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Everything posted by JB0

  1. You know we don't play games here. We spend WAY too much time talking about them to actually play them. Also: http://inticreates.com/blaster-master-zero-3ds/ MORE. FRIGGIN'. BLASTER MASTER. HELL TO THE YES.
  2. On the positive, I think the pterodactyl wings on the back look pretty badass. And this way, Kimberly gets to be the one that's all "And I'll form the head". There is some interesting design in that it echos the ranger suits themselves, with the crystal in the chest and the whole "guy in spandex" look. But ... it really SHOULDN'T echo the "guy in spandex" look because IT IS A ROBOT. It should look like a guy wearing a bunch of cardboard boxes. But yeah, it misses the core ESSENCE of a combiner, in favor of making it look like a cohesive whole, and that is a hard flaw to forgive. If someone told me this was a new ranger, or powerup armor for the base ranger suits, I'd believe it. Which means their mecha designers failed at their task.
  3. Sorry, Macrossfanx9. I know you are new to the franchise and hyped at this prospect, but there is a LOT of bad blood between us and Harmony Gold for various historical and not-so-historical reasons. The short version is that they have been tremendous dicks(to put it mildly) to both the fanbase and the creators, and there is no great love for them here. Consequently most of us would, to put it bluntly, rather dance while they burn than give them one red cent. Hence the less-than-warm reception your idea has generated.
  4. In fairness, Skullcruncher really is one of the better of the recent Transformers. I'd say most of the figures at that scale are not as good as him. He still shouldn't be punching that far above his class, but... he DOES punch a bit farther than his TR brothers.
  5. I've watched a few episodes of that. I can't tell if it is a brilliant parody, or if it is supposed to be a fanservice show and they genuinely think what they're drawing is sexy.
  6. So they're going to the Super Bowl now, right?
  7. That wouldn't be a reissue so much as a completely new piece of hardware. It would be nice to see Sega do something for the Genesis other than "let ATGames keep selling licensed clones en masse"
  8. In honesty, it is hard to make out to my ear. I think the "robot voice" filter distorts it just enough to make the engrish stop sounding like engrish.
  10. Well, they should've waited until ATGames had the promised ARM+emulator package available! They are moving to emulation for their next generation of Genesis clones, which solves the accuracy problems as well as allowing for things like HDMI and state saves.
  11. I think that was the point. If that is all they're spending on effects, they don't need much of a budget.
  12. They're using hardware that doesn't output digital video signals. Personally, I'd rather have the visible warnings that it's a Firecore unit than have it anonymized. They don't do pretty things to the sound.
  13. "includes a slot for Micro SD cards" That and non-HDMI video means that, also sadly, it's Firecore-based. Not that rampant audio errors have stopped people from enjoying them to date(or from enjoying the absurdly-prevalent 1-chip NES clones), but the games deserve better. (And whenever someone insists hardware > emulation, you can always point to the 1-chip Famiclone or Firecore Genesis as counterexamples. )
  14. Assuming the thing outputs 1920x1080 when connected to the TV. The resolution difference WILL be noticed at that size.
  15. As a bonus, the modern Macs can all run Windows since they're IBM-compatible!
  16. Okay, let me rephrase. Problem number one is that the Wii U would've seen MUCH wider adoption if it was a DS Player IN ADDITION to being a Super Wii. Effectively, the existing DS games would move systems, and once people had the thing as a DS on their TV, why NOT buy a few actual Wii U games? I find problem number 2 to be, well, exactly as I stated. No game could make good use of the controller display because they all had to be able to operate without the controller display so the Wii U could behave like a portable system without actually BEING portable. If the second screen is destined to mirror the TV, cool. Mirror the TV for all it is worth. But don't talk about how many neat things that second screen will allow games to do while banning games from doing those same neat things. The Switch solves this second problem in a much cleaner manner, by being a self-contained portable that also has AV output. It is a solution that should be familiar to anyone who remembers Sega's Nomad. There were a lot of neat ideas in the Wii U, but Nintendo failed to follow any of them through to completion, cutting each idea short when it started to interfere with some other idea. The end result is a portable system that isn't portable, and a DS that doesn't play DS games. It has the feel of a platform that was designed by committee, where everyone's pet feature was given equal priority.
  17. The Wii U had two problems. One was it couldn't play DS games, the other was Nintendo crippled it. Mandating that games had to be playable on the gamepad alone meant that dual-screen gameplay was ... problematic.
  18. "Anime accuracy"*. The red and blue lions had different leg hinges in the cartoon, instead of all four having "flathead screw" legs. *In quotes because this isn't really an anime-accurate toy. I'm not really sure Voltron can be done with cartoon accuracy.
  19. The only Voltron I have at present is the 80s plastic lion set. ... The ones with the cockpits. Yeaaaaaaaaaah, those things. I used to have two of the diecast lions(green and yellow) as a kid. Loved the crap out of 'em. I like the old blocky look. That's what my problem was with the Infinity Beast King. I never bought the old Toynami because of their world-class quality control. That and it always looked weird to me. Sorta gangly. Still not sure how I feel about their new mold. It is less oddly-proportioned, but also oddly DIFFERENT. Looks like they gave the yellow lion curves to match the green lion, which is a good idea, but the opposite of what I would've done to fix the green problem. (I would've made the green lion less curvy so it looks less like it came from a different set of toy robots than the other four). I'll have more concrete opinions when/if it makes it into the hands of fans and huge photo collections come out. That sounds like a good plan to me!
  20. It takes a lot of cues from the toys, really. The original diecast toy has more or less become the "canonical" Voltron, with cartoon aspects borrowed as desired. Swappable legs would be a best of both worlds situation, though. True that. With little LEDs in it to make it glow. Either A. You are a shameless fanboy and will buy anything that says Voltron, or B. It is frickin' awesome.
  21. It is a reasonable hypothesis. They have seen the western market wants larger hardware(note we got the New 3DS XL, but not the "regular size" New 3DS), they've long done better in the portable space than the tethered space, and to be honest hardware is at the point where a large portable device can turn in enough performance to be a reasonable console(the same premise behind the nVidia Shield and the Ouya). There is no real POINT to Nintendo releasing another "real" console, unless they decide they want to start punching in the half-grand AAA space where MS and Sony fight. And to be frank, I don't see why they would WANT to. If the DS hadn't been, well, dual-screen, they would've done this years ago. Let's be honest, all we've really wanted from Nintendo for some time is a way to play DS games on a TV. And now we have it. TurboExpressin' it up with hardware that is good enough for a console, but weak enough for battery power.
  22. Stunned silence, and then immense confusion. The biggest problem I see is that two lions don't have "flathead screw" legs. This bothers me, as the original diecast toy is "the right Voltron" in my mind. I was hoping the Soul of Chogokin one would come with swappable lion legs, but it doesn't look like it will.
  23. I thought this was officially licensed. And the hovertanks are forgotten. No matter how cool the idea is, being saddled with a show no one loves isn't doing them any favors.
  24. Hey, the Blackbird looks a lot nicer in jet mode than the last time I saw him. Either paint helps a lot, or they adjusted the tolerances of everything to make it come together.
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