters, then.
  4. Apparently, it was. But yeah, sums my take on things up nicely. Another author is fine, if they do it right. But... this was not done right.
  5. Why is there not a standard for programming meeses and keyboards now? You know, aside from manufacturers wanting to promote vendor lock-in and branded advertisements over practical simplicity.
  6. Of course they are. It simply wouldn't be Star Wars if there was more than one race of junk collectors, just like it wouldn't be Star Wars if there was more than one desert planet(or a planet with more than one environment, for that matter).
  7. Sounds like it's faithful to the comics it's based on. Which is part of why I dropped the comics fairly fast, and didn't peek in on this cartoon. Also, this Yuki has no knowledge whatsoever of E8. After the time-space vandalism that started Disapearance, she's just a normal human living a normal life doing normal things. Same is true of almost everyone else. Only Kyon retained any link to "the real world" in the original story. Far as I know, the series is a completely non-canon "what if Haruhi didn't win" scenario. She likes Kyon in the main continuity too. She just doesn't show it well, because she's still Yuki. I believe the only times it's blatantly obvious are when she ditches the glasses(Kyon, stop ruining characters with your anti-eyewear prejudices! ), and, well, that time she re-worked the entire world to leave the two of them alone in the clubroom together without Haruhi, Mikuru, and Koizumi interfering.
  8. Yeah... whether it's documented or not, I'd totally assume some form of radiation shielding. ... Unless they just wear lead-lined flight suits?
  9. I hope it's not freezing. That'd be a VERY uncomfortable situation in those clothes.
  10. KFC's came out WAY after the official. MP-02 represent! In seriousness, I think that one was a singularly bad case of timing. When they started development, everyone assumed the next official Magnus toy would be a Prime repaint again. That TakaraTomy ACTUALLY made an Ultra Magnus toy was a bit of a surprise.
  11. If it's still an all-environ craft, you have to test it in a planetary atmosphere at some point.
  12. I generally feel "production order" is the best idea for a long-running series. Experience the franchise as it was actually produced and released. That's what the writers expected, anyways. Trek has a canon policy, but no one attempts to keep things straight on even an episode-to-episode basis, much less across different serieses. I think Trek and Wars are both valid examples. On the one hand there IS an official canon, but on the more important hand, no one actually respects it. Not even George Lucas.
  13. Because this movie is a creatively bankrupt trainwreck that has slightly less thought placed into it than an unusually intelligent goldfish is capable of producing. I hope that is an acceptable answer, because it's the only one I can see at the moment. I wish I could be more than snarky and disappointed. I never had much hope for it, but to see them stretching so hard to get below my meager expectations is... it's just sad.
  14. The biggest problem I had is Salvation doesn't understand cause and effect. They go with the logic that since the terminator in the first movie fought Kyle Reese, and the Skynet of the past movies knew about John Conner, that Skynet in their movie should have both of them on it's hit list before John Conner becomes the leader of the resistance. John Conner is a lower-ranking officer , and has not yet risen to the prominence that would result in multiple time-travel assassination attempts. But Skynet acts like it's been hunting Conner for decades. And even if there WAS a continuous information chain from the original movie to Salvation for some inexplicable reason, the terminator from the original film never learned who Kyle Reese was. He's just "that crazy guy that keeps shooting me" That they draw explicit connection to the original Terminator movie with Sarah Conner's cassette diary is just salt in the wound. (They also screw that up, and have Sarah sharing a lot of information about the future she isn't from.) Basically, it's a continuity mess even by the low standards set by Terminator sequels*. And they namedrop people every three sentences or so, so you can't just pretend it isn't a Terminator movie. Which is a shame, because it WOULD have been a decent movie without bolting all the Terminator references into it. *The first movie is very tightly-written and consistent in it's handling of the causality knot it creates, and I love it for that. I consider all the other movies with Terminator in the title to be part of a different series than The Terminator. Does he know more than one expletive? Because if you're gonna have a proper meltdown, you need to do more than just drop f-bombs once a sentence.
  15. Salvation COULD have been a good movie. I've heard it described as a good scifi film, but a terrible Terminator film. Which is true, but it never stops reminding you it IS a Terminator film, so it's hard to watch it as JUST a scifi film.
  16. This. The original TV series remains my favorite piece of the franchise, though I've largely cast aside my Robotech nostalgia at this point. The biggest differences between Macross and Robotech come at the very end. The bridge crew all lives, and the Macross is restored and refurbished at some point after the final battle. More importantly, the "SDF-2"(known as the Megaroad in Macross) wasn't a battleship sent to negotiate a truce with the creators of the zentradi(who are, by all appearances, extinct). It was the first of many colony ships sent to spread humanity among the stars. This distinction has a major impact on the setting of Macross. Aside from Macross Zero, the sequels are set on colony ships or the alien worlds that humanity now calls home. Each installment of the franchise is, mostly, a standalone story. The references to previous shows are generally in the form of homages. A previous show's musical talent being played on the oldies station in a future show, or the hero of one show doing something the hero in another show did in an iconic scene. That sort of thing. But knowledge of the prior shows WILL increase your enjoyment of subsequent ones. Particularly in the case of Macross Frontier, which is absolutely saturated with homages, up to and including remaking an entire episode of one series with the new cast. The easiest way to explain the relationship between the TV series and the movie "Macross: Do You Remember, Love?" is that DYRL actually exists WITHIN the Macross universe. In consideration of that piece of trivia, I watch it as though it is the Macross version of a WW2 movie. Most of the stuff they show actually happened in SOME form, but significant liberties have been taken by the scriptwriters. Macross II is a sequel to DYRL here in the real world. It takes everything within the movie at face value. But it doesn't exist at all within the world of Macross. Because that would just be silly.
  17. Particularly that last perspective shot. Always nice to see a toy looking like it's 1:1 scale.
  18. It's not really a problem with modern trailers specifically. The trailer for Soylent Green had him shouting "soylent green is people!" to preview audiences, for example. It's just a problem with trailers.
  19. How is that a spoiler? It must be terrible to write a movie script and see your big twist thrown up on the trailers months before the movie airs.
  20. I actually thought of that scene while typing. And... well, it becomes a question of if ALL thrusters are the equal of the VTOL ones, you know. I suppose if the missiles are using attitude thrusters, that's probably a good sign. Of course, the "emergency reverse" half-GERWALK mode is probably a good sign they were thinking of novel augmentations to fighter jet maneuverability when designing the VF-1, so... probably. Heck, GERWALK mode itself may have started as simply an extreme form of thrust vectoring before someone realized it made a pretty good assault hovercraft.
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