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  1. Good, super-toon-accurate is a hideous-looking trend that has produced the least-interesting toys in the line's history! I don't think you're wrong, but I think it is a fool's errand with Transformers. The brand's had precious little consistency over the ages, often failing to remain consistent even within a single year's lineup. That said, I really don't understand the difference between MP and MPG. Maybe they just thought the series numbers were getting too big and wanted to reset the counter.
  2. There were attempts made "back in the day". By most accounts, Robotech II: The Sentinels failed not or quality reasons, but economic ones. The japanese economy was on an upswing the US was in a slump, and it suddenly wasn't cheap to hire Japan to draw cartoons for America, so the show was cancelled after three episodes had been drawn. Their biggest mis-step was when the 90s anime boom hit and they suddenly decided they owned Macross, sued everyone, and declared war on their own fanbase. No one told them that a small real estate company with a side hustle in tax fraud TV production can't act like the friggin' Walt Disney Company, and they scored a bunch of own-goals while pissing off the anime fans they were supposed to be courting.
  3. Are you suggesting "Lunar Cruiser Prime" is actually Prima Prime and not Optimus Prime? Too late! Headcanon accepted!
  4. And lo did the shippers rejoice as at last Megatron has the trophy wife he deserves! A Slipstream repaint of this would be interesting, but probably ain't happenin'.
  5. Said ally-killer is also shown sacrificing one of his guys because he was ordered to fire a warning shot but he wanted to launch a direct attack. Was just "You know, we've got an old hand up here on the turret, and sometimes old hands can slip". And then after the shot, the zentradi gunnery station explodes like they're in Star Trek. No witnesses.
  6. This is actually REALLY WEIRD, given the ASS-1 crashes before the X-35's first flight, and Space War 1 ends before the F-35 enters service IRL. The sudden introduction of overtechnology should've flipped the table on the entire Joint Strike Fighter program, with everyone involved heading back to the drawing board with their suddenly-obsolete designs. The idea of the F-35 actually being greenlit kinda strains credulity. Am I crazy, or did the VF-4 used to be the Lightning II?
  7. Military service was not the only road to citizenship, and that tends to get forgotten(in part because the book follows a soldier in a war).
  8. They're probably wondering why Captain Jenius keeps vetoing proposals to cut the illegally-docked slum loose from City 7.
  9. I thought the thread was about a computer game on floppy disks.
  10. I can't say that in good faith. I didn't finish Delta. It sounds like a mess.
  11. Please, no! Every time I manage to forget End of the Circle, you people pick that wound open again!
  12. I have very little information. Wasn't particularly interested in the Robotech DVDs, was even less interested in the so-called remastered version, and know nothing of australian anime distributors.
  13. Well I'm sold. How can anyone not want "Good The perfect all-time best album"?
  14. I mean, they also said it only hit the 5090 and 5070Ti, then almost immediately we saw defective 5080 cards. And that it's a 5% performance difference, when it's more like 12%(and really, different for each chip since they lose a different % of total ROPs). And that it was 0.5% of chips, which I'm skeptical of given how fast defects were found. I don't trust anything nVidia says on the matter.
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