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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Hey, calm down! You can't undo things like that once you've done them! Let's not do anything we're going to regret for the rest of our lives here!
  2. Voltron has a very symmetrical outline, and it pulls him together. Very few Transformers combiners have that symmetry. I guess that's by design, since most of the classic combiner 'bots were designed to be swapped around between teams and between mount points. Everyone knows Hasbro only sells on eBay. Any Transformers you see in stores were mis-shipped.
  3. I had the green lion and yellow lion. And I loved them until the plastic parts broke. Yellow lion lost an ear, green lion's jaw fell off. But they were the only two I had.
  4. I had a Voltron. The little one with windup motor wheels so the lions would roll across the floor. My mom forced me to give him to my sister because she was throwing a fit and I "have enough Voltrons already". So I had to stand by while she broke or lost every part of the only complete Voltron I ever owned, to this day. But I'm not bitter, no sir!
  5. In fairness, Δ is WAY more subtle with it's referencing than Frontier was. In more fairness, a brick to the face is more subtle than Frontier's references. A brick laced with explosives.
  6. In honesty, as a grumpy adult, the biggest problem with a lot of combiners is the lack of any cohesive appearance. There may be a loose mold theme, but there's usually such a wild assortment of colors across the parts that it looks like the combined form was trapped in a paint factory explosion. Devastator, Predaking, and Computron all avoid this by applying a common color theme to all members of the team. Superion has a cohesive color scheme, but it's applied kinda lopsidedly. Also, I have no nostalgia for them as the only combiner I ever owned was Monstructor, and he's lame.
  7. Intermittently. Game is fun as hell when it isn't just boringly grindy. It'd actually been idle for quite some time when Bungie announced that they finally gave in to public demand and implemented Sparrow racing. It may go idle again soon now that Sparrow racing is gone again.
  8. I can cross my inner fingers, but... not like THAT. ALIEN ROBOT HAND, I TELL YOU!
  9. Ok, you know you'll be back when the UHD version comes out.
  10. A Robotech VF-1 loosely based on an animation error of a 1A with 3 lasers on the head. And I'd like it if it were true to the error instead of having an ugly hexagonal head replacing the less-ugly 1A head the error used.
  11. Also, Mikumo's fingers move WAY too far when she's doing the W hand sign. Which I'd ignore if anyone else did it, but by appearances no one else can. Which is suspicious when combined with the other circumstantial evidence.
  12. Wow, that IS impressive for the size!
  13. In what little fairness I offer to The Other Show, Harmony Gold's adaptation of Macross for US broadcast actually stays fairly true to the original(This is not a trend that holds for the other shows that make up the "epic saga" of Robotech, but this is MacrossWorld, not SouthernCrossWorld). The changes made to Macross are really fairly minor(ignoring the books, which are their own thing), and consist mostly of terminology variances and deleting Minmay's naked teenager butt(Cartoon Network would make more edits, but that's on CN, not HG). Though I never understood why they make "protoculture" into a fancy power source when it isn't what the english words mean and they're adding the Robotech Masters in a similar role to the one that Macross' protoculture would fill ANYWAYS. The most startling change comes at Macross' final moments, when Robotech becomes likely the only cartoon in history to be made MORE violent while adapted to US TV as they opt to kill of Global, Claudia, Kim, Shammy, and Vanessa.
  14. A space shark, obviously. The only natural predator of the space whale.
  15. I'm the opposite. I am terrible at fightgames, and not really connected with the punch-em-up community. But the things often ooze style, and I love a game with a sense of style. So I have a stack of fighters anyways.
  16. They coulda pushed it farther. If she'd passed a fruit to Hayate, she'd share an apple!
  17. Well, I can't imagine integrating the zentradi into human society was a remotely smooth process after their brothers were responsible for armageddon, and there is PROBABLY some very-recently-buried racial resentment you don't want to stir back up. So... segregating the zentradi away from the proper humans because they MIGHT be prone to violence... that couldn't possibly upset any of the giant men with guns in the slightest. As long as they build separate facilities that are equal to the ones the proper humans enjoy, of course. But what about the half-zentradi, and the quarter-zentradi, and so on? What percentage do they have to be before they stop being greenies, I mean vulnerable to var syndrome? Better to just treat anyone with ANY zentradi blood as if they were full-blooded zentradi and ban everyone with any zentradi in their family tree from entering the city limits. For their own protection, of course. I wouldn't mind seeing someone TRY IT, but... it'd be a really bad idea.
  18. Oh, god... that image is terrifying. Glorious, but terrifying. All in the same concert? Because that would be the show of the century. And Basara's doubtless helping, but not particularly because anyone asked him to. He's just found people that haven't LISTENED TO HIS SONG yet.
  19. That would be absurdly amazing. I'm not even joking when I say I want to see that.
  20. I think Lady M is actually Dr. Chiba. After his song energy theory was proven and he contributed to saving the universe, his perhaps-excessive fandom fell over the edge into obsessive madness. He now dresses in classic idol costumes and demands everyone call him Minmay. Lady M is a name people use for him in public to avoid any embarrassing explanations, and let Dr. Chiba's legacy live on unstained. I might be wrong, though.
  21. I don't own Eternal Darkness, but I seem to remember that being passed around as two of the crazier things it does.
  22. I wish they'd gotten the credits right, aesthetically. Woulda added a lot to the parody. But regardless, I lost it at "Robotech theme composed by: The Yune Brothers". Best laugh I've had all year. And man, that tune takes me back. I still love the "Star Wars Lite" feel of Robotech's music, and the film scroll at the beginning still gets me. EVERY show should begin with a film scroll.
  23. That's the one that "resets" to the title screen and claims your save is corrupted, isn't it?
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