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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Oh MAN, that is so friggin' awesome.
  2. Four hundred and seventy dollars?! The beauty of sticker shock! I understand why they split him into two boxes, because DAAAAAAAANG that is an expensive toy robot, but it is REALLY disingenuous to pretend it is a combiner when as near as I can tell neither half is useful by itself. . It isn't even split logically, like "one set gets you a rocket and launchpad, the other gets you a tank and track, by their powers combined you get a giant plastic robot". Instead, one set gets you a rocket, half a launchpad, and half a track, the other gets you a tank, half a launchpad, and half a track. Either box by itself just leaves you with an incomplete mess of partially-assembled parts, and I think this is the biggest problem with splitting him like that. That said, I've always thought Omega Supreme was awesome, and I am glad to see him gettin' some love.
  3. I quit playing because it punishes you for not living in a dense urban core. Suburban play is weighted very heavily against the player(and rural play is impossible). The final straw came when I ran out of healing items to use after gym raids, and the precious few pokestops near me just kept dropping nothing but pokeballs I could use to catch pokemon. Well, use to catch pidgeys and ratattas because spawn quality is based on player density. And, of course, the few stops near me were far enough apart that it was literally faster to sit in front of one pokestop and wait for it to recharge than to walk to another. Sure, I could drive, but ... no.
  4. "Coming soon to Kickstarter" Right. They're throwing a standard off-the-shelf ARM board* into a Genesis-style case and calling it their own creation. It is probably a stock Linux distribution, too(no shortage of emulator-loaded Lunixes). I'd rather buy a Pi and load up my own SD card, personally. I might even pay them ten bucks for just the case. (Easy way to tell it isn't a custom board: that back expansion port. It wouldn't be micro-USB if they were making their own, because it is STUPID and they have no shortage of space to mount another full-size connector.) If the case was actually metal instead of "stainless steel finish", it'd still be something interesting, though. </wetblanket>
  5. The beauty of pointless posts!
  6. It actually does help a lot. Thanks!
  7. I think he had to have realized what he'd done on some level, because where else could he have gotten all that spiritia? He suddenly had enough awaken his true form, implode a planet, and still have some left over to recharge Sivil... all without draining anyone. He just had a very limited amount of time to act. Maybe he simply trusted that others would learn the ways of the Anima Spiritia as he had. Heck, Gabil was spending almost as much time listening to Basara as Gigil was(and I have trouble taking the protodeviln seriously because of their names). Basically, Gigil is the true star of 7.
  8. Also noticed on review: With the benefit of knowing how things end, it sure looks like Gigil is the first protodeviln to learn to create spiritia. Pity it was moments before he kamikaze'd a whole friggin' planet to death.
  9. I care more because I don't like Oshii. I'd be less upset if this was an adaptation of anything other than Oshii's adaptation. But I really think they should've made their own take on the franchise. I know we usually drop on Hollywood for straying too far from the source material(or ignoring it completely), but slavish copy/paste isn't doing anyone any favors either.
  10. Disappointingly, that is what they're selling. And to my eternal dismay, many people think that it is an adaptation of the original Ghost in the Shell, unaware that the first movie was based on anything at all. Many others just don't care.
  11. So the XBox quietly turned fifteen yesterday. As good a reason as any to replay Panzer Dragoon Orta, right?
  12. "In the film, Scarlett Johansson stars as The Major, a special ops, one-of-a-kind human-cyborg hybrid" Human-cyborg hybrid? What the heck does that even MEAN?
  13. Showed the trailer to my sister. She has read the comics, but not seen any of the animation. Her primary comment afterwards was "why is the major in a skintight flesh-tone bodysuit?!" It bothered her A LOT. All I could say was "Because that is how it was in the first movie, and western audiences consider that 'the original version'". ... She felt that was an inadequate excuse, particularly as she thinks that in general a new adaptation should be a fresh take on the source and not a recreation of someone else's adaptation. And in specific, her ENTIRE exposure to Ghost has been the manga/she's another dirty comics purist. In conclusion: Oshii has ruined Ghost three times now!111oneone
  14. I assumed the shipment was stopping in China for alteration, as opposed to the work being done stateside.
  15. The first movie had her being mopey and philosophical a lot, questioning the nature of life and such. I'd say she was portrayed as lost, but not so explicitly. It is, in fact, the thing that struck me most strongly about the movie, how they adapted a badass into a whiny ball of angst.
