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Everything posted by JB0

  1. OBVIOUSLY it uses force projectors to turn, enabling it to spin on a dime. The power of the future, man!
  2. Kirishima is best boat bear. (brings a whole new definition to "shipping", though)
  3. I wonder how many of those wars Isamu STARTED.
  4. She could wear it well, depending on how much time Megaroad spent in fold space and how fast it was going when outside of fold space. Time dilation is awesome that way.
  5. Ah, but it's not a closed shape anymore! It's an OPEN shape! (And really looks more like an A now)
  6. Sort of. It's an officially-sanctioned port of a commercial game, so it's not really straight homebrew. But it's definitely not a commercial release title like "Alice's Mom's Rescue" was back in March. While unlicensed, it IS still a commercial release. Or Ghost Blade, which came out last monday. ... Oh. No release in 2010, it looks like. The DC died in 2010. RIP in peace, Katana. Anyways, most defunct systems are dead for a decade or so before any major homebrew development starts. The DC's started before it died, and some folks actually make a living selling newly-developed games. The last licensed official release was in 2007. They killed the GD-ROM production lines that year, so there's no way to print official DC games anymore. But DC can boot CD-ROM media, and as long as there are cheap chinese CD presses, there will be new games! (And by most accounts, NG:DEV.TEAM actually makes pretty good games, as long as you like scrolling shooters.)
  7. Good. It's in the part where the Megaroad 1 is, AMIRITE? (I kid)
  8. http://volgarr.rkd.zone/readme.html Dreamcast: The soul still burns. In all seriousness, I can't think of any system that's had such a consistent release pattern for so long after it was discontinued. I don't think a year has gone by since 99 that there hasn't been A new Dreamcast game put out.
  9. Yessssss. They also both have "extra" parts sticking out. A gunbarrel and hose in Shockwave's case, a big cannon on the shoulder in Perceptor's.
  10. Can't terrorize the dog if the gun doesn't go bew-bew and woooom. Basically, nostalgia. And it does look like the original fold-up backpack is there, so there's a big hunk of empty space to fit the beooOOoo and zzzzzt maker.
  11. SHOCKWAVE! WHOOOOOOOOO! Just remember, Takara... lights and sound. I know you can do it.
  12. Just noticed you got front-paged. Congrats.
  13. I think you answered your own question.
  14. 'Cept mainstream society just calls it the new XBox or Nintendo. Gamers are the only ones rambling about generations. Any way you spin it, it's an after-the-fact justification of Wikipedia having a poor classification that's already gained too much traction to end. It's all spinning stories to try and justify why 1+1=3 instead of admitting 1+1=2. As someone who DOES care about that history that's being so horribly misrepresented, I hate that such a blatant wrongness is being perpetuated so heavily. And it really does have a lot to do with Wikipedia. It's TERRIFYING how many people use Teh Wikiz as a reliable, ironclad source of accurate information, and erroneous information on that website can rapidly become very widespread because of it. You're acting like this is some cult tenet we're arguing about instead of the cartoons being discussed explicitly saying something other than your personal theory. Sometimes consensus is as simple as "the show explicitly says this, and there's no reason whatsoever to believe the characters are lying." As an example, you won't see me denying the existence of fold faults and analyzing how fold quartz works to speed up fold travel in the absence of faults, because it was rather clearly laid out in Frontier that fold faults are a thing and that fold quartz lets you ignore them. I hate what they did, and consider it a very ill-considered addition to the setting, but I won't ignore the facts just because I don't like them. Also, I don't think you're thinking about the same historical franchise strife that I'm thinking of. When one thing is EXPLICITLY stated to be one way, and the interpretation in question is that this explicitly stated thing is actually another way, then no, it's not a matter of interpretation and rigorous proof. Sometimes it really is that simple. There's places where there's a lot of room for interpretation and analysis, and places where there just isn't. I do try. As do a few other people who you have been less appreciative towards. Also, you seem to be misusing "semantic" an awful lot, just FYI. It's generally better to correctly use a smaller word than to misuse a bigger one.
  15. Destruction of unsold merchandise would be to get the tax writeoff on unsellable merchandise. It's not an uncommon practice in the video game industry, or other media markets for that matter. There's fine print in novels and CDs warning you that if the disk case was cut or drilled/book cover removed that the product was likely written off as destroyed and no one got paid for it. In some cases it's a notable practice for the sheer scope of the destruction, however, as in this case. I think the second most infamous instance is Dreamcast port of Half-Life. As the Dreamcast's footing in the american market eroded, it rapidly became obvious that DC HL was never going to be profitable if released. The game came within a stone's throw of actually seeing a release anyways. Close enough that the cheat book DID make it to store shelves(and I imagine they were livid when they found out the game DIDN'T). The DC-exclusive content Half-Life: Blue Shift would eventually be backported to the PC. Due to the sudden eleventh-hour cancellation, it's highly probable an entire print run was completed and then destroyed for a tax writeoff. * The MOST infamous instance, of course, is the Atari ET crushing, which is also notable for how badly it gets misreported, but that's another topic. *Tangentally, this could very well be why no copies of the US version of Macross VF-X2 have ever surfaced, despite the game being known to have been VERY near to release from the existence of magazine ads with a finalized ESRB rating, at a time when ads were for product on shelves, not preorders. Same is likely true of Megaman Battle & Chase, but that veers even further off-topic. To drag this all kicking and screaming back to the point... it's highly likely that the final runs of the Mechwarrior games were destroyed. Particularly as I seem to recall there being a rights transfer, and any inventory Activision had after that transfer COULDN'T legally be offered up for sale.
  16. It's funny that you complain about people trying to nip misinformation in the bud before it gets out of hand and becomes gospel truth(as it has in the past with this franchise's tortured history), and then reference Wikipedia's godawful incompetent list of console generations, which was rather blatantly penned by a Nintendo fanboy with no actual knowledge of gaming history other than "everything before the NES sucked and Nintendo invented everything". Aside from trying to force an impression of lockstep console releases that simply didn't exist before the turn of the century, they also actively marginalize all pre-Nintendo hardware(and a good deal of early post-Nintendo hardware). Eighth generation my left buttcheek. The current crop of consoles is, by any sane tiering, closer to the sixteenth. But no one will ever stop people from quoting Wikipedia's game console generations at this point. It was left too long unopposed, and by the time the people that cared KNEW about the gross ineptitude taking place, it'd already become too firmly entrenched. In short, a lie repeated often enough becomes the truth. And that is why those with knowledge are so eager to correct your (sometimes grave) misunderstandings.
  17. Fight the power, Del Toro! We believe in your dream of giant robots punching monsters inna face!
  18. There's typically a little excess around the edges to ensure no incomplete art makes it into the frame(and to ensure that everything important dodges the typical overscan area of a television of the era), but nothing like what you're imagining is available. Something like ten percent of the total frame area, which isn't much.
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