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Everything posted by JB0

  1. That is about when I played it last. It was always straddling that line between really fun and really boring. I feel it skews more towards fun now that I'm in a Constitution and carrying a flip-phone communicator. Meh, it's an emulator. Same as the Retron 5/REtroFreak/insert Rasberry Pi hack here. Except it uses Wii controllers instead of USB or Bluetooth devices. I am waiting for it to hit retail so we can see which license violations it is guilty of and how easy it is to load new ROM images. Credit where it is due, though. Packaging is nice, and it's a really good game selection. Licensed EVERYONE'S crap, it looks like. It's a really solid "greatest hits" bundle of ROM images. Even includes that game where Mario is an evil child-murdering slaver(Donkey Kong Jr is the best thing ever). They even included StarTropics, and that gets precious little love these days(or any other days, really) ... Oh no... no, no no no... what were they thinking when they included Star Tropics?! PLEASE tell me there's some consideration for the "secret code" portion of the game that requires the original paper documents(or GameFAQs) to pass...
  2. So Star Trek Online added the ability to role a captain from Kirk's era and gallivant across the galaxy in 1960s style(before being time-travelled forward to the game's post-Voyager setting at the end of the tutorial missions). This has got me to boot the game up again, because 60s captain! And I find that they also tweaked several aspects of the game to make it more fun for a new captain. Most notably, since I was higher level at the end of the tutorial, I could get a higher-tier ship, so space combat is far less tedious. While my original captain's post-tutorial vessel, the USS Polychromatic, was a worthless Miranda-class vessel that struggled to do anything other than drift leisurely in a straight line, forever too slow to be worth taking into a fight... her time-displaced cohort has transferred from his original USS Inquisitor and it's 1960's special effects to the USS Inquisitor-A, which is both a little more Hollywood and capable of flying rings around klingon battlecruisers as well as particularly sluggish asteroids. MOST importantly, however, the Inquisitor-A is a Constitution-class vessel! instead of a friggin' Miranda. It just feels more Star Trek in a Constitution. However, I still have to share a galactic map with Captain Deez Nuts of the USS Suck It.
  3. All I remember is people complaining that Ijima was the only one on the cast who could pronounce "Macross."
  4. Also colony fleets apparently are (or at least used to be) under standing orders to eliminate any zentraedi fleets they stumbled across, and not to attempt to escape or "culturize" them. That, by necessity, implies a not-insignificant surplus of power beyond what they need for a defensive escort. And by "not-insignificant surplus", I of course mean that they haul planet-destroying quantities of firepower around just so they can fight their way through if they happen to stumble across a very low-odds encounter that they don't, tactically speaking, HAVE to fight their way through. I think it is safe to say that, official charter or not, colony fleets are ABSOLUTELY about force projection. Also, for a flippant comedy episode, Fleet of the Strongest Women was KINDA DARK just under the surface.
  5. Is this coming to the Windows version, or PS4-exclusive?
  6. I still have trouble grasping the completionist mindset. I've always gone for the toy robots that I thought looked cool, or had a nostalgic fondness for. I've never felt that owning one part of a specific line committed me to buying a swath of related toys, or that other toys in that line by necessity belonged in the same display. Consequently, I've had TF:Animated toys fighting Bayformers across my shelves at times, Alternators taking potshots at Cybertronies, and so on. The crowning glory of this mess is probably still Classics Grimlock opening the matrix in front of Cybertron Unicron("Me Grimlock have touch!").
  7. Then my perspective is likely skewed by years with a taped-off-the-air collection of Robotech episodes that started with "Exedore" visiting the "SDF-1" for peace negotiations, and ran through a good portion of the post-war arc. Which means the "final battle" and "factory satellite" episodes were frequently watched, and had the M&M 1Js being awesome.
  8. Don't worry about which one's most important. Get the J because it is the the best version of the VF-1. Also it gives you an excuse to do Millia's red 1J alongside it. You could do an M&M display! I'm helping! In seriousness... Without timing appearances, my gut instinct is that Max spends most of his screen time in a 1A, but the 1J is more iconic. If you just say "Max's Valk", it'll be the blue 1J that people think of. And if you do the TV 1A, you need to make a zentradi trenchcoat for it.
