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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Okay, I can honestly say something nice about this thing now. That last set of posters is awesome, I love that they are taking the opportunity to do some scale-establishing shots. It is hard to really get people in the "giant robot is huge" mindset, and I think showing the people standing on their robots is a good way of doing it. Especially the way the robot juts into the poster, with most of it too big to fit in the frame.
  2. I thought it was the hoary froating head. Which may also fit...
  3. To save everyone the clicking, that studio is Technosoft, best known as the developer of the Thunder Force series.
  4. Maybe the Cat's Eye is an early design, and the nuclear engines of the period needed some sort of augmentation for atmospheric propulsion? Or there may have been undesirable EM interference between the era's high-performance reactors and the Cat's Eye's sensor suite? I dunno, I'm just throwin' ideas out.
  5. I think we're all still speculating on if the father is THAT Focker or not. That said, if the father is Roy, and the mother is not Claudia, it doesn't matter who his mom is because we never met the girl.
  6. Not sure what you guys are on about. Her ribbons are fine. Only thing off about her is the size of those bunny ears.
  7. Oh, geez, the Tamaki merch train is STILL running?
  8. This IS the (legally-distinct descendant of a) company that was known for licensing shows they had no intention of releasing, just to keep other companies from getting them. Sad to see the tradition survives. Like I said: You guys deserve better than this.
  9. As I like to say... Terminator 2 has plot holes big enough to drive a truck through, but no one cares because they DO drive that truck through. And then the truck blows up. And then they do it again a half-hour later.
  10. That would be the best Megatron if they hadn't forgotten the scope and shoulder stock.
  11. I still love how the Walkure Romanze stuff looks. Given funds and space, I would probably buy everything.
  12. Likely more about "old curmudgeons" versus "kids these days". Most of us are a decade or two older than the typical target audience for entertainment productions on either side of the ocean. Compounding the problem, I believe most of us are here because we liked the original Macross, which was an unusual production even for the era.
  13. That's actually something that makes sense even though it seems not to. The skirt rockets are designed for lift and rapid acceleration in a high-G environment, which generates a design profile pretty much directly opposed to what you would want in an EVA pack(primary thrust vector being down the legs instead of out from the back, and MUCH higher impulse).
  14. Most likely, yeah. But if they can measure song energy on a per-member basis, which we know they can, they should be able to measure the difference between protective gear and idol costumes. Of course, a resonance effect with Mikumo would blow all their measurements out of the water and still generate a false positive. Honestly, here in the real world I think it is just a a mid-series retcon, and Reina's spacesuit is the fly in their ointment. I hate to say it. I really don't like calling it out, but I'm fairly sure that's what happened. Initially they were supposed to be using holograms over proper light armor, but then they decided to fanservice it up and give them flesh-colored skinsuit armor instead. But they can't go back and handwave the space suit away so they're gonna hope we forgot or come up with a good explanation on our own(that they can steal later).
  15. And we'd watch it and love it, then disavow it twenty years later when we learned those awesome fights were from a different show.
  16. Apparently, there was a crossover audio drama with Iczer-1 and Dangaioh. Obviously, any modern stories should be in the crossover universe to maximize the bangs/bucks ratio.
  17. Honestly, it seems like Walkure is doing it to maximize their effectiveness. They basically said the point where they stopped wearing the body armor and started wearing Makina's handmade idol costumes coincided with a sharp spike in their effectiveness, so apparently they couldn't get in the right frame of mind or couldn't nail the dance moves right in the relatively bulky protective suit, and it was to the detriment of their song energy output. While the show's had a lot of logical flaws, in this specific case, it makes sense to me. That said, they still haven't really dealt with Reina's disappearing spacesuit in the first episode. It seems they'd like us to believe the holographic outfits were simply hiding it(like the Windemere pilots and their helmets), but that doesn't seem to line up with the skinsuit armor or the upskirt rockets. ... I suppose it is possible Walkure has a custom tear-away space suit, but that seems like an exceptionally poor idea.
  18. I think it is in consideration of the prosthetic runes the "infiltration" team was wearing.
  19. "The uploader has not made this video available in your country."
  20. So... them Draken guns blew some pretty big holes in the ground. Good illustration of the "Valk guns ain't just throwin' lead" issue.
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