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Everything posted by JB0

  1. He also survived the pineapple curse!
  2. Indeed it has. And ANN failed to actually link the campaign, near as I can tell. So I will.
  3. Hey, I'm excited to see this finished. But... wrestling meltrans is a pretty hard act to top!
  4. Oh, and let's not forget Sari is the least annoying human sidekick of all time.
  5. What everyone else said. Initial trepidation gave way to "great show, shoulda been longer."
  6. I think it just means I strike close to the truth of the matter.
  7. How is that a tossup? The coke machine is hands down the better character.
  8. Honestly, it made sense for Operation Stargazer. And I imagine after they got back, Millia just harangued him about it endlessly. "You got your own VF-22? " "Well, it was a necessity for the miss-" "You know they're based on MY Quedluun!" "I'm aware some of the technol-" "And one of YOUR so-called 'ace pilots' stole and destroyed MY VF-1!" "I assure you Gamlin had the best of inten-" "I'm not blaming anyone. But the VF-22 is a really nice plane." "*sigh* I can get the factory satellite to build a second one if you'd like." "Oh, if it's not too much trouble! MAKE SURE THEY PAINT IT THE RIGHT SHADE OF RED!"
  9. Man, I'd love that last one. Especially with that cape. I wish the too-small swimsuit wasn't a too-small swimsuit because it's an awesome style, but the, shall we say, clinginess of the outfit is just a TINY bit ridiculous. And it's TOTALLY out of character!(he said as if anyone in this thread cares about in-characterness)
  10. They built a -19 for a homeless rock star before the special forces got a shot at them. <noncanon musings> Which I guess means it's possible the special forces guys only got it because Basara had already demonstrated the thing had a significant real-world advantage over their current rides. I kind of like the idea of Basara getting a -19 to "beta-test" it for the rest of the fleet. Making sure the Sound Force project is useful even if Dr. Chiba's sound energy theory had turned out to be just the ravings of a mad man. </noncanon musings> And then they built a pair of -22s for their fleet commander and mayor because why not? Clearly the military and civilian leaders of your entire gig should be on the front lines where they can more effectively oversee operations. (And it was awesome and I love them for it.)
  11. Kakizaki. Someone's gotta root for the underdog.
  12. I knew I should've doublechecked which mold Bumblejumper was instead of just shooting from the hip.
  13. I dunno, looks more like a VF-4 to me.
  14. What's this about trials and tribble-ations?
  15. I want to be cremated with my collection. Can't take it with me? FEH! I'll show you all!
  16. The history of the Virtual Boy, sans rumors, speculation, and lies. A tale of lost capabilities, hardware crippled by early decisions, rushed software development, and a bit of yellow journalism as icing on the cake. Most amazingly... the system has no Super Mario game. For years, people have wondered why Nintendo thought Mario Clash and Mario Tennis were acceptable for the showcase game. Bafflingly, Nintendo actually told Yokoi to NOT make a "real" Super Mario game, since it would compete with Super Mario 64. But eh, we got Wario Land out of it, so I'd say we won in the end if more than twelve people had ever played it. Seriously, Nintendo, why isn't this game ported to/emulated on the 3DS yet?
  17. Hopefully nothing comes to pass. Konami is not so much inept as actively malicious, and I think they've seen the same loss of talent recently that Capcom saw back after they shuttered Clover Studio(albeit in a lower-profile trickle instead of a single mass exodus).
  18. The one that breaks is obviously actually the rare MP Motormaster. Also, MP-01 has a light to make the Matrix in his chest glow. If that isn't reason enough to prefer it, I don't know what is.
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