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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Yeah, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing that completed.
  2. I second this. Also, wow, the final polish on the effects renders makes the mechs and the action a LOT nicer to look at. And speaking of effects,
  3. Oh, yeah, I think I remember that now... didn't it kick off a rash of "Δ with simulcast streams in the west" speculation?
  4. That's an... intesreting fetish you got there.
  5. So... basically, what we're saying is... Δ officially in english, shots fired, let's get a new HG VS BW legal thread going and play armchair lawyer for a few months?
  6. From Macross II to MOSPEADA? I'm worried they did learn, and the lesson was "a desperate enough fan will buy it even if it's crap, and thank us for it"
  7. Injecting facts never gets anywhere. Also, I've clearly watched too much anime, because "Soldiers of Love" just sounds really darn cool.
  8. Oh, no, I never ever said Windows was perfect. That said, the blue screen crashes are FAR less common than they used to be. For the most part, they died when MS got everyone off the rickety framework of Win9x* and on Windows NT. Most crashes I've seen under the NT family have been due to defective hardware or drivers. I really do agree with the personal preference thing. I even think that Microsoft's current dominant role is bad for everyone, and WANT to see someone take them down a notch or two. *I have a lot of respect for what 9x did. MS successfully migrated people from DOS+3.x to NT over a span of about five years, without any dramatic breakages or loss of continuity. So smoothly that most people never realized it happened. 95 introduced enough of NT to get programmers started without blowing up 3.x or DOS stuff wildly, and they turned things up a little at a time until XP. It was always intended as a transitional product, and they stuck with that transition long enough to make it work. Contrast with Apple, where they killed several modernized versions of "classic" MacOS in favor of ever-larger kludges until they finally just threw everything out, hacked up FreeBSD, and installed a Mac emulator on it. Ahhh, ReactOS... They've got a long way to go, and I have doubts that they'll ever catch up with Wine in terms of compatibility(Wine's had a large headstart and has a larger development team).
  9. No surprise there. Crunchyroll's scheduling demands preclude any real attempt at quality. Changing names and references up every week would be inviting all sorts of errors to creep in. ... Also, their primary audience would raise hell about the "butchery" and how they want "real anime not some Power Rangers Robotech hackjob". Were I running the show, I would probably make the same decision, albeit reluctantly.
  10. I love this analogy. Which is really Windows' biggest strength.I prefer the way it does a lot of things on a personal level, but certainly not everything. And there seems to be more I dislike with every release, it's all been downhill since Win2K. There's some stuff I really prefer the Unix way, and customization is definitely a point I enjoy. The biggest thing that keeps Windows on top is that it "just works". My laptop is running Mint right now. I have had some strange issues, but I'm afraid to reformat it because I may never get the WiFi working ever again if I do. Attempts to set up WiFi in the past have led to circus shows, and often to unbootable systems and either fighting to get it up far enough to undo things or reformatting the machine entirely(depending on how fresh the install is, mostly).
  11. I'll buy it... as soon as a toy color version comes out. The video reviews popping up have cemented that.
  12. You ain't lyin'. I watched Salvation, and it's truly frustrating because there's a good movie trying to claw it's way out, but it can't escape all the awful(and frequently nonsensical) Terminator stuff bolted on top of it.
  13. Linux has it's own share of issues. In many ways, Linux is well on it's way to become the monolithic proprietary platform that people used to rant about when explaining why Linux is better than Windows. But it's okay because Red Hat is one of the good guys! BSD is better(I happen to enjoy FreeBSD), but suffers from a relative lack of support. And, well... the Unix way isn't always the right way(even when Linux actually does something the Unix way). There are also many ways in which Windows is better than the Unix knockoffs. Ultimately, you're picking a set of decades-old decisions made at the dawn of modern computing to embrace and prop up at all costs, be it ATT's or DEC's(Several alleged instances of MS "doing their own thing to be contrary" trace through MS-DOS back to CP/M,and CP/M drew a lot of inspiration from the venerable PDP- series). I'd like to see a ground-up OS design, free of that historical baggage, but it's impossible at this point.
  14. I use IE occasionally, on websites I have multiple accounts on, or because I need to see what something looks like when I'm logged out of the site. That said, my IE homepage is pandora.com, because I've had trouble getting Pandora working consistently in Seamonkey since the Great Flash Purge.
  15. Ordinarily, I'd agree this is silly and dumb. But in my mind, there's two ways to do Shockwave: Toy-accurate and wrong. If you want him to have a left hand, you don't DESERVE clear hands.
  16. To be fair, asking MacrossWorld if they can ID some mechs is a bit like asking a cat if it might know what to do with a mouse. It's going to be rapidly followed by a flurry of extremely decisive activity.
  17. That DOES look nicer. Waitin' to hear from people on what's true to life.
  18. One of them. They also had the non-transformable put-a-figure-in-the-cockpit one. I owned a SD Max 1J. It was the best thing, until the swingbars in the fuselage/chest broke, were glued together, and broke again. They WANTED the 1/55, I'm sure, but... Hasbro sniped that license.
  19. Very nice. Next step: signing a distribution deal with Lego, right?
  20. And Nintendo says the Wii U isn't dead and has at least another year in it.
  21. I don't think she's familiar with the concept of harem anime.
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