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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Sonic CD is the best Sonic, anyone who says otherwise is objectively wrong.
  2. No one deserves to suffer with a Sinclair computer.
  3. Gotta strip disk 7, man. Can't have just one with a slipcover!
  4. In all honesty, I think half of why I loved Shockwave so much WAS the fact that he had two legs and joints where joints belonged. The other half, of course, was that he turned into a raygun with light and sound. But look on the bright side. If Prowl HAD had two separate legs, you'd've had shattered Prowls ANYWAYS. That's the lesson I took away from Tracks, anyways. I think I may actually be bitter about my Tracks experience.
  5. And since we've got the Commodore crowd in here... my first COMPUTER was a TI 99/4a. 16-bit power!
  6. What, not a Studio II? A Channel F? An ODYSSEY? You're just another newb like all the rest of us.
  7. Nice until the joysticks broke thirty minutes later. But seriously, that's a sexy piece of hardware.
  8. Hawt. Mine was a Vectrex. Original GCE version.
  9. Because it was AWESOME! ... When I was six. As with most of us, I had pretty poor taste as a kid.
  10. Damn rich kids! (At this point, getting some flavor of TurboGrafX is on my short list of things to do with my collection.)
  11. I still don't understand why it was called Gatchaman. I enjoyed the show for what it was, but was bugged that they put the Gatchaman name on something so clearly unrelated.
  12. I had a Super Nintendo, and was pretty darn sure it was the RIGHT choice. Having matured somewhat since then, and actually LOOKED at both sides... I have a lot more respect for Sega than I used to.
  13. I'm starting to suspect they're doing V2s of everything on purpose. So they can tap the accureate and "needs more curves" markets both. ... Or just so they can sell everyone two copies of the "same" figure.
  14. In fairness, Scrounge isn't completely pulled out of their backside. He's one of those comic-book-only characters that never had a toy. But at least he was an AMERICAN comic book character instead of one of those weird british ones like Impactor. And he had a special arm!
  15. Oh, the second half of the 4th one is wall-to-wall action. Classic Micheal Bay mispacing. The first one is just painful. It's all bad writing and almost no robots shooting robots. What little action IS there is edited so haphazardly you can't even tell what's going on. The second one at least delivers on the promise of robots shooting guns at each other.
  16. I'm sure there's one lurking around here somewhere. I know I've seen people insisting the live-action movies are great and what is anyone complaining about. With some serious putting of words in mouths and grand warping of reality to make their points. I maintain the less-unpopular opinion that each subsequent installment is less bad than what came before, and if the trend continues they are dangerously close to actually making a movie worth watching.
  17. Cue the live-action defenders explaining how it proves the cartoon was dumb crap for kids and the new ones are for mature adults.
  18. Did it? I REALLY don't remember Lost World, then. I just remember T. Rex Eats San Diego, and T. Rex: His vision's based on movem-never mind.
  19. Personally, I'm waiting for the G2 redecos. </trollin'>
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