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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I just can't accept a single computer virus running on Android/ARM and Windows/x86. It is patently absurd. And if we accept that a virus that hits all operating systems and processor architectures WAS possible, connecting a supercomputer to the internet to cure it seems the worst possible idea since it will almost certainly just infect that machine too. And then there's the added plot wrinkle where the supercomputer was responsible for releasing the virus to the internet... as a way to force the military to connect it to the internet. Wait, what? Ultimately, it is a lot like the Matrix. There are ways the idea could've worked and made a lot of sense, but in the end they chose the least plausible explanation.
  2. Wait, Japan gets River City Ransom and we don't? WAY TO DROP THE BALL, NOA!
  3. Yeah, I don't loathe the third the way a lot of folks seem to. I think some of the problems it has stem from trying to be a sequel to two very different movies. ... Though I still have to shout at the screen when they claim a single computer virus is ripping through so many different computers running unrelated operating systems and processors. Computer plots completely bypass my suspension of disbelief and yank me right back to the real world with cries of "IT DOESN'T WORK THAT WAY!".
  4. And then when all hope is lost... Basara comes flying in because he heard someone made the whole GALAXY listen to their song and he wants in on that.
  5. A movie could focus on ONE member of Walkure. Most likely Freyja as the new girl learning the ropes, possibly Mikump as the three-year-old with the ubervoice. The rest of Walkure would exist for singing and as minor characters. Would they do that? No, of course not. But they could, and it would work.
  6. Awww, but that's no fun! Nitpicking beloved movies and arguing about time travel is the best way to spend a day!
  7. Not really. No Jenius in Frontier or Plus, and the Jenius in Delta was rapidly converted into a background character. Also, the Jeniuses are cooler than the Ichijos, so no problem.
  8. Lady M is Dr. Chiba, gone off the deep end and insisting he is really Minmay. It explains EVERYTHING.
  9. VF-1s? Naw, Megaroad had VF-4s. ... And the chance to see VF-4 en masse has made me want to see a Megaroad show now...
  10. ALMOST always. There is, rarely, a story that takes the time to polish all the rough edges off and makes sure everything fits together and it all obeys a single consistent set of rules. The Terminator was one of those precious few stories. Looking too closely makes it BETTER.
  11. My thoughts exactly. Stories have endings, and Hikaru, Misa, and Minmay's ended. Now, granted, instead of closing off questions about what next by saying "they flew it into a wormhole and disappeared", I probably would've said "they found a planet and colonized it" just to avoid the years of fan outrage. But that would tempt future writers to tie their stories to that planet somehow, as if it gives them an air of legitimacy. And then suddenly Hikaru Ichigo Jr is the star of a show, and then Hikaru Focker the Third, and it NEVER ENDS and one family dominates all of galactic history.
  12. Oh, that's only because you've seen so many bad remakes that you no longer have any faith in their ability to do a good one. That's got nothing to do with age.
  13. Salvation's biggest problem was a writer that wasn't thinking four-dimensionally. There's HUGE leaps of logic because the writer just assumed all events from each movie happened in the year said movie was released. So Sarah Conner knows all about everything in the future, because that future happened in the 80s. And Skynet knows who John Conner is, because the dude's been foiling the machine's plans since the 80s. Terminator 3 gets points from me for remembering the entire thing is built on a causality paradox, and that this is not a story with a happy ending. . Everything has to happen, because it DID happen. As stupid as it was, it was trying to reconcile the first and second movies and create a world where they both made sense(it only partially succeeds, but a complete victory is impossible where those two are concerned). I still prefer to think of Terminator and The Terminator as different universes. The sequels do such an amazingly bad job at following up on the original, including the much-loved Judgement Day(which, as fun as it is, takes a huge runny crap all over the first movie), that it is better to assume they're sequels to a movie we never saw. Genisys could've been the movie we never saw, and that is the saddest thing about how big a trainwreck it apparently turned out to be(I still haven't seen it). It can't happen. John Conner only exists because of a causality paradox. Hell, he brainwashed his dad into gettin' it on with his mom to ensure his existence. The original movie is all KINDS of creepy. But the first film is also a very well-edited time-travel story. Everything locks together and creates a cohesive causality paradox, and there's none of the occasional shifting of the rules so common in time travel films. The past cannot be changed, and if the past contains time travellers from the future it is only because they were always there.
  14. Bruticus! Give the Goldion Hammer back to Gaogaigar! Your courage isn't strong enough to handle that!
  15. That sounds amazing! I just meant that only being available if you don't transform doesn't really negate it being equippable. I readily admit that dual gunpod was not an official equipment package for the VF-25.
  16. Kinda like a VF-1 being equipped with the GBP as long as it stays in battroid?
  17. Well... funny thing about the sun's radiation... we get LESS of it on Earth than we would in stellar space. The Earth's atmosphere and magnetosphere do a really good job of sending most of that radiation somewhere other than our faces. And it turns out radiation shielding is hard, and most of the things that do a good job(like lead and water) are also really heavy, which is why only a small part of the ISS has enough radiation shielding to safely ride out a solar flare inside it. That said... overtechnology seems to have provided humanity with lightweight and durable radiation-opaque materials. At least, one would hope so, given the big honkin' glass domes they put on their colony ships. If those aren't unusually good radiation blockers for visually-transparent materials, colony life is not very healthy.
  18. If I 'm not mistaken... it's a little of column A, little of column B. For the most part, their hardware isn't exactly the most survivable of designs, so it is easy to die if you are one of the grunts on the front lines. Even an ace like Milia lived one piece of shrapnel away from death. And there's very little data on long-term miclonizing, because why would anyone do that?
  19. And why not? It is the last good version of Windows! True story: I'd be running 2K on something or other right now if I had a dang clue what we did with the CD and license key.
  20. Spoilers: You don't have to stop using an OS because the manufacturer says it is dead.
  21. Okay, I can honestly say something nice about this thing now. That last set of posters is awesome, I love that they are taking the opportunity to do some scale-establishing shots. It is hard to really get people in the "giant robot is huge" mindset, and I think showing the people standing on their robots is a good way of doing it. Especially the way the robot juts into the poster, with most of it too big to fit in the frame.
  22. I thought it was the hoary froating head. Which may also fit...
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