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About LtStick

  • Birthday 02/10/1971

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ARMD Deck Swabber

ARMD Deck Swabber (2/15)



  1. A Hover Tank that transformed would be great. I have the Exo Squad/ Robotech one and would love to see a better version made.
  2. Wild CATS would be a good choice. I'd love to see Cable get his own Movie
  3. Pod cast episode 12
  4. This is a better link to the broadcast better link Which is on right now.
  5. The Ninja Legion will be on live tonight. However the Pod cast will still be available. Here is the link for the live feed. Tonight's show will start at 11pm EST tonight.
  6. I see giant space ships floating around I'm gonna start looking for some big guns. The bigger the better. I definetly wouldn't be hanging around waiting to see what happens.
  7. Here is the latest Ninja Legion.pod cast As always feedback is welcome. I hope everyone enjoys the Pod casts. Quote Headlines * Gundam's 30th anniversary birthday present * Manga publishers buy into used bookstore chain Book Off * DNP, Kodansha, Shogakukan, Shueisha Acquire 29% of Bookoff * New Super Robot Wars game? Or not? * Trigun creator Nightow to make his appearance at Anime Expo * Gundam 00 Writer YÅsuke Kuroda to Attend Anime Expo * Une's trip to Yakatori One * Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom headed to North America after all? * Newest Avex idol does unintentional cosplay, also sings * Hikaru Utada to Sing Theme of Evangelion: 2.0 Film * ANIME BOSTON is next weekend * Balticon 43 * Sony Announces Final Fantasy PSP pack For Dissidia * Sony reports $1B annual loss, first in 14 years * The Ninja Legion joins the Otakast Family on BlogTalkRadio. * The Ninja Legion will start to go to a live show format on the 24th of May starting @ 11pm EST. Please join us!! Play list Ninja Legion Ep.11 Opening Texnolyze - Guardian Angel (Xaviel's Edit) Block 1 Ayumi Hamasaki - Evolution Shakkazombie - Siroi Yami no Naka Block 2 Gackt - Mirror Luna Sea - Hurt Block 3 High and Mighty Color - Goover GTC Special - Go! Godzilla UVERworld - D-tecnoLife (Ryukyudisko Remix) Closing M.O.V.E - Rage your Dream
  8. here is the correct link for Pod cast episode 10 the link was to Peelander Z Interview @ The Ottobar sorry for the error.
  9. Here is the latest Pod cast from my friends at the Ninja Legion. Hope everyone enjoys the Pod cast and as always feed back is welcome.
  10. My friends at the Ninja Legion have Pod cast episode 9 As always they welcome and encourage feed back. Quote Podcast episode 9 is now here, filled with all the non-stop listening action that you've been waiting for all week. This weeks episode includes * Sunrise planning on colony dropping Gundam Unicorn on world * Gundam 00 2nd Season to Debut on Sci Fi Channel in June * Captain Harlock on Funimation website free and....Subbed. * Central Park Media Files for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy (Updated) * Warner Brothers Acquire Live-Action Death Note Rights * Discotek bringing Hana Yori Dango Final movie to the US, along with others * Only in Japan can you pay school girls to walk all over you * You know it's bad when the yakuza are being laid off * Otakon news is slowly coming in ..Otaku-Rave Djs are up. * Japanese Designer Juice Boxes * Viz Marks Free Comic Book Day with Shonen Jump Sampler Enjoy everyone, and as always thinks for listening and your support. Ninja Legion Ep.9 Opening Animetal - Dragon Ball Block 1 Folder Five Girls - Koi No Kakera Smile.dk - Dancing All Alone (Kimono Mix) Block 2 Porno Graffitti - Koyoi Tsuki ga Miezutomo Buzzlip - Wild Rock Block 3 Maximum The Hormone - Koi no Mega Lover Gackt - Mizerable Closing Orange Range - Full Throttle Hope everyone enjoys the Pod cast.
  11. currently watching Star Blazers season 3 i believe it is its the Bolar wars series.
  12. I remember the days when HG was threatening retailers. In the early days of this. I know one e-tailer who had imported Macross stuff kept his inventory on the QT. He like so many at that time were afraid HG was going to try and take his inventory of imported Macross toys.
  13. The Ninja Legion now has Episode 6 up take a some time check it out and feel free to give them or me some feed back on the show. Hope everyone enjoys it and feel free to give them or me some feed back about the show.
  14. The Ninja legion pod cast is up apparently they had some technical difficulties.
  15. The Ninja legion have there newest Pod cast up. Here is the link They welcome input on the show. They talk about Anime gaming conss along with other random things. they also play music.
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