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Everything posted by JB0

  1. What? A Voltron cartoon that lacks serious drama and targets children? THIS IS AN OUTRAGE! SEND IN THE ROBOT SPACEMOUSE! But honestly... why would anyone expect anything else? Voltron was very rarely a show full of gripping narrative drama.
  2. I used to own that lunchbox in blue. I THINK it finally made it to the trash. Can't swear to it, though.
  3. Oh, it was worse than that. After the initial lawsuit/settlement where they agreed to stay out of each others' markets, Apple the record company sued because the Apple IIgs had a synthesizer chip in it, meaning it could be programmed to play then-quality computer music, of a sort entirely unrelated to the kind Apple Records sold. Apple-the-music felt it was a breach of the prior settlement. Apple Records sued AGAIN because the Mac had a system sound that was a short sequence of chimes, and thus a very short musical composition. Apple-the-transistors was PUBLISHING MUSIC and this was COMPLETELY UNACCEPTABLE. This provoked a detailed settlement that outlined who had what rights to use the Apple trademark so they wouldn't keep getting into legal throwdowns. The reason Apple-the-record-company lost to Apple-the-computer-company over iTunes is that being 1991, when specifying who got what parts, they specified physical media carrying prerecorded content. So even though Apple-the-computers was trampling ALL OVER Apple-the-records, their own legal settlement had ceded those rights to the computer company. The one with the hardware later bought the music trademarks off of the one with the CDs for an alleged half-billion dollars and now licenses the music trademarks to the one with the records. So after some thirty years of bickering, that particular hatchet is now firmly buried. It is, perhaps, even messier than the current english DYRL standoff where three or four companies think they have rights, but no one is sure so they're all waiting to see a release so they can sue over it and sort things out in court.
  4. Because Ishtar has incredible fashion sense.
  5. Scarfish will be okay. He is unkillable, the scar is actually from where a luckless harpoonfisher lanced him many years ago. I'm more worried about his ladycatfish.
  6. It was indirectly stated in SDF. They explicitly call out the gravity controller malfunction as a side effect of the booby trap(in ye olde clip episode, Global Report) as opposed to a fault of the design or a mistake in the restoration. And that implies that there's no problem with them if you don't have a millenia-old computer virus in your system. Otherwise, Global wouldn't have DARED sit there buzzing cities knowing his gravity controllers could rip out at any moment and send everyone plummeting to their death.
  7. It raises the Look-Cool Factor, and a high LCF is critical to the proper functioning of overtechnology.
  8. Offhand, it looks like MASK, Transformers, and GI Joe are all throwing down in a big cross-franchise free-for-all.
  9. I had to study it for a minute. The kinda unfinished look threw me off, but... yeah, that's right where a dog knee belongs. Dog legs are WEIRD.
  10. Oh, nice! Last video I saw seemed bound and determined to do everything possible to make the game look like a trainwreck, but this one makes it look like, you know, an actual game made by professionals.
  11. I'm sure a catfish could fly a jet with the right effort. Some cybernetic enhancements, a bit of genetic engineering, maybe some esoteric drugs... I am not at all inspired by the running joke about a fictional ewok pilot in the X-Wing books(which eventually paid off in spades when a "real" gamorrean pilot with the ewok's background turned up)
  12. Well, that much is obvious.
  13. NOT MY SHUTTLE ROBO! If they do the Super GoBots version, I will be ALL over it. I think he's named Big Shuttle Robo in Japan, because of course he is.
  14. I didn't say it would be reasonable. Sadly, Knight26 is right. HG can't go toe-to-toe with Dreamworks. And HG's traditional move is to pick fights with smaller people and ignore the ones they can't blow out of the water with their opening salvo.
  15. And then HG sued for "trade dress and other intellectual property infringement"
  16. Yeah. It isn't a great Blackbird, but it IS way better than most other recent attempts.
  17. Capcom died during the great Clover exodus, and they buried the corpse when Inafune left. I have been ignoring all Capcom-developed software for years. Bafflingly, they are a weirdly competent PUBLISHER.
  18. Honestly, I like the roads in DYRL, and that's why it stuck with me. Artificial gravity makes for interesting roadway possibilities(until something breaks down, then it is just terrifying).
  19. In DYRL, the roads are three-dimensional as I recall. You can drive STRAIGHT UP! Tell me a sportscar buff wouldn't want to drive towards the sky. As far as the broader economy... I refuse to poke too hard at it. It is like trying to figure out why everyone has VFs when a destroid/fighter jet pair ought to be more economical and reliable. In the end, there is no good answer and you just destroy the show's credibility.
  20. I would swear it is more than two. But yeah, those two sequences you screencapped are using the same cels, just flipped and overlaid on a different background.
  21. Oh my Primus, that is amazing.
  22. Awww yeah! My favorite valk in SD form!
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