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Everything posted by JB0

  1. They probably did, now that you mention it. My memory of Frontier is a bit fuzzy, and all I really remember of destroids is the transforming Monster being ridiculously awesome.
  2. I have to admit, I DO think it'd be cool if most of the defensive weapons on the ships were replaced with destroids, like in SDF. Sure it was a retrofit originally but being able to put guns where they're needed as they're needed has advantages over fixed emplacements, not the least of which is that if an emplacement in a given area is destroyed, you haven't permanently lost coverage in that area. You could even put power sockets on the hull so the larger guns can be mobile. Use the ship's power systems for the primary armament, and internal power for mobility/secondary weapons. Suddenly the Monster isn't the biggest destroid, just the biggest one that's standalone. ... And then we reach the obvious end-game, with a New New Macross class vessel walking across the surface of the Earth, and we retire all space ships in favor of titanic destroids(the New Macross class was halfway there already).
  3. I think you forgot the most important detail. Piloted by busty girls in skintight jumpsuits. And really, that one detail makes all the difference.
  4. Yeah, to my recollection the droids and Vader were always in different places. Most likely because it's hard to get the comic relief and the sinister badass together in the same shot without ruining one of them.
  5. Hey, we build transforming cars for monster truck rallies here in the real world, so I expect that would survive in Macross Super-realistic Edition.
  6. My point was less "let's ignore the prequels because they are dumb and make no sense" and more "even in the original context, it kinda made sense." And it only ever KINDA made sense because Luke's father and sister were huge retcons that were never intended in the original movie, and it took some serious hammering to make things fit together. Hence why Obi-Wan had to do that ridiculous "certain point of view" speech, to patch up the roughest spot. ... Vader still shoulda come back and glassed the entire planet just outta spite.
  7. And in a more realistic setting we wouldn't have thirty-foot-tall humans that can change size by taking a nap in a test tube for a few hours. No zentradi and there's no development of destroids OR variable fighters.
  8. Yeah, that was why I clicked in here. I'd heard the movie was terrible and was wondering why anyone was bumping the thread. Now I know it's because sequel, and I'm more confused than ever.
  9. Ditto.
  10. She was known as Komillia Jenius in the japanese version of the Masters Saga.
  11. And in the prequel-less context, the impression is given that the pregnancy was hidden from him, the children born in hiding. Vader literally didn't know he had kids, in either case. It still seems ballsy to be running around with the Skywalker name. But that's what happens when you bolt character relations on after the fact. Things get a bit muddled.
  12. I think you might be missing some nuance here. It may, technically, by the dictionary definition be a choice, but no one involved considered it as such.
  13. According to Fleet of the Strongest Women, the protocol is "if you find a zentradi fleet out there, pick a fight with it and kill every last one of them". It was a bad policy in general, a worse policy for a colony fleet with a large civilian population, it went over like a lead balloon with the crew, and one can only hope the rules have changed since Basara's time.
  14. I kinda like the idea of the Power Rangers as bosses in Smash TV.
  15. Heck, why wouldn't Vader drop by the Lars homestead ANYWAYS at some point? "So, ummm, Owen... I've meant to ask this for a long time... you knew mom was sold into slavery, right? You ever consider doing the slightest to get her out of it? Yeah, I know, times were tight, yaddayadda... think I'm gonna burn this place to the ground. You don't mind, right? Cool, just lemme lock this door so you can die with your farm. I dunno if you got the memo, but I'm kinda evil. "
  16. Obvious objection: Princess Leia believed she could bluff Vader. She was not under the impression that they had been caught red-handed, hence the handoff was not in-system. Also, transmitted data doesn't just disappear. Vader would've captured BOTH ships, giving him two chances at extracting it from the system before someone had the good sense to delete the files. My impression is that Vader had a spy onboard. Princess Leia was suspected of being a supporter of the rebellion, and had likely been under discrete observation her for some time. The payoff was just bigger than expected, necessitating a rushed capture attempt with inadequate support. I guess we'll find out when the movie comes out and we get to see KYLE KATARN ON THE BIG SCREEN DISNEY I WILL BOYCOTT YOU FOREVER IF YOU WRITE HIM OUT. (hollower threats are seldom written)
  17. Because it's awesome.
  18. Not eventually. NOW. BG&E is fantastic... and if I can find my XBox controllers, I am going to start a replay now because of you.
  19. Hey, calm down! You can't undo things like that once you've done them! Let's not do anything we're going to regret for the rest of our lives here!
  20. Voltron has a very symmetrical outline, and it pulls him together. Very few Transformers combiners have that symmetry. I guess that's by design, since most of the classic combiner 'bots were designed to be swapped around between teams and between mount points. Everyone knows Hasbro only sells on eBay. Any Transformers you see in stores were mis-shipped.
  21. I had the green lion and yellow lion. And I loved them until the plastic parts broke. Yellow lion lost an ear, green lion's jaw fell off. But they were the only two I had.
  22. I had a Voltron. The little one with windup motor wheels so the lions would roll across the floor. My mom forced me to give him to my sister because she was throwing a fit and I "have enough Voltrons already". So I had to stand by while she broke or lost every part of the only complete Voltron I ever owned, to this day. But I'm not bitter, no sir!
  23. In fairness, Δ is WAY more subtle with it's referencing than Frontier was. In more fairness, a brick to the face is more subtle than Frontier's references. A brick laced with explosives.
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