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Everything posted by JB0

  1. Didn't watch it, but that is the general rule for trailers. All the best scenes and twists are in the trailer.
  2. Which kinda gets to the heart of the "FAST packs in atmosphere" problem, doesn't it? When you have enough thrust, anything can fly. And with enough maneuvering thrusters, anything can steer(wings are for chumps). It just... might not be the smoothest ride ever.
  3. I often forget YouTube has ads. I forget a lot of things have ads. Hooray for adblockers!
  4. Yeah, that's my take on Barricade as well. I tend not to consider the "not in film" toys as bayformers. They often didn't align with the movie's aesthetic, in a good way.
  5. Honestly, the only Bayformer that really engaged me was Barricade, and that was more for amusement at some of his police car detailing than anything else.
  6. Ah, until next year when we get trailers for the teaser trailers. Commercials for commercials for commercials!
  7. It's a GoBot! As someone with a lot of fond memories of Bug Bite and ... Baron Von Joy, I think it was? ... I mean this in the nicest possible way. I just wish the entire windshield unit could come up, that would REALLY make me smile.. "The ranger isn't going to like this, Chromedome." Sorry, I read that and can't stop imagining Hardhead as Booboo now.
  8. MM11 is a pleasant surprise. I didn't think Capcom had it in them.
  9. The Joker is a man of many talents, not all of them immediately obvious. Honestly, given the nuttiness of the premise and outlandish nature of the cast, I'm willing to accept a lot of otherwise-questionable decisions. I probably wouldn't bat an eye if it turned out Joker was fluent in huttese as well.
  10. Honestly, the thing that strikes me the most (aside from the ridiculous premise) is how good the casting is. It sounds like I imagine these characters speaking japanese would sound. But mostly, I'm down with this just for the absurdity of "Batman and Joker trash feudal Japan and also get in katana duels".
  11. Anime of the year.
  12. Wait, why don't the feet come with Snarl and Sludge? Dammit, this ruins my great DinoLynx plan! I have enough Grimlocks already. Do Sludge and Snarl with another pair of hands? That would be four hands, and that is too many hands. And this Grimlock's tail has issues in large part because they placed the focus primarily on robot mode, with the dino mode taking hits to make a better robot. Slag has a similar problem, in that his front dino legs are REALLY weird because they gave him well-proportioned robot arms.
  13. I saw and snagged both of those the other day. Agree 100% with every word you said. I'd like to add that gold paint under clear plastic is a remarkably credible substitute for chrome under smoked plastic. And that I was disappointed both bots come with one weapon each. Especially as Swoop has notches under his wings to tab weapons into for pterodactyl mode, but nothing to tab on. I swapped weapons around so Slag has the sword and Swoop gets the gun. Just seemed more character-appropriate to me. Regarding combiner mode, I dug up a test shot and it looks like Grimlock makes a terrible torso. Hoping he's grossly mistransformed. But if I ever actually SEE the rest of the team, I may peg them onto Combiner Wars Sky Lynx. Just to say I did.
  14. a super-awesome name.
  15. You ain't lyin'. I know the screenshot already says lunar orbit, but... terrestrial surface to lunar surface is only (about) 240 megameters, so the Macross could have actually blown craters on the Moon while parked on Earth.
  16. The viewers, if the pilots are competent.
  17. PS3 didn't charge a ransom to turn off the network port's firewall. PS4 does, because they saw how little effect it had on the XBox 360's sales and how willing people were to pay a subscription fee for a "service" that consists entirely of not disabling functionality that is already present and costs the hardware manufacturer nothing. Welcome to the next level.
  18. 2025? That's not bad either. I logged like a milion hours on my 360 when 2017 introduced me to the franchise, and I strongly encourage others to experience it as well.
  19. Yeaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! EDF! EDF! EDF! 4.1, I assume?
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