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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I think it is in consideration of the prosthetic runes the "infiltration" team was wearing.
  2. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
  3. So... them Draken guns blew some pretty big holes in the ground. Good illustration of the "Valk guns ain't just throwin' lead" issue.
  4. Incidentally, Iczer-1 made it into Super Robot Wars a few years back. Still among the very few characters in this game series that head into a giant robot fight without boarding their own giant robot first. Which is not to say that Iczer Robo was not present, just that she doesn't NEED it. (The game also included a chiptune version of the Iczer-1 opening)
  5. Geez, this episode is a dog. Not as bad as the "summary of the franchise talking head festival", but... ugh. Yes, I just watched it. I remember when I was excited because a new episode was coming. Now? I'mma say the whole show died when Messer did, it just hasn't realized it yet.
  6. Actually, I think it's just saying that a drama about Space War 1 has been produced, not that the real world's SDF Macross is such a drama. It would not be the first such production in-universe. Mylene and Basara starred in "The Lynn Minmay Story", which was a wildly inaccurate piece of recruitment propaganda masquerading as a documentary. I believe Frontier's first opening was supposed to exist in-universe as the opening to an unnamed drama series about Space War 1. This drama was clearly not SDF Macross, simply because SDF doesn't use Triangler as an opening. And of course, there's always the elephant in the room known as DYRL. And just to confuse things further, there have been debates about whether our DYRL and Macross's DYRL are actually the same movie. The possibility exists that their DYRL is significantly different than our's. That said, Kawamori's stated several times over the years that what we're seeing isn't the "real" version of events. We always get a dramatization, because it is more entertaining(and frees everyone involved from having to adhere perfectly to a strict continuity).
  7. Yeah, there are DEFINITELY some wrinkles in the timeline there. I still assume they are tracking fashion in some way. The SDF era was big on sci-fi space cars, presumably because the ASS-1 had rekindled an interest in space and got people watching a lot of old sci-fi again. The "modern era" of Macross apparently sees a renewed interest in the classic four-wheeled gas guzzlers of the late 80s and early 90s. The Macross Prius is someone's reinterpretation of classic automotive design. In the same way the real-world modern VW Beetle is not a Bug, but is equally clearly inspired by one. So... alternative-history retro-futuristic motor vehicles? From an out-of-universe perspective, it is clearly just lazy production done with the CG models they have instead of creating new ones that would make more sense.
  8. If it makes you feel better, it is almost certainly a a Prius lookalike with absolutely nothing of the original powertrain preserved. Just retro styling.
  9. Iczer-1 is such a fun show. One of those things that ought to be awful, but gets by on sheer style. Dangaioh remains on my "to-watch" list. I keep meaning to dig it out and something else keeps coming up.
  10. Re: real VWs... There is a lot of variation from year to year, and later Bugs DID have passenger mirrors. And though there were many externally visible changes over the decades it was in production, I THINK Takara's MP Bumblebee is based on the larger Super Beetle rather than the regular one. This is, to my mind, a mistake. It may just be based on "the wrong year", in which case ... I still think it looks funny.
  11. It makes it look like a Federation vessel, at least. As I said last time the link showed up" It is a snazzy-looking ship, and why isn't CBS doing that?
  12. ... costs a lot more, and I don't care for his looks overall. I can always knock the nosecone off my Classic Titan Galvatron. I lose the jet mode, but gain a better robot and artillery mode in the process. And free up a pin where I could hypothetically attach a better nosecone, or a gun handle.
  13. Mike, I can report that he very much can hold his gun up and stand unassisted. I still really dislike his nosecone, though.
  14. I thought that was a YF-1R. Either way, I meant the 2036 plane(s). (I still like the animation error, and the thing I hate most about The Other Show's use of it is that they subsequently chose to redesign the head into something uglier.)
  15. 100% accu0rate is pretty much impossible, since everyone has a different idea what the "real" version is. Movies, SAC, Arise, comics if you want to be right... (As a dirty comics purist, I am bothered that they have cast the major's mom. I like my major with no backstory. But I'll get over it.)
  16. Aramaki looks too... well, cuddly. Batou's bugeyes are sorely missed. Togusa looks, like... WAY too old to be the team rookie. On the upside, I can immediately tell who is supposed to be who. Pirate-eye Saito looks pretty good, even if is hair IS a half-inch too long. I honestly have no complaints whatsoever there. Bug-eyes or not, Batou is fairly on-target. He gets the general appearance very well. Didn't really expect them to find someone that bulky for the role. Anmd in all fairness to old man Togusa, I always found it dubious that someone so apparently green could make it into the team.
  17. The orbital period is REALLY short. Just a hair over eleven terran days. And tidal-locking IS a possibility, but the terminator could still be a nice place to live, depending(on if there's air and water there in the first place). There's also a possibility that it locks to a resonance other than 1:1, in which case it would still have day/night cycles. In fact, our own Mercury is in such resonance, giving it one Mecurian day every two Mecurian years... which probably makes things worse instead of better. Slow enough for the vicious day/night extremes to set in, fast enough that the terminator isn't a stable safe space. On the upside, if there's no atmosphere, by the time we can go there we will PROBABLY have figured out how to tow a few million tons of comets from the oort cloud with us. Terraforming au natural.
  18. I don't know where else one would put a tail fin. I was, however, led to believe Girls und Panzer was about girls driving tanks, and am unsure how this ties in AT ALL.
  19. Holy wow. Proxima Centauri(the red dwarf orbiting the better-known Alpha Centauri binary) has a planet. But not just any planet, no. The Centauri system doesn't do things by half measures. This planet's at the right distance that it is possible to have liquid water. If it has water, it can have life. So to summarize The nearest known exoplanet is also the nearest POSSIBLE exoplanet, since it is orbiting the nearest star, and it is in the friggin' habitable zone! Not that four light-years is exactly a sunday drive. But it is so tantalizingly close...
  20. It has been pretty variable, but overall a fairly solid program. Many of the complaints people had with the first episode have not carried forward to the rest of the series. And then the last couple episodes they gave up and just crapped the bed.
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