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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Okay, after due consideration, I decided my previous list was inadequate. SDP-1 YF-21 VF-1J VF-1R VF-11 MAXL Custom
  2. Ditto. The concept was great, the execution was lacking. It was a fiddly mess of bits, some of which had no purpose(because it was designed to be a voyager-class), the right arm had almost no articulation... just transforming it was a chore. But oh, for a world where they'd been given clearance to ship him as a voyager instead of a slapdash downscale.
  3. He has longer forearms and lower legs than is usual, I think. Gives him a lankier appearance.
  4. Classics Galvatron tank... jesus, havin' some PTSD flashbacks here. I will probably buy Super Ginrai, just for the arms. I like the STYLE of Hasbro's arms, but those gaping voids are inexcusable. Especially as it is a two-part arm. If the voids faced down, they'd be covered by the bottom half. I also like Japan's powermaster engine and truck cab better. Spacetruck is not my Prime. But the gaping skeletal arms are just an eyesore. ... Dammit, why is the one I feel a desire to import the leader-class?
  5. I thought the cannon was fine as-is, personally. I was particularly impressed with the clearances being adjusted just right so he can hold his arm straight out without it hitting the shoulder pads. Of course, I didn't pay import costs. At fifty bucks, I would've expected a more coherent fighter mode, and been outraged at the situation with the nosecone and leg backs.
  6. In that case, I may have to check mine. We at least have TWO columns of pegs for Trannies.
  7. As teh internetz would say: EPIC LOLZ I knew this was worth watching.
  8. Ditto. Do the responsible thing. Buy them all and then put them on eBay.
  9. Yeah. This is a tale of excitement and suspense, no matter how it turns out.
  10. As has been previously noted, one of the biggest problems with the Rau is survivability, a trait it shares with most zentradi mecha. The cockpit is a disproportionately large part of the machine(even moreso in the Rau than most) and armor is light, so damage is far more likely to result in severe pilot injury. Also, most of what we've seen with the Rau is not "normal." We've seen Lap'Lamiz's elites go out and curbstomp some noobs. The Lap'Lamiz fleet was identified in the TV series as a uniquely skilled force, and is thus not representative. And we've seen Chlore, but she was Millia's rival, and thus an elite among the elites. She and her wingmates are ALSO not representative. The Rau just doesn't get enough screen time, and when it does it is only shown in the hands of elites. It does wonders for the machine's reputation. It is, of course, possible the meltrandi forces are generally more skilled than their male counterparts. I happen to like this interpretation, but I do not believe there is any canon evidence for it, and the existence of all-female main fleets* would imply the opposite. *Even if DYRL's Lap'Lamiz fleet is "fictional", Chlore's fleet is ALSO all-female and has none of the ambiguity associated with Space War 1.
  11. VF-1J YF-21 ... Are there others? I never noticed.
  12. Yeah, either they keep finding more, or payments are failing and they go back to stock. Two left right now.
  13. Yeah, I sat down and watched it, and it could really use some follow-up material.
  14. As of this moment, the link is active and says "only seven left". I'd poke it, but I never bought an Alpha, and the Tread by itself is just kinda ugly. I think Toynk Toys is probably pleased at the success of their clearance sale, and highly unaware of what they could've gotten for these things on eBay.
  15. My understanding was that snowspeeder referred specifically to the modified ones on Hoth, not to the entire family of vehicles. The movie, of course, just calls them speeders. I'd wager the "snow" prefix was added by Kenner to make room for other toy variants, and then the demand dried up after Return of the Jedi and the variants all got cancelled.
  16. Meanwhile, the windemereans are probably wondering how humans can stand to look at each other long enough to procreate without a nice shiny rune springing out.
