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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Actually... the VF-0 doesn't have a fusion turbine. It ALLEGEDLY uses jets.
  2. It does XInput? I couldn't find any word on that.
  3. Oh my. They've expanded their line a LOT since I last saw them. That Family Computer-styled joystick is seriously hot.
  4. I was thinking she surprise-headshotted him because she knew she couldn't take him, but I think I like your interpretation better.
  5. It'd be, to my understanding, drastically and startlingly different. While gravity is no longer a major concern, neither is drag. This has very significant effects on how your vehicle handles. Constant thrust no longer equals constant speed. It now equals constant acceleration. If you want to turn, it's not enough to get your vessel pointed the right way and let nature take it's course. You have to use thrust to cancel out the old flight vector as well as get you going on the new one, so you have to overturn sort-of. It's not intuitive, but it's how it works. Basically, go play Asteroids for an hour or two, and you'll have a much better feel for it. And it's the most fun you can have while studying physics. And if your engines die, you can't try to glide home unpowered. You simply cease to be the master of your fate. Also, while not related to actually FLYING, on a clear day you can see for miles. Hundreds of thousands of miles. And it's ALWAYS a clear day. No horizon, no clouds. There's not near as many places to HIDE, but there's a lot more places to BE. That's GOTTA affect combat. Macross typically animates planes in space as flying very similar to planes in atmosphere(engines burning constantly to maintain speed, sweeping banked turns, et cetera), but that's more because it LOOKS right than because it IS right.
  6. Then either I'm a liar or Basara is only the SECOND-best pilot in the franchise. All I'm saying is there has to be a reason Millia chose to kill Kakizaki with her first shot.
  7. Only the greatest pilot of the franchise!
  8. Also, I just realized this is your first post. Welcome to the board, hope we haven't scared you away already.
  9. "Because overtech" IS a frustrating answer, but it's not one we need to trot out here. Attitude control thrusters are homegrown terran know-how that actually exist right now, though not typically on airplanes. The VF-1 is studded with enough of them to orient freely in space, and at least some thrusters are capable of lifting the plane from a standstill on the ground at roughly 1G. One assumes they are adequate to compensate for the lack of elevators. Ye olde space-age technology saves the day!
  10. What about this guy? In all seriousness, I generally prefer the TV series aesthetically, but DYRL is definitely more realistic, both in terms of paint and mechanics(read as: hands).
  11. You're just jealous of Basara's game.
  12. Domon and Rain are the shady bounty hunters, of course.
  13. The real question is why get figures with removable parts in the first place? Just get nekkid plastic to start with. No compromises!
  14. I dunno, seems like there's some loopholes. Like how's he gonna GET theses tapes in the first place? Most if it shouldn't have been recorded on video in-universe. Maybe make the protodeviln deliver them, that makes it a lot easier to hadnwave away where these recordings came from.
  15. In a similar vein, I was always disappointed Basara came out of his coma when he did, because (yet again) he stole the spotlight and choked another character's chance for meaningful contribution. I would've greatly enjoyed a few episodes of Mylene growing as a character and a singer. It would tie directly back to the existing plot point of Mylene's sound energy not being strong enough. She could stop being overshadowed by Basara in multiple senses. AND it would provide an indirect chance to explore Basara's character, as Mylene has to figure HIM out to figure out why he's so much more effective than her, both as an entertainer and as a "fighter." But as always, every time anything interesting started happening, Basara was all "Nope, none of that happenin'. I'm the star here. HEY EVERYBODY! JUMPIN' ON THE PLANET DANCE!" He's still singing over Mylene's solo, even from within a coma.
  16. I don't deny that money's always been a goal. Otherwise you give it away free, or for the cost of media, or encourage people to copy it for their friends. I just dispute that it has to be SOLELY about the money.
  17. I very much was not saying that Rock Band was intended to be unprofitable, or that profit was not a concern. I was saying the guys in charge with Rock Band genuinely LIKE video games, and wanted a quality product, whereas the Hero folks were following corporate mandates to milk as much money out of people as possible as fast as possible. I don't understand why it has to be "for the love of the game" OR "to make money". It's possible to do both. And yes, in the old days, there was far more room among the "big names" for creativity and making a game just to see if it was viable. Rising costs of high-quality development have made "experimental" games more risky, since the odds of a game turning a profit are much lower. And increasingly bloated management with no connection to the product makes it much harder to get a game through that does anything unique or interesting, because they have their idea of what makes a hit, and it's constructed in the Hollywood tradition of making a checklist of superficial things the LAST big hit did. I think it's a difference between large developers and small developers. And yes, there is a difference. Ask Falcom why they don't outsource parts of the game production to save money, and your response will be "but that's the fun part!", regardless of which part it is. Not making this up, that actually happened. Japanese developers have a certain reputation because they were on the Nintendo. It's really that simple. People old enough to remember the Nintendo want to maintain the narrative that the West killed games and Japan, Nintendo especially, saved us from the incompetence of stuffy western developers that didn't know fun from a wet paper sack. It's an absurdly simplistic view that requires glasses that aren't so much rose-tinted as solidly opaque with rose paint, and ignores the vast majority of video game history. But it's very prevalent. It may die off as the XBox generation takes over. But I suspect it's too late to preserve a realistic portrayal of video game history in the public eye. The new generation will learn from Wikipedia, which bends over backwards to preserve the illusion that all the important things happened after the NES and that there's a proud history of lock-step console generations. .
  18. Only if it's G Gundam!
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