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Everything posted by JB0

  1. You know what? I'm okay with that!
  2. So Megatron gets sound but no light, Shockwave gets light but no sound... who is next and do they get the full set?
  3. Wall-E? The scooter is totally T-Bob from MASK. ... The years have not been kind to the poor guy.
  4. They did that crap all the time when they were ADV, and bankruptcy shell games changed nothing but the sign over the door. They buy licenses up and then sit on them just to prevent other companies from getting the shows. They are scum.
  5. And I finished Blaster Master Zero. Both endings, and Unlimited mode. Inti Creates should've included a hard mode.
  6. Important lesson learned: NEVER. SELL. ANYTHING.
  7. I loved Madoka. There's so many nice touches. The opening animation goes from wholly unrelated to actively spiteful, especially as they keep adding girls to it. At some point it stops being a bait&switch and starts just rubbing salt in the would after every bad thing happens. Meanwhile, the opening song is huge spoilers but no one notices because it SEEMS to be the same generic unrelated-to-anything cuteness that defines most anime openings. Favorite moment: I was introducing a friend to it. I'd already watched it. We watched two episodes, he was "Okay, this is fun. " and I was "Let's watch one more episode before we shut down!" After the Mami Moment in episode 3, he was just "I... I don't think I like this anymore." (He did watch the entire show, and enjoyed it, but... the Mami Moment is a bit of a shock)
  8. Blaster Master Zero is out. It is awesome, you should be playing it. And I continue to be amused that Eve is a recurring character in Blaster Master games, given she came from a forgotten book adaptation that is apparently now foundational to the franchise.
  9. That is a rather unexpected move for a production that has, thus far, looked like it considered what came before as more than a nuisance to be ignored. I grant that Motoko Kusanagi could be considered a difficult name for american audiences, but... really? THAT is what they're falling back to? Personally, I would've just called skipped naming entirely and just called her "major", but that is unambiguously my own biases coming through. Though it is not particularly hard to avoid using her name in many cases, and it should be easy to deflect when a name DOES need to come out. I mean, even without inserting "obviously an alias" into the script, I can't see it being hard to cast doubt upon any name she appears to actually be using.
  10. I am totally down for more Pretty Sammy, as long as they don't screw it up like the last time they touched that subfranchise.
  11. All of them were licensed at a time when their long-term value was dubious at best. Yamato and Macross were licensed before home video was really a thing, so they were expected to have short lives regardless, and the licenses were made fairly simply because of it. (See also: Tetsuwan Atom/Astro Boy, Tetsujin 28/Gigantor. And for something less influential, Mach Go Go Go/Speed Racer. The real surprise here is actually that Mazinger Z DIDN'T get trapped in licensing hell after Tranzor Z happened.) Only excuse with Evangelion is that no one had any way of knowing it was gonna be a huge iconic thing instead of just another show, or that the US anime market was about to blow wide open. That license rapidly got a LOT more valuable than anyone on either side of it expected.
  12. Plastic Memories is a good show. In the end, I think it comes out more bittersweet than depressing, though your mileage may vary.
  13. Well, in fairness... a LOT of units were completely wiped out in Space War 1. Like, almost all of them. If you retire all those numbers, you start getting some really awkward unit designations. No one wants to be part of the 10,541st when they could be the 41st, and a lot of traditions die fast when 99 percent of humanity is vaporized in an eyeblink.
  14. So... Super Robot Wars V got an english release, albeit published in Asia instead of North America. Real anime crossover SRW, none of that OG stuff. No Macross this time, to our eternal disappointment. I am less excited about this than I would've been a decade ago, but it is still pretty awesome news.
  15. That is a pretty studly-looking "boxy red truck robot". While not accurate to a "real" Optimus Prime/Ginrai, I think the stacks bracketing the chest actually look pretty good. ... But yeah... that crotch thrust... I mean, surely he isn't in full boner-power mode all the time, but those are some really unfortunate promo shots.
  16. Funny, because that is what I was most afraid of for quite a while, especially when the shot-for-shot recreations of the "original" animated movie scenes were released as teasers. Now it looks like they're doing their own thing with liberal homages to the first adaptation, which is far better than simply copying someone else's work wholesale. It still looks like they're Doing It Wrong, but at least now it looks like they are making different mistakes than the crew of '95. ... Except for the distinct lack of fuchikoma. They seem to be propagating that grievous mistake forward unrepentantly. On an unrelated note, I am taking bets for how many younguns are gonna see the think tank and accuse it of being a shameless Metal Gear ripoff.
  17. Still wrong, though. It should say "The only way to enjoy Macross is to argue about it on the internet."
  18. That's odd, I don't SEE Gubaba in that picture...
  19. Eh, guy with a big gun turns into a big gun worked for Megatron and Shockwave. What's one more member of the club? ... Actually, , now that I think about it a sniper rifle would be a very good match for Shockwave's non-cartoon personality. Calm, collected, calculating, and just waiting for the perfect moment to pull the trigger. MAKE IT HAPPEN, SOMEONE!
  20. Well, crap. Guess I did well to put off sticking the stickers on, because that was pretty much exactly what I was worried about(on the yellow lion. A healthy fear of cockeyed stickers on the rest).
  21. The white lion muzzles seem to be consistent across almost all incarnations(a few very cheap toys have lion-colored jaws), though sometimes illustrated with a metallic sheen. Those should definitely be white, and it is one of the few dings I have against this version. Voltron's face varies, but was white in the cartoon and silver in the original toy. It is debatable which way it "should" be, particularly given how much other media has favored the toy over the cartoon.
  22. Aren't people always pissed at Hasbro anyways?
  23. But Nintendo doesn't have Blast Processing! It should be fundamentally incompatible! No, seriously, I was just having a laugh at the idea of a Nintendo running Sega games. Made the same crack at the Wii's Virtual Console, and at Sonic on the Gameboy Advance. Also, the NES and Genesis controllers both have four buttons. They are just better arranged on a Genesis pad. But they are probably using a Wii Classic Controller.
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