  17. So, in not-MP, not-unlicensed, doesn't cost a million dollars news... I was out shopping earkuer and was utterly shocked to see a Titans Galvatron and Skullcru-err, SkullSMASHER on the shelf. They both looked decent enough, so I picked them up. There was also a Hardhead, but he didn't look particularly compelling at the time. Oh, and a sea of leader Skywarps, but all that does is remind me I never found the original Jetfire version of that mold(which I actually WANTED grumblegrumble ). I am not disappointed with either of the two I bought. For the most part, I think Galvatron succeeds in all three modes, though I suspect the jet mode was a late addition and he was originally intended to have a gun mode. Jet mode is solid enough, but is missing a few pegs that would keep the tank-tread landing gear oriented right. And the jet cockpit does nothing but stick out like a sore thumb in robot and artillery mode(though it falls short of getting in the way in both modes), as well as being one swivel joint away from being a perfect pistol grip. It screams "added on at the last minute" to me. The legs don't peg together well in artillery mode, but I think that is down to tolerances in my unit. Everything looks fine, they just refuse to stay pegged. It is the ONLY thing that doesn't peg together nicely in artillery mode or robot mode. Robot mode looks snazzy, and is decently articulated. I see little to complain about. The big shoulder plates and tank treads on the back of his forearms have surprisingly little effect on posability. There was clearly a lot of thought put into getting the original toy homage in there without hindering functionality. Galvatron's headmaster's mold is not sharp enough to actually carry off the "miniature Megatron" look they were trying for in it's robot mode(and show in the box art), but the thought was appreciated. There is a spring-loaded mask that pops up from his chest and goes over his headmaster unit's face to complete the Galvatron head. Which is fun, but using it means you basically give up on the head swivel entirely if you choose to deploy the mask. The compartment it comes out of is large enough that I am pretty sure there's a non-headmaster version of the design somewhere in Hasbro's labs that stores the entire head in that chest compartment. I thought he had hollow forearms from looking in the box window. And he does where the hands flip out, but back from that there turned out to carry recessed mechanical detailing. The backs of his legs have flip-open doors to keep them from being big gaping voids. As with the headmaster feature and jet cockpit, I suspect a retrofit. They don't really go anywhere in the other modes(they tab into the side of the legs to keep them from flopping around underneath the artillery and jet modes), and their recessed nature makes them rather obviously doors in robot mode. But they are still far better than a gaping void of that scale would have been. I've seen complaints that they don't match the legs, but they seem intended to carry the black of his knees down the back of his legs, and it isn't a color choice that bugs me. He's obviously not perfect, but I feel he is highly enjoyable, looks decent, and is suitably posable. The biggest complaint I have is actually that the gun barrel doesn't have glitter mixed into it like the original toy did. The plain transparent orange is a disappointment. The neatest detail is a flip-up plate on his butt that hides his power cell abs outside of robot mode. It was unexpected, but greatly appreciated. Skullsmasher is a green-and-pink crocodile. He executes both modes quite nicely, and even has a joint for tail articulation(which I did not expect at all). The gator head is balljointed and fairly detailed, even inside the mouth. The only bad things I can say are he has no LEG articulation in crocodile mode, the cockpit door is made of rubber for some indecipherable reason, and he carries a completely pointless tailpiece around in robot mode. But I feel they are minor criticisms. There's almost nothing to do with the tail aside from set it aside. I probably spent a half hour trying to figure out a way to snap it over the gator head. I've settled for inserting the pistol into the tail and using it as a big pink rifle, which works nicely aside from giving him more of a gunarm look, of the grossly misbalanced type. The rubber cockpit door is his largest flaw. Particularly as it tends to smoosh INTO the cockpit when I am handling the crocogator mode. won't deform. Oh! SPEAKING OF COCKPITS... both of them have tiny molded control panel displays for their little head-dudes to stare vacantly at(I expected blank cubicles) . Galvatron's deserves special note because the cockpit screen panel has a three-bar graph molded into it that reminds me of the original headmaster tech spec gauges.
  18. In other news, the latest SRW OG game is out in english. Just import the mainland Asia version instead of the Japan version and experience the glorious engrish!
  19. The gravy train's kept accelerating continuously since the publication of Heir to the Empire, why would it stop now?
  20. That may replace Ninja Golf as my favorite golf game.
  21. I've called them that a few times.
  22. Still a thing. Still sees active support from Valve. Still not a thing most people want. http://store.steampowered.com/steamos/
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