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Everything posted by moose

  1. I know NY does a preorder then close and then reopens at a higher price
  2. is amiami up for preorder yet
  3. Took the bait lets see what happens I was hoping HLJ would have their preorders up but if I remember finished in moments when the DX Chogo-kin VF-171 Nightmare Plus came up something about having a 10 per customer limit it was a joke.
  4. Really its lower then the other how come crap they would be stupid to do that, is this lower production run all in due to the fact that many of the version 1 were not selling we crap that's their fault for not have a proper gerwalk mode or is it because the show is not one anymore and they think the popularity has died down a bit.
  5. how soon before we get HLJ orders up, because if I remember correctly last time hardly any one was able to get a vf 17 as they had a ridicules 10 items per a customer limit and it was sold out almost instantly like all the other retailers I need up having to go to Nippon yissan who I hope will open up preorders soon again.
  6. Well crap I total thought they would release this in the Q3 one every quarter but May then June so we can expect the next Valk to drop in July. F you Bandai I so what to get this addiction over with the don't even compare in quality to Yamato but you have the license to why not milk you F#$# idiots Hey your right I do feel better
  7. When is HLJ opening up their preorder this is getting old fast and we have 1 more valk after this and then Bandi can go and #$#% themselves
  8. Well Iview these as a set so If I can not get all the pieces to complete the team then the others lose their appeal and I think about selling them considering they are the same mold with just different heads and paints.
  9. I suppose because they nature of the deal have instructed him to not leak any info, well I am optimistic that the reason behind the purchase was to expand their product line and continue producing macros products. Its a business after all and they would not be in it if they did not see a profit and as some other threads have stated there are still many more Macross products that have yet to be made, and that is not including all the repaints. Other companies are still producing Macross products just in the form of models and although Bandai have the Frontier license Yamato is still the only company that make transformable macross mecha.
  10. Graham do you have any official word from Yamato something to calm the fears and the rumors that are spreading
  11. Please what the big deal a smaller company was bought out by a larger company so it happens all the time in business it because the larger company can see potential in the smaller company and was a share of those profits. Macross is already a niche market it's not going to see like Gundam because it's targeted towards a different consumer audience mainly the adult collector who can afford to purchase these products so by nature the production run will be smaller. Although Yamato does make figures as well they I hardly think that the macross license will be die out and the only reason bought out yamato was to get access to their dolls As far as what else the can offer I guess the can issue releases and some new designs based on the games. It make not be as many releases per a year but considering most of offerings were repaints. We will see what the future holds
  12. Transformers combined made over 2 billion dollars they just trying to replicate that formula I am sure some one soon enough will announce a GUNDAM Movie just considering the merchandise alone would be insane.
  13. About dam time you this had to be coming if Pacfic RIm takes off then why not?
  14. Strange HLJ site seems to say this item is discontinued I thought they just released this in December maybe they are cutting back on their inventory so they don't have to do a Macross sale
  15. This probably has to do with all the previous releases of the Valks which sat and retailers forever, but it has more to do with the products being inferior to what yamato was offering. So this time around the are probably reducing the number they produce
  16. try this http://www.macross2.net/m3/macrossga/vf-4g.htm
  17. one thing to note with all those valks from what I can see Yamato will more likely take something that has a reference the VF-5000B, VF-4 and the VA-3 all have already a model built by studio eye so it would make sense for them to use that as starting base for future products.
  18. Oh well heck if they want to limit their profits that's on them by making it a limited thing. Its already the most expensive valk and $ 300 before shipping. And I don't see why they would limit the it to one color. Considering Yamato has released all its various valks last year what will it show case this year to compete with bandi. More re releases ?
  19. HLJ still waiting on them
  20. It sells out because they put it on their Japanese site first before we see it on the English side, Hobby Search all showing sold out. Nothing from HLJ yet
  21. moose

    DX VF-25G

    I am in the same boat Still nothing from them do they even have it on stock or not. Edit actually the just sent me an email so we will see I choose the cheap shipping so two weeks I guess
  22. Luca I wonder his radar dish is the same as the NUN's blue version I would not be surprised if they would release then close to one another do you think they will include at least one ghost with him or just have them as exlcusives like last time.
  23. moose

    DX VF-25G

    Just ordered this bad boy from NY first time, Dam I really hate Bandia's handling of this what because the first release was subpar and they had so many left over they are now going to go and do the opposite and under produce these. Yamato is just going to get more sales
  24. moose

    DX VF-25G

    THats it nothing else crap so if we missed it thats it
  25. moose

    DX VF-25G

    Just for my info which of these new bandi valk's have been reissued?
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