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Everything posted by LtStick

  1. That is an excellent piece very well done.
  2. I would most likely guess it was banged up while in transit. Kevin is a good guy and takes pride in his work. Now as for Tam he does a great job of packing things regardless of what it is. I have never had any problems with anythingTam has packed other than trying to figure out how to get into the packaging. LOL!!!
  3. LtStick

    Newbie Intro

    Whats wrong with saying Robot??? LOL!!! Hey to each there own.
  4. Mine came in on Friday from Twin Moons. I like it very much even with the area that need improvment its still a nice piece and has made a fine addition to my collection.
  5. Congradulations Kevin
  6. I took the plundge as well and ordered one off of Tam. when he dropped the price i couldn't resisit. LOL!! Tam is truly evil. LOL!! j/k
  7. Twin Moons has top notched service and he's very prompt as well.
  8. Sounds like a good idea. There is a lot of quality work out there and I think it would give others ideas as well.
  9. I'd be more inclined to go with the date Cyc mentioned. This is Toynami we are talking about after all.
  10. If the MSRP for a Alpha is $80.00 USD. It would be a safe bet that a Beta would be at least $100.00 But thats just speculation on my part. who knows maybe the Alpha will sell for less. Its just a waiting game to see what Toynami is going to do.
  11. The only problem with making a larger alpha would be if they made the Beta to match. so you have to take that into consideration. If they went to big the two linked would be hard to manage and also would put more stress on the link between the two and no one would want that to happen. So I guess its a trade off.
  12. LtStick

    Age Check! :)

    Oh good I'm not hte oldest. LOL!! I'm 32 and have only had my Valks for a few years now.
  13. Becareful Toynami may surprise people by doing a good job and redeam itself. If this is possible consider all that has happened with the VF-1 line. I guess we shall see what happens in the future,
  14. If Toynami manages to get there act together and build a good product this time. It may become a case of you snooz you loose. There may not be a Price drop like your counting on. I am not going to wait as soon as Tam over at Twin Moons has the preorder up I'l be singingup for these as well.
  15. Yeah its hard to believe they did something half decent. Now hopefully they get the Alpha line right.
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