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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I'm doing that right now too. Introducing a friend to the show and taking the opportunity to rewatch it along the way, a few episodes a week. We just made it through the gang's escape from zentradi capture the other night.
  2. *laughs* Well-played, sir. Well-played.
  3. Or hook two widescreen displays up end-to-end. That actually gets you very close to the original arcade aspect ratio(and is, coincidentally, what Taito did for the Darius Burst arcade cab, despite Burst NOT being a port of the originals). But in all seriousness, I think a modern widescreen set would do Darius II's two-screen version nicely. There's still a bit of letterboxing, but it's a far less absurd amount than the 3-screen. More like the scale you got watching 16:9 content on a 4:3 display. The active image is still a reasonable size, the gaping maw of the frame isn't offensive, etc. And sure, it's the cab for WUSSES instead of REAL MEN, but it's not like Darius II wasn't designed to be playable on two screens in the first place.
  4. And your TV even has enough horizontal resolution to display Darius properly these days. Still gonna have letterboxing, though.
  5. Also, sometimes realism gives way to looks-right-ism, and stick play is one of those things that, even if I knew better, I'd illustrate incorrectly for aesthetics. It's similar to how rocket launches in every movie ever have engine ignition at 0 on the countdown. 0 is supposed to be liftoff, not engine start, but it looks so much better if the engines fire at 0 that even when going for accuracy, they'll fudge that part.
  6. I see one cutie, where's the other? <shipping war 2015>
  7. Okay, I do grant it will be the awesomest chainsaw-wielding guntank ever built IRL.
  8. And they aren't even budgeting LEGS. It's STILL going to be a Guntank when they're done!
  9. You forgot "BOMBAA!" He really would!
  10. Rad. I'm definitely interested in this.
  11. Basically, we don't know what natural threats may have entailed, as we know nothing ABOUT their natural home. It's kinda like if aliens found some astronauts siphoning air off the alien ship, and tried to deduce something about human society from that. There's just no real way to tell.
  12. You're makin' a great point and I'mma let you finish, but... Basara was actually working in the service of the military, his VF-19 was supplied and maintained by the military, and the upper command of the Mac7 fleet was running interference for him because he WAS a military psyops mission. So they created Sound Force instead, and it worked. I've described him as a force of nature, but... yes. And it's all largely reasonable analysis of the situation, sabotaged by the fact that the story, of course, ignores some of the more realistic consequences that would result from Basara's behavior* in favor of the kinda silly super-robotish take on things the writers were going for. *In both directions. Those speaker pods are INSANELY dangerous from any rational perspective, and he's firing them with reckless abandon at targets he has no desire whatsoever to injure. To say nothing of Speaker Pod Gamma. I, too, am Gamlin.
  13. Fair enough. To heck with Gamlin.
  14. Are you saying Gamlin doesn't matter?!?!
  15. Initially, Kaifun is thrown into the middle of a situation he doesn't understand. He truly believed that if everyone stopped shooting and just TALKED, the war would end. His ideals are put to the test, and bend to reality, seeing him become a direct participant in the largest offensive of the war. By the end of the war, he KNOWS there was never another choice but to fight. I think it's far too easy to forget that, and project Kaifun the bitter troll onto Kaifun the naive pacifist. It does his character a disservice. Certainly, he's a complete toolbox in the end, and I do not defend his character. But it isn't how he started. He was, in the beginning, much like Basara, a man who believed there was always a peaceful resolution available. He just didn't have anima spiritia and a custom robojet-thing painted in the most ostentatious shade of red available.
  16. Isn't this the "Everything that isn't actually Delta news" thread?
  17. Well, the next show is going to star some of the Jenius girls, and we're pretty sure they get themselves into trouble a lot, but are good at getting back out of it.
  18. In fairness, a lot of actors have LOST their paychecks because they got typecast. If you can't find work, you don't get paid. And being typecast makes it a lot harder to find work.
  19. The barrel has no bottom, just increasingly firm layers of muck.
  20. I guess I need to get around to reading my copy of the book before filming wraps, so I can see the movie and gripe about all the things they got wrong.
  21. If 1 isn't the "no gun" pod variant, I'll eat my hat. (Spoilers: I don't actually own a hat)
  22. I actually did remember Emilia. Her appearance really raises more questions than it answers. ONE of their daughters is... a spacehobo. That lives in a cave in the mountains of Nowhereworld, population twenty-five(globally). But I suppose I should've said the TV series treats her as an only child. Also, dad Max looks just hilariously laidback in that baggy sweater.
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