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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I think it is done this way because assembly costs are higher than painting costs for small parts. And if you make the window section larger so it is a simple drop-in affair, you wind up paying for the piece twice over. Once in opaque plastic, a second time for the transparent insert. In either situation, instead of paint, now you're applying glue. Put too much of THAT in your transforming robot car and it ceases to transform. Makes paint overspray look trivial. Now, of course, the fact that these are aimed at a higher-end segment of the market DOES cast some doubt on whether "standard" toy construction practices really make sense. I'd be interested to know what sort of profit margin these toys see, and how much of it would be eaten up by higher-end construction.
  2. It really has the feel of an authentic G1 bio, too. Honestly, I first noticed it with Broadside, but it was kind of a running theme through a LOT of the G1 bios.
  3. I can't poke too much fun. I'm a Captain Power fan, after all.
  4. Best robo-bio ever. I mean, that is even better than Broadside's classic "Afraid of heights, afraid of water, so he turns into a jet and a boat" bio.
  5. They DO exist!Naw, I'm just bein' a smartbutt.
  6. You'd have to find a Jem fan first.
  7. USS Iowa sure does pack some big guns. They can't even be confined by the edge of the image in that bottom-right one.
  8. You and me both. I mean, how else were we supposed to get those things apart?
  9. Funny, I was just thinking how awesome the black lion's wing-jetpack looked and how great it was that the wings weren't just THERE on the lion's back for no real reason.
  10. Sure, it did. It also completely undermined the entire POINT of the Borg. Remember when they kidnapped people and assimilated them through surgery instead of by injecting nanites? Remember when they were a hivemind and their voice came from everywhere in the ship at once, instead of mindless drones serving a queen?
  11. Star Trek canon is a rickety house of cards on the best of days. Pretty much EVERY episode dumps on canon somewhere along the line, it is just a matter of how bad. That's why I complain about contradictions of entire serieses and species histories instead of single episodes. (First Contact, you sucked)
  12. Apparently. In fairness, it was not a show to dwell on the background of supporting characters. There's nothing there to really imply Pentecost DIDN'T have a son, but... there wasn't anything to imply he did, either.
  13. Oh MAN, that is so friggin' awesome.
  14. Four hundred and seventy dollars?! The beauty of sticker shock! I understand why they split him into two boxes, because DAAAAAAAANG that is an expensive toy robot, but it is REALLY disingenuous to pretend it is a combiner when as near as I can tell neither half is useful by itself. . It isn't even split logically, like "one set gets you a rocket and launchpad, the other gets you a tank and track, by their powers combined you get a giant plastic robot". Instead, one set gets you a rocket, half a launchpad, and half a track, the other gets you a tank, half a launchpad, and half a track. Either box by itself just leaves you with an incomplete mess of partially-assembled parts, and I think this is the biggest problem with splitting him like that. That said, I've always thought Omega Supreme was awesome, and I am glad to see him gettin' some love.
  15. I quit playing because it punishes you for not living in a dense urban core. Suburban play is weighted very heavily against the player(and rural play is impossible). The final straw came when I ran out of healing items to use after gym raids, and the precious few pokestops near me just kept dropping nothing but pokeballs I could use to catch pokemon. Well, use to catch pidgeys and ratattas because spawn quality is based on player density. And, of course, the few stops near me were far enough apart that it was literally faster to sit in front of one pokestop and wait for it to recharge than to walk to another. Sure, I could drive, but ... no.
  16. "Coming soon to Kickstarter" Right. They're throwing a standard off-the-shelf ARM board* into a Genesis-style case and calling it their own creation. It is probably a stock Linux distribution, too(no shortage of emulator-loaded Lunixes). I'd rather buy a Pi and load up my own SD card, personally. I might even pay them ten bucks for just the case. (Easy way to tell it isn't a custom board: that back expansion port. It wouldn't be micro-USB if they were making their own, because it is STUPID and they have no shortage of space to mount another full-size connector.) If the case was actually metal instead of "stainless steel finish", it'd still be something interesting, though. </wetblanket>
  17. The beauty of pointless posts!
  18. It actually does help a lot. Thanks!
  19. I think he had to have realized what he'd done on some level, because where else could he have gotten all that spiritia? He suddenly had enough awaken his true form, implode a planet, and still have some left over to recharge Sivil... all without draining anyone. He just had a very limited amount of time to act. Maybe he simply trusted that others would learn the ways of the Anima Spiritia as he had. Heck, Gabil was spending almost as much time listening to Basara as Gigil was(and I have trouble taking the protodeviln seriously because of their names). Basically, Gigil is the true star of 7.
  20. Also noticed on review: With the benefit of knowing how things end, it sure looks like Gigil is the first protodeviln to learn to create spiritia. Pity it was moments before he kamikaze'd a whole friggin' planet to death.
  21. I care more because I don't like Oshii. I'd be less upset if this was an adaptation of anything other than Oshii's adaptation. But I really think they should've made their own take on the franchise. I know we usually drop on Hollywood for straying too far from the source material(or ignoring it completely), but slavish copy/paste isn't doing anyone any favors either.
  22. Disappointingly, that is what they're selling. And to my eternal dismay, many people think that it is an adaptation of the original Ghost in the Shell, unaware that the first movie was based on anything at all. Many others just don't care.
  23. So the XBox quietly turned fifteen yesterday. As good a reason as any to replay Panzer Dragoon Orta, right?
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