  9. I swear, it won't be long before they start selling tickets to the trailers, BluRays of the trailers, exclusively on Netflix trailers...
  10. In SDF he flies a VF-1A with white body and blue limbs, then later a 1J in blue with white trim and a thin red band on the legs. In DYRL he flies a 1A in Skull Squadron colors with a blue stripe across the chest and blue heatshield. Then a 1S in Skull colors with a blue chest stripe.(And he finishes the movie in a blue QRau, but that's outside the scope of the question.)
  11. Juno is entering Jupiter orbit in 16 hours, ridiculous giant solar cells and all. And if all goes well, we will spend the next two years seeing what lies beneath Jupiter's ugly brown cloudtops.Maybe we'll finally learn why the great red spot is red.
  12. That would be quite nice, yes. It seems evil of them to drop that teaser image a full month before they "announce" the toy and leave us with all these unanswered questions. Ordinarily, I'd just roll my eyes and move on, but this is a friggin' SOC Voltron. WE NEED TO KNOW.
  13. Because the original Popy DX toy was perfect aside from articulation! No dissent shall be tolerated! In all seriousness, given that most of the merchandise took the aesthetic of that toy and adapted it to whatever product they were making(even molding and painting lion legs on parts that could never become lions), as did the CG sequel, a solid argument could be made that the "canon" version is the DX toy and the original cartoon is WRONG. It could be worse. Everyone COULD be copying the chubby plastic one with cockpits for the figures. Every Lion Voltron I've ever seen has matched legs on all four limbs. Almost always flathead screw legs(though YouTube sampling shows both in use in the anime, varying quite a bit from scene to scene). Seeing the red lion without the flathead screws looks inherently wrong to me. I am HOPING they are hinting at swappable lion legs and it isn't really that red lion's legs don't match green lion's.
  14. Looks like ten to twelve inches. I'd expect Voltron to skew high, because he is simpler to implement than some of the others they have done. There's a more limited engineering and assembly cost associated with the guy than, say, Gunbuster or Gaogaigar Also, I find the preview picture interesting in that the green lion has the traditional "flathead screw" lion leg joints, but the red lion eschews them in favor of a sort of dinner plate look. I'm gonna have to see the full unveil shots to know how I feel about that change... oh, who am I kidding, it is a freakin' Soul of Chogokin Voltron. I will happily accept whatever Bandai decides to dump on us just because it is a modern combiner toy that looks like Voltron and isn't from Toonami/won't crumble to dust just sitting on the shelf .
  15. I suspect it is mainly for us. My understanding is Japan pretty much NEVER cared about Golion. The San Diego Comic Convention unveil is another clue. Though even ignoring the high US demand, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't be the first "obscure mech no one wanted" in the lineup.
  16. Genetic defect would be exceptionally odd for a genetically-engineered man, though. "Bad eye, needs cybernetics" doesn't seem like something that would've lasted long in the zentradi's genetic lines before the protoculture fixed it.
  17. OMG! OH MY OMG! I want this, I need this, I MUST HAVE THIS NO MATTER THE COST!
  18. You know, I never actually considered the "new body heals old wounds" aspect of the micloning process. That is a TOTALLY REASONABLE assumption. (And raises the possibility that Britai's prosthetic was not due to injury, but for enhancement, since a quick trip through the miclone chambers logically should have restored a damaged face. Which I guess fits with the DYRL-style organic prosthetic... )
  19. If I had to choose between them, it's a no-brainer. My point is that they don't actually HAVE to choose between them. New Tron had a lot of potential left on the table, far more than I expected Tron 2 to produce. They have CHOSEN to put all their eggs in one basket instead of having two sci-fi franchises running at the same time.
  20. They probably figure the market isn't big enough to support two science-fiction franchises, and are throwing their money behind the bigger one rather than split the market and kill both. It is a stupid mindset, but also a common one.
  21. Sure. It means odds are so low that it is now actually unmaking the movie in parallel universes where it has already been released.
  22. I'mma offer up a free retcon excuse, and say they use electromagnetic hardpoints. Kawamori can thank me later.
  23. Huge nostalgia boner... the part where Starscream reaches over to "cock" his arm laser is an adorable touch... And then gameplay comes up and what Primus-forsaken mess is this? My heart. It is broken. You have slain me with this trailer.
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