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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I question this. You shouldn't actually cool off THAT fast in space. It's not like jumping in a pool full of ice water, because there's no matter there to conduct heat away. You only cool down radiatively. Certainly, you WILL get damn cold, but in the near-perfect vacuum of space doing so FAST isn't an option. I have more issue with the idea he could make his flight suit close enough to airtight with just a thickly wrapped scarf around the neck. I'mma just pretend the scarf was actually duck tape. ape. It was still a terrible idea, though I grant it would seem less of one to a teenage boy trying to impress a cute girl.
  2. I'm pretty sure you hit the nail on the head. Instead of a Fighter, it's a Variable Fighter, so VF instead of F. It slightly bugs me that YF in Macross is not YVF. But I'm sure I am overthinking this.
  3. Ah, so THAT'S what SkunkWorks has been up to!
  4. Also, quoting pics makes the page take longer to load. Think of the dialup users!
  5. Also, they had to follow on from the first movie's ending. They readily admit they didn't WANT to do a future story with Marty's kid, but they HAD to because the first movie promised it.
  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Man, the idea that they actually ship Transformers to stores. You're a funny guy.
  7. The shoulder pipe snakes? I have no idea, honestly.
  8. And without the X-Wing books, we'd still call every droid by serial number. Seriously, it's rather shocking how fast writers started giving droids nicknames after Star Wars: X-Wing: Rogue Squadron came out. Overnight EVERY droid got a name.
  9. Probably turn him into a gun and point him at the dog while making laser noises with my mouth.
  10. You should really be sad. There's some great stories in there, and I think they're almost all out of print now. Instead of things like X-Wing: Wraith Squadron, you got... The Phantom Menace.
  11. For Link to the Past Link... his eyes are too big and the Master Sword is way off-model. His shield is not so much off-model as it is a completely different thing. Dug the Super Nintendo manual out to prove to myself I wasn't crazy. Then hunted up some scans of the japanese manual to check if this is just an east-side/west-side thing. They use the same art, so... I'm not saying it's a bad figure. I quite like it. I'm just saying that it's not Zelda 3's Link.
  12. In fairness, what's he gonna do as a gun? The cartoon went to great lengths to find a reason for someone else to fire him pretty often. That's hard to do in a video game, really.
  13. I'm toy-biased, so to me he ALWAYS had little feet.
  14. I thought perfect transformation was, by definition, screen-accurate transformation. Which is not to say that I don't like the idea of reworking him so everything is PART of him. Loose parts are lost parts! I'm just not sure how you define "perfect" in this case.
  15. Holo fits a different niche, really. Augmented reality and virtual reality aren't in direct competition, as I see it. Sony has to overcome the Rift hype. Or steal it for themselves. That's their big roadbump.
  16. That will depend on what it works with, and how well it does the job. I very rarely commit to buying things sight unseen with no real information to go on. Get back to me once it is actually available and there's some real reviews. While all we have to go on is paid promotional pieces masquerading as journalism and straight-up rewordings of press releases, all I know is Sony wants me to buy it, which is a lot like telling me water is wet. It's true, but not meaningful information. But right now, if I get a VR headset, one for my PC makes more sense.
  17. Pretty good movie. Very realistic, for the most part, with a likable star and a good focus on aesthetics and hard science. (The computers are, as always, way too flashy and take a long time to display simple text files because "sweet animation for every letter", and they put the Vehicle Assembly Building in Houston instead of Florida for SOME REASON) Aesthetically speaking, I am particularly fond of the Ares space suits. And the Ares logo, which draws blatant inspiration from NASA's "worm" logo of the 80s(AKA the good logo). The iconic upside-down-V-as-A warms my heart every time I see it. I have not read the book yet, but it is on my short list of things to do.
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