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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Just once, I just want someone to pop up when Freyja's singing and they're metering her fold waves with that circle graph... someone to look at the graph and shout "ANIMA SPIRITIA!", just so I don't have to.
  2. It is really weird that that visual pun works in both languages, especially as it goes in very different directions.
  3. And of course, there's What madness hath science wrought?! I can't say I really care for the opening or ending at this point, though it's possible they will grow on me.
  4. I actually thought I only saw Soundwave in there. But to be fair, I'm biased. Shockwave is the objectively superior Transformer.
  5. Fair enough, I concede the point. Macross Quarter needed hands and legs so they could claim feature parity with the New Macross series. I believe the expression is "Seven did it"?
  6. Totally agreed. That's funny, because the original Enterprise wasn't really designed for practicality either. It was designed to look good, and to not be a rocketship or flying saucer. Practically speaking, the warp nacelle booms and the saucer neck are glaring weakpoints, and are going to see some wild stresses from constant multi-c accelerations. (I can't even begin to imagine what sort of construction keeps the warp nacelles from ripping free of their toothpick-like moorings every time they turn them on) You want practical and "realistic", you fast-forward a few decades/centuries to Deep Space Nine and get down with the Defiant. It doesn't look graceful, sleek, or particularly "Trek-like", but... it's a solid, practical design with no glaring structural weaknesses.
  7. If it was good enough for a Missile Command cabinet, it's good enough for a life-saving barrier!
  8. I knew how it ended before the great continuity purge. The guy that stole the plans continued to do high-risk missions for the rebellion, put an end to an imperial scheme to make killer-robot stormtroopers, then became a jedi after the war. BRING BACK KYLE KATARN!
  9. Good ol' ProductName always was my favorite StarWarsThing, so glad to see they're making a modern version with FeatureCallout in it!
  10. Even more bizarre that TFU2 was, since it apparently ends with Darth Vader a prisoner of the rebellion... and game 3 never happened, so we will never find out how they intended to fix THAT. Because let's be honest, what Vader escape attempt DOESN'T end with rebellion high command all getting forcechoked or sabered to death?
  11. I was sad at how limiting that bug is. It only works if you continue straight from the mission you completed to the next one without hitting the menu. So it only works on a first playthrough, since only on first clear of a stage do you get the option to continue without returning to menu. Also, I might've spent too much time in one stage headshotting Minmei, just because I could.
  12. Nah. The jedi are fun when they are unique. When everyone and their dog has a lightsaber, the concept loses a lot of charm.... Though now that I say it, I want to see a canine forceuser. Darth Woof holding his sword between his teeth as he force-lightnings squirrels would be amazing.
  13. Ummm... is this a bad time to point out that inertial dampers are Macross canon, and every VF we've seen in the last decade has them? Effectively, inertia DOESN'T exist.
  14. That is the objectively correct option.
  15. It's a better head than Quakewave's, at least. Takara's got the best mold, aside from the wrong coloration. But really, the original toy is 70% there. Heck, all three modern "interpretations" are using only slight tweaks to the 80s arms and torso, transformation included. . I think they're technically on this side of the law, though it's damn obvious what they want us to think. Much like Asus' Transformer tablets. But I am not a trademark lawyer.
  16. Hey, she's starting to look like a proper boatgirl!
  17. I didn't say it was a good idea. Just that it's one they actually did, and it sort of sets a boundary for "not G1 enough"
  18. That is a really neat idea, and a good use of the Duocon concept! And let's be honest here, how G1 is Soundwave as a headmaster with a base mode? Or Trailbreak/blazer as a combiner limb? That sounds well within the realm of usable liberties.
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