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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Yeah, I'm oldschool in that optical driveyness too. And BluRay is a matter of quality over convenience. No one streams BR-quality audio and video, or even close.
  2. Played the Nintendo version, never the original arcade.
  3. Because optical drives aren't cool anymore. You're supposed to be living in the streamed cloud now, or something.
  4. That's a good reason.
  5. I like how the narration on that makes it sound like Prime and Megatron are kids in the schoolyard trying to one-up each other. "Well MY bots combine into a BIGGER SUPER-BOT!" "Oh yeah? Well MY bot is bigger than your superbot AND he's a dinosaur!" "Clogged injectors! You win this round, Megatron! But tomorrow I'm bringing my DINOSAUR SPACE SHUTTLE!"
  6. That probably happened off-camera. Well, Roy was probably more along the lines of "Hikaru! Man, you're harder to kill than a cockroach! HAHAHA! ... Yeah. Don't do that again, it was really dumb. Consider yourself chewed out. Bye." And Misa spent ten minutes yelling at him every episode anyways, so nothing new there. Just saying... there's a semi-logical reason he wasn't grounded indefinitely in spite of his near-terminal dumbassery and chronic insubordination.
  7. Uncle Mario. They named a game after him.
  8. Also possible they decided to use a shield as the speartip, because it looked right.
  9. The Spartans also have shoulder missile racks, and a few guns in their chest. Though it's still definitely optimized for close-quarters combat. Ain't got half the guns the Tomahawk carried.
  10. I kinda felt like the framing scenes in Global Report implied it, as well.
  11. Pretty much, yeah. It's nice, if you assume it's not Wolf. The puppy is adorable, though.
  12. Magazines? I got all my tips from my uncle that worked at Nintendo.
  13. In fairness, a lot of what Global does is offscreen. It's strongly implied that he is behind a lot of what goes right, and explicitly stated he's behind the move towards making peace with the zentradi(accepting refugees, making a large production out of Max and Millia's wedding). And the fold accident wasn't his fault. That was a side effect of the boobytrap(as was the gravity controller failure). That said, he still saved his ship and the city around it from complete destruction. And he WAS sort of ordered to take an undercrewed and untested ship into combat. Among the things I wish Macross had time for in it's original run, giving Global some development is among them. There's implications he's a lot deeper than the show ever has a chance to show us.
  14. Oh, that's hilarious. He doesn't even have two joysticks. He has two THROTTLES. Those are both one-axis inputs as near as I can tell.
  15. Oh, I've made encyclopedia volumes of text about things not worth thinking about. You're in good company.
  16. In honesty, I don't think motion-tracking is really all that realistic. The vehicle may be humanoid, but it's NOT a human body. The mass distribution is all way off from what your brain expects, and there's no real way to feed information into your inner ear, so your sense of balance is all totally off. Also, it'd be tiring. That said, Frontier DID have motion capture control. FMP is an interesting example, actually. There's a lot of thought put into how an arm slave works. And they take the time to note that the motion capture system they use ISN'T an intuitive and natural control scheme. It takes a lot of training to be any good with an arm slave, and learning to not use natural human movements to control a machine is an important part of it. Yes, a trained pilot can exert amazing levels of control over his machine thanks to the interface, but it takes a lot of experience to get there, and an untrained pilot is a danger to themselves and everyone around them. Also, much of the secondary controls in FMP are relegated to voice commands or automation because the pilot's hands are occupied 100% of the time. Which is a serious drawback to motion-tracking control systems. G Gundam is Dragon Ball Z with robots. It doesn't have to make sense.
  17. In fairness, Hikaru's a dumb teenager here. It's more painful in the postwar arc because he's matured a lot and SHOULD know better(though he's STILL a teenager). As far as not getting busted back down to the bottom... It's worth considering that the Macross is in extraordinary circumstances. The majority of the Macross' Valks came from Prometheus, and thus the vast majority of their trained pilots sucked vacuuum after the space fold. They were trapped behind enemy lines with an aircraft carrier full of planes and no men to fly them. And attrition was harsh. They do note in the show that people are being promoted ridiculously fast, and people who ought not be flying at all are being put in a chair and pointed towards the nearest zentradi deployment. They simply needed pilots too much to care about proper training and discipline. From that perspective, I reckon that he had a LOT of leeway that wouldn't be extended to anyone under normal circumstances simply because he knew how to fly, how to fight, and how to survive. There wasn't a replacement pilot available, and they needed him flying more than they needed him behaving. So they just roll their eyes when he talks back to his superiors, turn a blind eye when he wrecks a prototype, and generally dance around the fact that he ought to be grounded for his foolishness, because some 70% of their force shouldn't be flying missions. ... Heck, he's sixteen when he enlists. I'm not entirely sure it was LEGAL for him to be in the military.
  18. So Best Buy apparently has the PSTV for twenty bucks. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/sony-ps-tv-hardware-vte1001-multi/6731028.p?id=1219238018522 If anyone needs another box hanging from their television, well, the price is right.
  19. But... Steeljaw wasn't in the Spiderman crossover. I'm confused!
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