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Everything posted by JB0

  1. It's a Bethesda game, and you expect it to work at launch? It doens't matter if it's Windows, XBox, or PlayStation, that's not happening. On the upside, the Windows version will be modded to hell and back within twelve hours of launch by fans eager to do Besthesda's job for them, so that's something.
  2. I thought he was popular because he was the only character smart enough to realize he was stuck in a comic book.
  3. Because you need that lossless audio!
  4. No, I meant it the way I said it, as I was actually being mildly sarcastic. Optimus Prime Char Custom is just so close to plain Optimus Prime default P1 colors that I have trouble accepting it AS a repaint. It's like... yeah, it's TECHNICALLY different, but why bother? That said... in my headcanon, it IS Optimus Prime Char Custom.
  5. I dunno. I can't quite put my finger on it, but there's just something WRONG about Optimus Prime in red.
  6. Well, it IS the obvious upgrade from that time she equipped some FAST packs... Either way... hooray for anthrotech, friggin' saved, Millia is still best waifu.
  7. We also know from Mac+ that the technology exists in-universe for a non-invasive neural interface. And we know from 7 that it even saw some limited use in a production craft. Certainly it was a troubled invention in it's infancy, but the fundamental concept was proven sound. Refinement would be inevitable. I'd be surprised if the hair-spears are part of a cybernetic interface, but I'd get over it.
  8. Makes you wonder which one has the biggest gunpod.
  9. Noise reduction is not an upscaling technique. It's a different thing. Note: I do not own the DYRL BR, and have no real frame of reference here.
  10. VF-25 Sound Force Custom.
  11. Before the thread returns to it's slumber, I just wanna say the wrist cannons on the new Valk are awesome. Big fan of integral weapons in general, and wristguns especially.
  12. And the 80s Tranny movie is STILL THE BEST ONE.
  13. So when are these showing up at the dealer? Surely you mean honeycomb composite. Mesh armor would just be structurally unsound.
  14. They kept the quality consistently high on their last show(Death Parade) even though I was sure it was going to come crashing down sooner rather than later, so I have high hopes.
  15. I don't disagree with your analysis, but I do find it odd that the copyright holder is even pretending to be afraid of a licensee like that. And I'd like to point out that everyone with a legal footing does not have a copyright. HG DOES hold certain key trademarks in the US, and international distribution rights to... something, but they have no copyright whatsoever. (I actually think it's pretty shady how HG attributes copyright to Tatsunoko instead of Big West, though I know the legal status is actually more complicated than just "Big West owns it.")
  16. He prefers to be called a treasure hunter.
  17. Geez, he's THAT much bigger than Metroplex? I knew he was bigger, but never really had the context for how MUCH.
  18. It's a good indicator when comparing two weapons of similar functionality, but it's by no means a hard rule IRL. Now, in anime, of course, it's a much harder rule. Why would you draw a big impressive-looking gun that was weak? And as noted, a bigger gun ALSO provides space for a bigger power supply and cooling mechanism, enabling MORE POWER YEAH. But actual beam size doesn't really matter Realistically, a beam weapon should be rated in power output(wattage). A wider beam of a given wattage will be LESS powerful, as a smaller portion of that power is hitting any specific point. It's like the difference between hammering a nail into a board or beating the hammer directly on the wood. Exact same force, but one way goes all the way through and the other is just denting the surface a bit. There are advantages to spreading the force out over a wider area, though. It makes it easier to hit a target. If you want to kill a mosquito, you don't punch it with a fist for maximum power. You spread your hand out for maximum coverage. You have enough power that ANY hit will kill, so strike the largest area possible. Spreading the beam also makes it possible to hit OTHER targets in close proximity. The Grand Cannon attack was an excellent demonstration of this in Macross, as it apparently swept a rather large wedge through the zentradi fleet.
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