  16. I kind of hope it is an origin story handled like the new Star movies. "Here's our characters, here they are again, and now it is the present and they are doing what you came here to see them do." Don't mind me, I just have sour grapes. In seriousness, I do feel adaptations need to do their own thing, but at the same time I feel they should carefully consider where they step off the path and how far they they detour. I'm really just hoping this doesn't draw as much from the old movie as it appears to, because I don't like the old movie. I do like that she calls herself "Major" like it is a name. Not even "The Major", just "This is Major." I'm not comfortable with the implication that she has backstory that makes her a uniquely special individual. ... Actually, it seems like they are simplifying the whole Puppetmaster story by making the major into the puppetmaster from the start. (I note again that I've never watched Stand-Alone Complex or Arise, so I don't know if this backstory comes from one of the newer ones.)
  17. MY Ghost doesn't have bassets! Though a cyborg basset hound assassin would be pretty wicked. And yeah, why doesn't The Major's freshly-minted body have any nipples? It is WEIRD. True dat. WORD!
  18. Ditto. It LOOKS like Ghost, but doesn't feel like Ghost. Or at least, not like MY Ghost.
  19. I just think it is really lazy, and something that looks like that shouldn't be called a masterpiece. Big blocks of unpainted and untextured plastic is not acceptable on a ten-dollar toy, it shouldn't be standard on something that is an order of magnitude more expensive. Star Saber could get away with it precisely because he was Star Saber. The toy and cartoon were on the same page, and there wasn't any real-world vehicle we could point to and say "It was SUPPOSED to look like this!" All incarnations of him featured large swaths of undetailed flat panels. So it WORKED for Star Saber, but for the more terrestrial characters, it is a huge problem. But hey, I find the entire MP line far too rich for my blood anyways.
  20. Very convenient! I would likely preserve the original controller ports. Wire USB lines to the existing pins, and make short USB-NES "adapters" out of old Nintendo controllers or extension cables to place between USB devices and the NES ports. Actually, I think the 7-pin NES port is adequate for two USB ports, a USB and PS/2 port, or two PS/2 ports(shared +5v and ground, two unique data lines, so you only need six pins for two ports in all cases). Alternatively, for safety, you could use the original NES 5V and ground pin locations, and place the USB data lines on D3 and D4, which a standard NES controller doesn't use. That way if someone plugs a real NES controller into your emulation station, it doesn't have any way to damage anything. Original pinout for reference: That is fair. I like the idea, but can't think of a truly great reason to do it. ... Maybe a cute LCD panel with system stats? It feels like a waste to not have something behind the cart door.
  21. Yeah, honestly, this is a hard film to prejudge from what I've seen. What they get wrong is INCREDIBLY wrong, but what they get right is AMAZINGLY right.
  22. The NES power switch won't work as an ATX power switch, since the Nintendo used a toggle switch and ATX is a momentary switch. But reset will work fine as an ATX power switch. Just swap the two switches around. I am totally in favor of preserving the original switches, as they are going to contribute to the finished product "feeling right". Cut the plug off the Nintendo switch and solder a motherboard header cable on if you have to. As purely aesthetic advice, I'd try to snag a wireless controller receiver and attach it to the controller ports. If you have an old NES Satellite laying around, the receiver module is chunky, but the lines are nice. Installing a slim optical drive behind the cartridge cover expands your options a lot, as you now have an NES that can play back CDs and DVDs, which is a cool stunt. Unfortunately, I doubt you can fit a full-size drive in without serious aesthetic compromises, and last I checked slim drives were expensive. But imagine how cool it'd be to watch your Super Mario 3 or Captain N cartoon collections with your NES!
  23. Gonna add my voice to the "Inferno's backside is embarassingly lazy" crowd. It is no masterpiece, but it is a piece of something.
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