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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Well, umineko means a different animal in modern japanese, too. One we english-speakers would call a seagull. It seems that there is actually a pun intended with the creatures in Delta and a real terrestrial creature. But calling them "seagulls" would make no sense, because in english seagulls have no connection to cats. Such a pity that this pun involving aquatic life named after felines could never work in english because we just don't have that kind of linguistic assemblage...
  2. This man speaks the truth, Scarfish is the best character, and this is my favorite thread right now.
  3. Pretty much, yeah. Everything old enough is new again. Star Trek: Next Generation forced the same style. It was an ironclad rule for several seasons that no one be written as descended from the original cast, no one written as having connections to the original cast, and no script could so much as namedrop the original cast after McCoy's handoff in the pilot. They didn't bend that rule for several years, and when they did it had already served it's purpose. The crew of the 1701-D wound up being stars in their own right, not defined by the shadows of their predecessors. It's a good rule to have if you don't want the entire franchise to be about a handful of ever-older characters. It also has the side effect of making any callback to the predecessors a major event, precisely because they're so infrequent. Spock and Scotty showing up in Next Gen were huge deals, as was that DS9 tribble episode. And I think most of us remember how crazy things were in here when Frontier ended an episode with what appeared to be the SDF Macross while playing the DYRL song. (For those that don't remember: It was SUPER crazy.)
  4. And will they have real-world guns or are people gonna be packin' Seburos? Because Shirow draws some cool guns.
  5. I've long wondered how fast people "grow up" in post-war Macross. Exterminating the vast majority of humans should have significant and far-reaching effects on long-held cultural standards for both labor and family. Which is the complex way of saying that with so few folks around, people should be starting careers younger, marrying younger, and starting families younger. Of course, then you pack thousands of them into flying sardine cans and send them across the galaxy and that skews things in another direction. And then they start colonies and everyone's on a sparsely populated planet with more elbow room than anything else, and... It gets complicated fast, but I imagine that the modern society in Macross is still skewing young. Today's admiral is yesterday's high school fighter ace, after all. The people in power see nothing wrong with hiring young, because they were hired young and that's the way it's been for as long as they've been around. So to drag this kicking and screaming back to the point... it makes sense in-universe for a dadgum whippersnapper like Hayate to have much more experience than one here in the real world, because their universe has had some significant events to shake things up that ours thankfully did not.
  6. The point is that this is a ridiculous place to make a stand and stoke the flames of righteous indignation. People are angry that a character who was intended by her creator to appear as a westerner, is being portrayed by a westerner, acting as though it is a deep affront to everything the franchise ever stood for, often while demonstrating a shocking ignorance of the franchise. That is the "so what". And now the defense is that it doesn't matter if the argument is wrong, we should be outraged that this one character was cast correctly because it will offset a chronic history of blatant racism. That's a pretty bad position to be holding, it ALWAYS matters if the argument is right. Now, to be clear, I am not saying Hollywood does not have a race problem. They do. They have an INSANE race problem. But the major is not an example of this problem. And in fact, there seem to be more asian roles in this film than the last DECADE of Hollywood releases, so it would seem to be part of the solution from where I'm sitting. It is certainly a far cry from Star Trek: Into Darkness casting a genetically-engineered super-indian as british(which was not just whitewashing, but blatantly and overtly racist even if one is ignorant of the two nations' shared history, and I don't know how they weren't absolutely crucified over it). And yet, there seems to be MORE anger over Ghost, because anime fans. Hisssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
  7. If she doesn't shoot the cockpit, it doesn't count!
  8. Minor adjustments to gun angle vs turning into a giant robot, I think we all know which is easier. ... But I'm sure they can overcome the engineering challenges needed to make a gun change angle anyways.
  9. So they're just getting more and more distant ever since episode one when she pulled a gun on him, then threw him to the ground and straddled him? So sad to see a love fizzle out so soon.
  10. But who wants to count milliangstroms every week? In fairness, she didn't inflict direct physical violence on him this episode. Though she took a sadistic pleasure in giving him his first taste of flight.
  11. Original comic Motoko. Straight-up badass with a surplus of attitude. NOT CASTING AN ASIAN AS THE MAJOR IS LITERALLY WORSE THAN HITLER!11111 Checklist complete?
  12. You know, while they do explain why everyone's excited Hayate got one hit on Mirage, but... since the rules were "Hayate has to hit Mirage once, Mirage's hits don't count for squat" ... why was Mirage even shooting? Just to rattle him? Because it wasn't working very well. Scarfish is still the best character.
  13. Well, how else are they gonna sell is BluRays if not by promising that Makina reviewed and corrected the CG?
  14. The scarred catfish is my new favorite character.
  15. Oh, I figured it was a very unlikely possibility because every movie has to have room for a sequel, and changing the lead character's body would be "confusing to audiences". But it would be amusing. I am unsure how copying someone else's movie verbatim would be "creative", but hold forth great hope that they will completely ignore Mamoru Oshii's take on the franchise.
  16. So here's a thought... What if they take the original movie/comic ending, where the major winds up in a new, startlingly different body... and in this version she winds up in the body of an asian female?
  17. No. The library pseudo-directory is only populated with files that are present at present. No. The library function doesn't do any syncing or deduplication. It just provides a common access point for all your pictures that are currently available to the system. I'm sure there is a good way to do this, but I don't know what it is offhand. Unfortunately, the library function isn't going to be useful for this purpose.
  18. Truthfully? 90s first-person shooter Shogo: Mobile Armor Division was my muse for that last sentence. It took an act of will not to start reworking game text into something plausibly Delta-sounding.
  19. So I headed out with someone earlier for a quick run to the local MalWart and checked the plastic robot aisle to remind myself that nothing good ever happens. ... They had ONE Sky Lynx on the shelf. As I fell in love with the original the moment I first laid eyes on the box(let's be honest, he's a ROBOT DINOSAUR SPACE SHUTTLE and it doesn't get cooler than that), I am pleased as punch right now. He actually makes a surprisingly good space shuttle, all things considered. Sure he's teched up in ways that don't make a lot of sense, and there's a big blue cargo pallet hanging off the bottom, but... whatever, robot dinosaur space shuttle. The overall shuttle proportions really owe as much to the Concorde as the STS Orbiter, but in a weird way that WORKS. Sky Lynx's neck joint lets him tip the cockpit down to simulate a Concorde landing. It actually works really well. Again, aside from the blg cargo pallet on the underside. Incidentally, the big blue cargo pallet could use a couple of panels to close it up and give it structure in robot mode. It's very skeletal. In conclusion: 10/10, would buy again. But America deserves a leader robot dinosaur space shuttle. Vote Sky Linx for president.
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