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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I see what you did there. Now back to sleep or I'm telling mom about your Playboys!
  2. I'm still wondering why astromech droids are removable components instead of integrated into the ship where they can be placed behind thick armor instead of sticking their tinfoil heads out into a raging dogfight.
  3. Yeah, the continuing lack of Shin Great is a shin heartbreak.
  4. And it needs a functional hyperdrive motivator unit too.
  5. I... missed that one totally. I meant Sharon Apple.
  6. And since it won't work in space, it's not really viable for a Valk. Two problems... 1. It has to be directional, so the Valk needs a lot of small antennae for the cancellation mechanism. And with a small antenna fighting a large antenna, you're gonna have to make up the difference with raw power. 2. While it's true that this works well for modern RADAR systems, the future RADAR systems of Macross are vastly more powerful, and almost certainly far better at filtering out noise while still picking up attenuated signals. So you still need a butt-ton of power.
  7. Well, it can't end worse than the LAST robot singer in Macross did.
  8. Last time I saw someone stocking at my pathetic excuse for a MalWart, I made an idle comment about the slim pickings, and they blamed scalpers. Stores can order as much as they want, Hasbro can ship as much as they want, but as long as it all winds up on eBay anyways...
  9. Oh, they put it back in "print"? I'm pleasantly surprised. Oh, that's the plan. It's not a viable long-term solution, though, because I don't have the gear for a proper reflow. That procedure is just a stopgap measure. (The nitpicker in me insists on noting that isn't reballing either, which would require more equipment, the removal of the chips in question, and fresh solder applications.) Thanks.
  10. That air-trucking is hilarious, and somehow both wrong and right at the same time. Okay, just don't come crying to me when they're shattered. Nintendo's still trying to figure out what went wrong with Metroid Prime. It was supposed to be another bad 3D transition game and it wound up so wildly popular they had to take it out of print while people were still buying it up left and right. Yes, you can't find Metroid Prime Trilogy because Nintendo deliberately took it out of print to STOP YOU FROM BUYING IT. In non-E3 news, my PS3 died tonight. I'm upset. And angry. (Mostly angry at Europe. Stupid lead-free solder mandates.) Now I have to A. buy a new system(because Sony charges the cost of a new system for out-of-warranty repairs), B. figure out how to get this one booting long enough to transfer my data over(apparently you can do things with a blowdryer), and C. get my friggin' game out of the drive(really, Sony? You can't add a forced eject to your failure state?). As opposed to my 360's Crimson Pacman incident where I extracted the hard drive and game, sent it to MS at no cost, then got online and changed ownership of all the data on my drive to the new deck once I received it. Never mind that half of that was because MS was staring down the barrel of a class-action lawsuit over Crimson Pacman issues.
  11. Also, it's a stupidly easy feature to add.
  12. The VF-1 has some number of attitude thrusters that are rarely illustrated, just because without them it can't maneuver in space.The best example is the VTOL thrusters on the trainer in DYRL.
  13. Of course you are. Nintendo hates Metroid. They want it dead.
  14. That too. And given it's almost certainly just supercooled hydrogen(slush because it's cold enough to partially solidify)... yeaaaaaah. Also, I assume the Valkyrie's nature as an aerospace craft means the focus is probably on ensuring you never lose power rather than ensuring it's flyable without power. In space all the control surfaces in the world won't help you get home. Also it's transformable nature. Power failure in GERWALK or battroid mode, you aren't going far in any direction except down... unless you were "skating" your GERWALK, then you might be traveling in a lot of different directions as soon as that foot hits the ground. So yeah... just do your best to ensure you have power at all times, given glide potential is only valid to one of six major possibilities(three modes x two environments)
  15. FF7 was not my first RPG. Nor even my first plot-driven JRPG. I find it mediocre. Get back to me when there's a Lunar remake that doesn't suck.
  16. There's different kinds of safe. It won't dump long-lived radioactive material all over the place when it goes, but you've still got a small sun contained in something the size of an ice chest.
  17. Probably similar to when they announced Duke Nukem Forever was getting released. Which is to say that at this point it's mostly disappointment that we can't make jokes about the delays anymore.
  18. Oh, I'm not actually holding it against them. I do wish they'd done something more believable, like Battleship's undefined space communications satellite, but...
  19. I'd noticed a lot less defense of bad movies lately, but assumed he just gained the good sense to stay out of the bad movie thread.
  20. Meh, it's just like the 360-XBox compatibility was. It's limited, they're going to add games that don't work right to the list because they don't test/want to pad the list, and it'll stop as soon as everyone stops shouting about back-compatibility because they realized they CAN sell you the same game again so get in the store and pay to download that game you already own a disk for. Sorry MS, but we've been down this road before. Which is funny since Iga made several times more than his standard game development funds on Kickstarter. But yeah, Kickstarter's being used as a preorder system. No two ways about it.
  21. If you lose power, you're in big trouble anyways. I can't imagine a microfusion reactor fault being anything but bad news, even in an atmosphere. Best case, you ran through all your hydrogen, which it's implied is REALLY hard to do, so you've probably been flying continuously for DAYS. After that, it seems like there's a lot of problems that make landing an intellectual exercise on account of the plane is now made entirely of rapidly-expanding plasma. But the reaction thrusters are always in place and (mostly) pushing directly perpendicular instead of at an odd angle. It would've critically damaged the VF-1's LCF. (Look-Cool Factor)
  22. Which raises the question: How fast does the barrier effect initialize? Could you leave the PPB under computer control in standby, and it could activate a barrier disk shortly before weapons-fire impacted the vehicle, then deactivate it again after the attack had dissipated? For that matter, how are the disks controlled on the canon barrier-equipped fighters? Are they automated, or do pilots just place them in places they'd really rather not get shot?
  23. Good news for comet fans: The white whale failed to kill Philae, and the world's first armed space probe just phoned home to hook us up with some pics. http://www.slate.com/blogs/bad_astronomy/2015/06/14/philae_alive_and_well.html
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