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Everything posted by JB0

  1. All makes sense from a professional standpoint. I was looking at it from the home user perspective. I'm curious why not use the integrated graphics. I'd figure most anything that takes out CPU-integral graphics would also take out the CPU itself, so it seems like a winner to me, unless it's for hardware consistency. Or is this a case of "we have a text terminal, graphics are for chumps"? Which is, again, a thing that makes sense. I have had motherboards where PART of the IO chip failed. Actually, I lost the keyboard and mouse ports, but still had everything else. This was a socket 7 board, so that was kind of a catastrophic failure. Didn't matter if the hard drive controller worked fine, I couldn't DO anything with it. And yeah, good luck finding a keyboard interface card to fix THAT.
  2. That it sure is a VR headset.
  3. Apparently, the Takara MP Shockwave has the barrel combine with the gun mode display stand to form a backpack.
  4. Legs are huge. Head is super squat, eye is too small and recessed too far back. It's... pretty wrong. The backpack is WAY too busy. Even ignoring the big transparent purple piece sticking out, it looks like he forgot to put his access plates on when he got up in the morning. The back half of the lasergun mode is wonky as all get-out, and the gun lacks a trigger entirely. While not actually a sculpt issue... dear Primus that purple is a menace. Shockwave is DARK purple, not Barbie Fun House Purple. Note that I am extremely toy-biased on Shockwave's looks.
  5. You know, I've thought before it'd be great to make the entire ATX backplane out of little lego blocks. Just run some PCIE lanes back there, and start snapping bricks on. Heck, even shifting to mini-PCIE cards for most purposes would be awesome. There's not really a good reason for us to be using the same expansion card form factor that we used in 1981 for the most part. Actually, we're shifting back towards integrated graphics for everything that isn't a gaming build. Intel builds a quite functional graphics chip into almost every processor they make these days. Incidentally, the reason IBM didn't make heavy use of integrated peripherals originally was reliability concerns with the parts of the era. And, of course, it kind of caused problems because the 5150 only had 5 slots, and any sort of functional machine was using ALL OF THEM. As reliability went up, and component size went down, we started seeing more integral peripherals(starting with serial ports and disk controllers). Now we're at a point where there simply isn't enough IO on offer to hook up everything people want, so you have to choose between more USB3 or more SATA or a second graphics card... you know what, if you have multiple graphics cards you deserve to suffer. Using multiple cards to render one screen is stupid and has been for a long time and you can quote me on that.
  6. It's a little odd, but it makes me smile. And we can add Shockwave carrying a laser gun that looks like him to the list.
  7. Well, PCIE lanes don't always go to PCIE slots. Interfaces for onboard controllers wire to PCIE, as does an M.2 SSD slot. And I would LOVE to see boards sporting M.2 become the standard.
  8. It is. And the obvious solution is to not just add enough PCIE lanes to cover current usage, but to add WAY MORE PCIE lanes. I'm actually serious here. We need motherboards with far more PCIE lanes than they have, though Intel's newest chipsets go someway towards alleviating the situation.
  9. Aww yeah! Chest electronics even look right! Cable looks to be on the right side to me. They always got that wrong in the cartoon. Half the time it looked like he didn't even HAVE a cable. Cartoon had a crappy opaque chest panel too. Shockwave without an image of capacitors and whatnot sticking out just isn't right. TOY ACCURACY YEAH!
  10. I just meant SCSI was a better standard than ATA, and would've mostly removed any need for SATA in the first place. Not that it was faster. Speed of the interconnect is not the limiting factor on hard disks, and flash drives are gradually getting off of hard drive interfaces entirely. They're still flimsy connectors. The dang tongue is too narrow for my comfort. And yes, my very first SATA mobo(An Abit, may they rest in peace) DID have a connector pull up off the board while I was trying to route a locking cable. Plastic shell just came straight up, and I broke a pin off while trying to get it to line up and go back down. I studiously avoid using locking cables on SATA ports that stick straight up because of that experience. Try to avoid straight-up connectors entirely. Right-angle or GTFO. MORE PCIE LANES! MORE! Actually, it seems to me like a lot of boards have been IO-starved lately, and we really DO need more PCIE lanes in general. Putting drives directly on the bus just exacerbates an already-bad situation.
  11. In my experience, they typically announce two weeks after you buy an upgrade.
  12. The connectors are flimsy garbage they found in a cereal box, and the inability to chain multiple drives off one base connector is completely inept. Just because IDE did it wrong is no reason to insist it can't be done reasonably. ... We shoulda all just converted to SCSI in the 90s. You know it's bad when I'm advocating that we follow APPLE. The 6GB/s thing is because SATA wasn't ever designed for flash media. Solid state drives saturate every new version of the standard as fast as it's introduced, and hard disks still can't saturate the 3GB/s outside of cache hits. Not to mention high performance hard disks have followed the dodo and passenger pigeon into the next life. SATA folks basically decided to let PCIe take the SSD market instead of continuing to try and keep up with SSD, which was a losing proposition.
  13. But she's out of scale with EVERYTHING ELSE YOU OWN. It will RUIN your display case!
  14. In times like these, I like to ask ... What Would Ash Ketchum Do? The answer usually comes back to me, a voice in my head that tells me "gotta catch 'em all."
  15. Well, the F117 isn't really a fair demonstration of ANY aerodynamic principle except "enough thrust will make anything fly". With aerodynamics like that, it's more surprising that they managed to get it to NOT fall from the sky like a bird having a stroke, elevons or not.
  16. Are you sure? It doesn't look like Macross to me.
  17. California has plenty of salt water already, though.
  18. Nice squadron! ... Now you just need the coneheads.
  19. It's very faint amounts of very salty flowing water. There's serious questions about how it's GETTING to the equator, since there shouldn't be enough atmosphere to carry water vapor that far and any near-surface ice should've evaporated ages ago. Nuking the poles is a bad idea. Better to attack an ion engine to an asteroid and drop THAT on the poles. Easier, cheaper, more effective.
  20. I used to could spend an entire day mucking with Windows, back when I was in high school. Change the wallpaper, change all the colors to match it, change the system icons, change icon layouts to keep them in places they lookd good, and holy crap is it that late already? Thank goodness we moved to bitmapped themes and I can't do that anymore, right?
  21. I just changed up my cellular PDA background. I have a theme going of only using androids and cyborgs for my Android wallpapers. It's nerdy as hell, but it makes me a tiny bit happier. We'll see how long it lasts. The last one didn't make it a day. It looked okay at first, but it just didn't sit right with me. Next time I change this up, I'm probably gonna find some good Ghost in the Shell cover/color page scans to use. The Major would be faithful to the theme, I like Shirow's stye, and I don't know why I only just now thought of it.
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