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Everything posted by moose

  1. when is this supposed to come out to the regular retailers i have only seen smokescreen not even side swipe yet.
  2. when is part 4 comming out
  3. so when did they say the regular retailers should be getting these some time in JAN right
  4. isn't the hasbro version supposed to be available in retail stores also i was wonder if anybody knows the expected price.
  5. when can we expect to see the hasbro version and at what price point
  6. NOT SO FAST I just got word that my backpack hinge is being shipped I think for some reason they did not want to deal with monkey nugget but hlj responed in two weeks and teh part is curretnly being shipped so inquire with them about the part they might be able to get it for you.
  7. moose

    Spare parts from HLJ

    ok so inorder to fix the backpack hindge i need to parts bp 7 and bp 8 . i yhough i only needed bp 8 so i guess i will give hlj a chance if they dont respond to me then i will jsut scrap it.
  8. I recall seeing a post about spare parts. I had asked monkey nugget before about this but he said they are not sending spare parts. I contacted hlj for a backpack hindge for my 1/48 vf-s but have not gotten any replies. Is hlj able to still aquire spare parts from yamato or have they scrapped the whole program. I know the low vis has this problem but maybe not the regular 1/48. thaks
  9. Twin moons get back to us on this thing or we might have to get it from tokyo central
  10. Can we still order spare parts from yamato. I recall some one saying that yamato no longer gives out spare parts . So would it be a waste of time to order spare parts through t hlj. I broke my backback hinge and on my 1/48 vfs. thanks what do you suggest sell it for parts or something thanks.
  11. The same thing happened to me is there anybody out there who has spare back back hindges or no of anyplace i can get them. thanks man i feel your pain my 120 investment just got smaller
  12. is this fast back different then the current fast back thanks
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