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Everything posted by moose

  1. Question are we having a group buy for the Armor ? Sorry if its been asked before
  2. Its ok not great its better then $ 300 with out shipping
  3. True at least notify us or something giving us a heads up
  4. Oh they were pieces of crap with the retarded A stance were he had to be on this toes come on Bandai Yamato got that down years ago Add it to the cart and keep increasing the quantity till its stops
  5. You know I am pretty pissed at HLJ I can understand the other stores since they have a Japanese site and so the cater to them more so , but HLJ core customer to my understanding is based aboard and for them to have the preorder at 2, 3 in the morning US time is like blowing us aside when they should have taken in to account its non Japanese customers
  6. I think they might be doing that as well but what about the other retailers how is that they might have some extra closer to the release date. I sure in terms of a business perspective it would only make sense to solicit preorders to get an general estimate on the demand and I am sure that they have a certain amount they have to make to breakeven. Not to mention that the probably got burned on the last time the released these and they were lingered at retailers and eventually had to be sold at a discount . I think its also a way to create artificial demand my limiting supply
  7. Don't worry you will not have to they only had 20 this time and I they open up the preorder briefly yesterday and then they shut it down, Bandai gives out an initial amount that it will going to produce to the wholesalers who then divide it up to the various retailers, based on those preorder numbers the will determine how many more they should actually produce which is how these retailers at the time of order actually end up having extras. So don't worry NY will have more especially the closer we get to the actual date the sold out of VF17EX and the RVF and now they have more so go figure just check it every few days And that is the other thing these things look great but are no way even up to the Yamato standards I sure how they figure out a way to keep making more because Bandai needs competition Speaking of more Valks I had to see the movie again what is the tan colored Valks in the hanger in the second movie at 1:17 is that just a regular VF-25 canon fodder
  8. the VFs is a second run and If I recall they were around for a while and then the eventually sold out in and not to mention I am sure this is not the last of the mold as the will with out a doubt release the Green colored Grace version . Bandai has been been doing second runs of these VF so I expect to see more
  9. I think they will have more the closer we are to release I mean they only had like 20 this time the have 10 RVF and over 15 VF17EX they will have more closer to release date just have to be patient and I think if you ask the board some one will for sure sell you one
  10. I don't think so they still have some DX macros stuff that is sold out in other place for a reasonable price
  11. Gone hope everybody got it, I still think other places might have some in the future
  12. people who already have it give others a chance
  13. NY is up go and get it $ 250 shipped but hey what can you do
  14. I sent an email to NY they said the will have their preorder up tomorrow, I asked if their was a specific time the said the did not have one so NY tomorrow and the hunt continues !!!
  15. Doesn't Anime Export as you to pay right away?
  16. so check this NY still have preorders of VF-171EX Nightmare Plus EX (Regular), RVF-25 Messiah I mean weren't these sold out for the longest time and now they are back in stock
  17. I have a feeling if NY does reopen preorders that it might be at $ 250 considering that is the average price on the auction sites
  18. Come on NY come through for us
  19. So its NY or nothing and when are they going to open it up again because I don't trust HLJ
  20. Never mind about Hobby Search http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10227289 dam think must have been sold out like Amiami
  21. Amiami was a long shot anyway anyone try Hobby search before?
  22. when will NY have it up I am sure sometime soon
  23. Man I bet the Japanese customers were pissed too
  24. What joke what is sold out in 30 sec
  25. So according to Amiami preoders start at 2013/05/08 16:00~ what is that 4:00 pm Japan time that 4 hours from now
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