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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Authorial decision sounds likely in this case, actually. Shirow was already sick of hearing about the sexytimes pages waaaaaaaaaay back when the first english edition was produced. It's part of why he drew up the new half-page for that release. The spread adds nothing of actual value to the story, is a lightning rod for criticism, and he rapidly got tired of people complaining about it. Also interesting that everyone notes it is a two-page lesbian threesome, but no one ever mentions that they are filming a porno(while on drugs).
  2. Jetfire came first, Skyfire was second. Hasbrto licensed the VF-1 toy to release as Jetfire, drew up an animation model, did a toy commercial, and then legal was all "Ummm, you guys know that this toy came from a cartoon, right? Did you buy animation rights too? You should get on that before- oh, never mind, it's too late now." Long story short: Harmony Gold ruins everything.
  4. I also liked the varied design influences. I also thought it was interesting how the newest mech was the most "Gundam-y". Gipsy Avenger seems like an attempt to be more modern to me. Drawing more inspiration from the last decade of Gundam and less from the earliest of mech animes. The thing that disappoints me most about the design is that it looks less powerful. Gipsy Danger's bulk and lines gave it a sense of raw strength. It looked like something that couldn't move very fast, but you REALLY didn't want to still be around when it got there. Gipsy Avenger looks faster, more nimble... and weaker. Like it CAN'T punch Godzilla's head clean off his shoulders after shrugging off a burst of firebreath. But again, it also seems a logical evolution of the designs. We saw in the first movie they advanced from tanks with legs(Cherno Alpha, I love you, but lets call a spade a spade here) to the fairly sleek design of Striker Eureka, which to be frank LOOKED a lot less powerful than the rest no matter what it was actually capable of. Edit: Consulting with others, and it was also noted that Gipsy Avenger lacks a lot of the WW2 fighter plane feel of Danger. It feels less worn, and it lacks a lot of the paint details that gave a bit of personality to Danger. There's no pinstriping, no nose art, nothing. I really hope that the final Avenger has paint details we're not seeing yet.
  5. Except there was only one cable bill. Now EVERYONE wants to bill you.
  6. Right. Gipsy Danger is an old, obsolete model. If form follows function, as it should for something that large and complex, it makes sense that Gipsy 2 would bear little resemblance to the original.
  7. Honestly, I think Gipsy 1 is more inspired by the oldschool Tetsujin and Mazinger era of robot design and Gipsy 2 is more modern Gundam style. Canonically, it is appropriate for a new Gipsy to resemble Striker Eureka more than Gipsy 1, but emotionally I really liked Danger and her presence will be missed.
  8. Nice! What front-end you usin' in that MAME cab? Liberator's an excellent choice. Doesn't get near as much love as it ought to.
  9. I had one of the purple invid too. Trufax: He got my ENTIRE box of Robotech toys thrown out when his arm fell out of its socket. Mom wanted me to throw out the broken toy, I argued it was loose and not broken(because it was awesome and like hell I was giving it up over a single loose arm socket), and a few minutes later she's telling me to throw out ALL my Robotech toys instead of just one and I quit arguing before she escalated things further. Joke's on her, my Max Sterling figure wasn't in the basket because I forgot to put him up and didn't know where he was at the time! We won't focus too hard on the things that WERE properly put away in that basket... I miss my little die-cast Phalanx destroid and those Southern Cross hoverboard things.
  10. I think it went something like this.... "Hey, we need to extend the ExoSquad toyline... we got any other plastic robot molds we can reissue?" "We still have those Robotech toys we made back in the 80s... and bizarrely, the license hasn't expired yet." "Do it. Don't care if it makes sense or not. Put the Robotech label on 'em too, see if we can't fan some nostalgia flames."
  11. This is, in a nutshell, the problem with subscription services. I could totally see myself paying to watch stuff "a la carte"(the old pay-per-view/Blockbuster model), but that's apparently not profitable enough. Particularly as I don't watch a huge amount of stuff. The binge-viewing model that makes a subscription a reasonable proposition is completely foreign to me.
  12. Man, I wish I'd known that. I have two copies of Ghost, the second was bought precisely so I could have two pages of naked ladies making out, I mean an uncensored edition. I failed in that goal. My first copy actually remains my go-to just because it's got a much nicer feel. Better paper, mostly. 'S getting a little tattered nowadays, though.
  13. Only games I own currently. I used to own Earthbound, but traded it away like the pile of crap it is. Man, that isn't a game room. That's a museum. Personally, I think anything you don't intend to leave hooked up doesn't count, because it becomes a big production any time you want to use it. With that large a collection, if you're actually using any of it the room will rapidly start looking like a video arcade. The complete collection nonsense is just collectors doing what collectors do: hoarding stuff for the sake of having it. Though there seems to be a fair bit of mean-spirited "I have something you don't have" that permeates the Nintendo collecting community. Only things I could imagine gathering a full set for is systems with small libraries, like the Vectrex or Virtual Boy. Maybe the Game.Com, but that'd mean that I had to play a Game.Com. If the system's library gets much larger than a dozen games it rapidly becomes just a big headache.
  14. That is my assumption, especially given how fast the MiNES was broken. Hopefully Nintendo didn't learn their lesson, or learned the WRONG lesson, now that there's something ACTUALLY WORTH DUMPING. Trufax: I own over half the games on the thing. (11/21)
  15. Scalpers will buy millions of them. They will never appear at retail no matter how many Nintendo makes. You are doomed.
  16. I think it was just the second film. And they didn't even use the awesome Arcee model from the first film's toyline.
  17. It FEELS bigger just because of how bulky it is. 'S like a VF-1 that started bodybuilding and overdosed on steroids.
  18. That's hot.
  19. Wouldn't they have to actually print some Macross the First before that? It's been on hiatus for what, two years now?
  20. Actually, it was finished at the time and unreleased. Either due to concerns the Super Nintendo would compete with the Ultra 64(as it was known then) or fears people would compare it to the Playstation's 3D(I know, so stupid.
  21. http://www.nintendo.com/super-nes-classic/ Like this? More Nintendo games than the MiNES, and Earthbound is a negative game far as I'm concerned. Still a solid list, though.
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