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Everything posted by JB0

  1. I'd pr'ly call it a Bandai issue(which company is likely to be complaining about toys imported to Japan?), but it is almost certainly due to "the Robotech problem".
  2. Oh, it is a Trigger show? Adding it to my list now. (Dear Trigger, Inferno Cop 2. Make it happen. Sincerely, everyone)
  3. I've honestly never figured out why so little effort is expended to hide the robot in jet mode. Particularly as the effort usually IS expended in toys that turn into land vehicles where no one is looking at the bottom.
  4. At the time, it wasn't really lazy engineering. I think it is forgotten that having toys that undergo major structural changes was an innovation in and of itself. That was CUTTING EDGE TECHNOLOGY. ... Except Starscream and his cousins. THAT was lazy engineering.
  5. Triceratops was my jam, and not a lot's changed there. Lucky me. Do they still not really know how the stegosaurus plates go on or what they're for?
  6. I sort of feel like the VF-0 is close enough to a VF-1 that HG could make a reasonable argument that they have a license. I know this is a sacrilegious stance to take, but... it is REALLY hard to argue the VF-0 is anything other than a "VF-1 Katoki version", and they DO have a license to use the VF-1. They might have an uphill fight, and certainly the entire internet would be against them, but... it is pretty much the only place where their classic "we own all of Macross" stance could even potentially be justified.
  7. It isn't even being made by people who have any interest in or familiarity with human anatomy. ... I'm sorry, did I go too far? But seriously, the planes aren't even in the top ten things wrong with that last set of pages(or any prior set, for that matter)
  8. I'm watching Killing Bites. It is trash, but hilariously awful trash. ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE ME!
  9. VMU protocol is definitely doable. Given they could also be used for VMU-VMU connections, the protocol had to be both computing-light and power-efficient. And yeah, I don't think anyone has ever figured out what happened between the Saturn controllers and the Dreamcast controller. They coulda just stuck a new cable on the Saturn analog pad and no one would've minded. Instead they re-engineered it, cut some buttons off, ruined the d-pad, and made the cable come out the bottom instead of the top.
  10. If I remember right, laser blade is the official name for the lion's mouth-dagger things. The toy definitely has a "Form blazing sword!" or two in it. I know because I hopped on YouTube earlier to see what noises occur when you start combining it. Turns out it does the whole speech, from "activate interlocks" to "I'll form the head", which made me smile.
  11. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Messerschmitt_Me_262 Apparently.
  12. Every time I see a Cosmos-inspired toy, several thoughts run through my head in rapid succession. First I think "Oh, neat, Cosmos was kinda cool. Spaceships are awesome." Then I think "Wow, that is SUPER ugly. What exactly were they thinking?!" Then I remember this is pretty much spot-on for Cosmos and I wasn't thinking of Cosmos in the first place. My flying saucer quota was filled with the Go-Bot Pathfinder, and, well, she was just BETTER in every regard and my childhood games were more enjoyable for her substitution. And then I'm sad that no one is EVER going to make a high-end Pathfinder. Except NASA, but their's wasn't toy- OR cartoon-accurate, and the production run was incredibly low.
  13. I haven't even watched Masterforce. It just looked like it was a blatant attach point(and one that SHOULD be hidden, but...)
  14. Powermaster Prime/Super Ginrai was the one that sprang to mind here. Most notably that they completely redid his arms so they didn't look like they were made of ladders(though they also rebuilt his chest to make him look more like the original). Awww. What I expected, but I was certainly hoping it meant Hasbro was stepping up their game.
  15. Yeah, the Pi article is probably the closest we'll get to a layman's explanation. I was surprised they managed to make it as comprehensible as they did.
  16. Did they say if this is from Hasbro raising quality or TakaraTomy lowering it? Because let's be honest here, that is the part that's got americans paying to import toys available at their local supermarket. And I'd like to see Hasbro doing more paint apps and less gaps.
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