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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Pretty much, yeah. No matter how good the story is, for the most part I want plastic robots on my shelves and not plastic orangutans and deinonychuses. And damn if that Ginrai isn't tickling my nostalgia bones somethin' fierce. Powermaster Prime was my first Prime, and I still have a soft spot for the ol' brick.
  2. For me the Infinity Gokin was never an option. I respected what they were doing, but didn't like their style. I think this will hold them. The Bandai version is a much more conservative design, and the IG version is still an interesting, but startlingly different, take. The two aren't in direct competition in my eyes. The Bandai competes with the "old" Toynami, that's been reissued twice now(at least one of which self-destructed on the shelf, I believe).
  3. I think the TLA will be DSC. I'm curious what the single worst is. Personally, in general I like the -D. Except for the right-angle nacelle struts, I vastly prefer straight-line struts. It admittedly has a bit of a "melty" look to it, but I feel the lines generally work. My second-worst is the NX-01. I really can't peg WHY it bugs me, but it does. My worst is the Voyager. The hinged warp nacelles murder my suspension of disbelief every time.
  4. Credit where it is due, they don't try to lie about it.
  5. I just thought I'd reinforce it, since it seemed to have been missed the first time. Man, I WISH my PS1 looked half that nice.
  6. 35. Ashy or dead.
  7. Actually, the full title was Star Trek: Planet of the Titans, and was a movie that was cancelled in favor of making the Phase II TV series(which was itself cancelled in favor of making a movie). Roddenberry was not involved, as Paramount hated him and didn't want him involved. They didn't even want him to KNOW about it. And I think the wedge-shaped Discovery would look a lot better if the saucer was elongated and triangular like the Voyager(and I can't believe I'm recommending they take anything from Voyager). The round saucer just does not mesh with the angular "everything else".
  8. And that's my biggest problem. It isn't an inherently crap design, but it isn't a Federation design either. The triplet bussard collectors with the wire cross protectors make it feel more like antique electronics than a starship from the future, though. I warmed up to the Defiant, I may yet warm to this thing too. But right now? I'm not feeling it.
  9. I am pretty sure there's no way in heck that part is making it past legal unaltered. And for once, Harmony Gold's lawyers are the LEAST of their problems.
  10. Looks like an ab joint. I prefer to think of it less as an ab crunch and more of a crotch thrust, because the idea of Voltron performing a crotch thrust at the robeasts is hilarious. I still don't like the legs on the blue and red lions. I still ordered the dang thing anyways.
  11. Because this way they can sell you a whole 'nother box next year. Mini NES2, this time with Crystalis, Ninja Gaiden 2, and... Super Mario 1-3 again..
  12. So all the preorders went up, filled up, and went down. And now someone in Japan is desperately trying to figure out who the heck is buying Golion toys by the thousands.
  13. That is one of my favorite anime characters named Hikaru! I may have to buy this one.
  14. Man, I want it. I'm just not sure I want it three hundred dollars worth. Not with the saucer legs on the red and blue lions, anyways. Why don't all four limbots have screw-head legs?
  15. Honestly? I got horizontal and vertical mixed up. Because the V. Stabs look immediately slapped on after-the-fact to me. They hang over empty space, and are clearly not "attached' to anything. (Apparently the prototype intended for them to be canted outward, which actually looks halfway-decent. So they aren't really slapped on so much as they are blatantly mistransformed when in the now-correct configuration)
  16. Roy's name was not changed to Folker. It was actually changed from Focker to Fokker, making the aviation reference more explicit.
  17. Historically speaking, Trek has very much tried to keep people thinking. It is a brand that has generally not WANTED mindless consumers. And perhaps because of this, it has long enjoyed a fan base that is quite active away from the screen as well as in front of it. If the fans were mindless consumers then there wouldn't BE a franchise, just another forgotten 60s TV show. And the first space shuttle would be named Constitution, not Enterprise. The point I am making is that they have a fan base that has been vital and active and engaged for fifty years now. In spite of gross missteps by the brand's handlers at almost every turn. And apparently they think nothing whatsoever of a situation most companies would kill for, and as near as I can tell have been attempting to destroy that fan engagement. They should be CELEBRATING these people, not trying to crush them. (And this sunday I will be steering clear of movie theaters and ignoring what looks to be a terrible movie. I would like to hear otherwise, but hold precious little hope.)
  18. Oh man, I think that's Raticate's mega-evolution!
  19. That's why I led in with the "according to" instead of presenting it as hard truth. But on the other hand, it would be a weird thing to make up. And I'd honestly expect CBS/Viacom/Paramount/Star Trek Enterprises Inc to say something to the effect of "did not!" instead of letting a lie like that stand. But on the third hand, the two sides are on unusually disparate footing in this suit. Our corporate overlords likely don't see a REASON to interact with the court of public opinion... and really, that is the biggest issue on display here. In conclusion, regardless of who is right and who is telling the truth, Legal and PR desperately need to sit down and talk to each other. What you CAN do and what you SHOULD do are not always the same. What they've done and how things have progressed from there(see: official fan film guidelines) demonstrates either a startling ignorance of their fanbase, which happens to be one of the largest and most active on Earth, or a callous disregard for same. Instead of stone-faced silence, we should have a dedicated Trek Fan Relations Agent with a long history of community engagement explaining the situation from CBS' view and how things came to the current state. And the fan film guidelines are, well, rubbish, and speak strongly of a corporate mindset that views the fans as mindless consumers of content.
  20. The thing that gets me is... according to the Axanar people they were working closely with a corporate contact to make sure they were staying on the right side of the line, precisely because of the ambitious scope and lack of solid guidelines. And yet, somehow, the first word they had that they weren't on that side of the line anymore was a subpoena. That is, ummm, really shitty.
  21. Man, there had to be a way to design the chest plate where the back side would be a decent truck roof. It'd be no more of an issue than putting it on the back, and I personally am far more forgiving of a janky back-end than I am a roof. And that roof REALLY looks like it was designed for a cover to snap over it.
  22. Aaaand the Amazon link they pulled the pix from is already in the 404 abyss. Sounds like someone turned it on early.
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